The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 202 Curiosity Will Kill the Cat

Chapter 202 Curiosity Will Kill the Cat
While Yu Qingfeng was silently applauding the speed of the courier brother.

She just opened the package and was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

There is a row of lipsticks in various limited edition colors of Armani... bright and eye-catching.

Well... the color of "money".

She didn't buy this at all, maybe the courier delivered the wrong item.

Thinking about it, Yu Qingfeng quickly glanced at the delivery slip on the box again.

But the name and address above are indeed hers.

Could it be that the distributor made a mistake?

When she was wondering, the mobile phone beside her suddenly vibrated.

Mu Feng: [Every color suits you very well. 】

Yu Qingfeng: Well...the buyer has been found!


Ever since the show started broadcasting, Yu Qingfeng's popularity in school has skyrocketed.

They even made it to the top three of the campus goddess rankings.

In the study room.

Yu Qingfeng had just finished solving a difficult problem, and was about to pack his schoolbag and plan to go home.

He heard Su Yan beside him, excitedly said to her:
I am already in the class group, calling on everyone to go to the school forum to vote for you.

Now, you will definitely be able to pull Bai Ningle from the number one position."

Yu Qingfeng: ...What number one?

Thinking about it, she glanced at the title on Su Yan's phone screen.

[Campus Goddess]...not interested.

There is no test paper yet, which is very attractive to her.

"Xiao Yan, have you finished writing the paper due tomorrow?"

"Yes, paper! That Qingfeng, I'll leave first if I have something to do!"

Before the voice finished, Su Yan left hastily carrying her small schoolbag.

Seeing this, the corners of Yu Qingfeng's mouth curled up in satisfaction: Fairy Xiaoyan must study hard, such mundane things are not important.

On the way back to the dormitory, Su Yan ran in a hurry.

When passing by a forest, her eyes were attracted by the figure of a person.

That person is Rao Xinghan?

What is he doing here at night!
With some doubts, Su Yan couldn't help walking towards him.

Rao Xinghan leaned against the tree trunk, his figure seemed to be much thinner than before.

Holding the beer in his hand, he drank it in big gulps.

His deep eyes were dull and slightly tired.

Su Yan is used to seeing him shining on the screen.

Seeing his decadent appearance now, I really feel sorry for her for a while.

"Bang" sound.

A perfect parabola crossed her eyes.

The empty wine bottle fell into the trash can on the opposite side without any mistakes.

Fast, accurate and steady.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Su Yan? What are you doing here?"

Under his deep gaze, Su Yan's nervous little hands circled behind her back.

"I... I saw someone here, so I came here out of curiosity."

I don't know why, but what she said is obviously the truth.

But when Su Yan met his eyes, she felt extremely guilty.


Rao Xinghan responded, a smirk suddenly appeared on his reddish cheeks, with a little deep meaning.

"Curiosity kills the cat.

Especially, places like small forests. "

The clear voice, passing by her ears, made her heart throb.

However, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

A sudden pass from their right side interrupted their conversation.

"Are you sure you want to do it here? What if someone sees you?" It was a girl's voice.

Then, a man's voice came immediately: "Don't be afraid, baby, no one will come here at night."

Su Yan (confused): Do?what are you doing!

(End of this chapter)

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