Chapter 203

After a burst of rustling noises, Su Yan's face flushed red, as if she could bleed.

Boom~ Xiaoqingfeng, my ears are stained!
Come and save me!


Seeing the change in her face, the smile in the corner of Rao Xinghan's eyes became more intense.

He possessed himself and brought his face close to her ear.

"Listen... I'm right."

The warm breath passed over her neck.

A heart jumped up in an instant "thump-thump".

I don't know, I was scared by those two people not far away.

Still, because he...

Feeling the continuous warmth in her ears, Su Yan panicked for a moment, subconsciously retreated.

But... she had just taken a small half step when she felt her wrist tighten.

Then, due to inertia, he threw himself into someone's arms, "Don't move, they are very close to us, it would be bad if they were discovered."

After finishing speaking, Rao Xinghan only listened to the person in his arms, let out a muffled "hmm".

She didn't notice at all, her little ears... were already red and hot.

Su Yan's head just leaned against his heart.

Listening to the sound of his heartbeat under the clothes.

The corners of Su Yan's mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Her heartbeat also changed from rapid to steady.

Follow the rhythm of his heart, beating regularly.

Rao Xinghan smelled faintly of wine.

Unlike the smell of alcohol on those drunkards, the smell of alcohol on his body is fragrant.

People can't help it, they will be intoxicated.

After a while, it stopped with the chaotic sounds in my ears.

Only then did Rao Xinghan let go of her wrist, "They've already left, it's okay."

After saying that, he saw the little girl blushing and nodding slightly, and stepped back several steps to the side as if avoiding suspicion.

Like a little clumsy little penguin, honest and cute.

Su Yan tilted her head and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

But I saw him, as if he was not affected by what happened just now.

His face was as cold and calm as usual, without any emotion.

Where does it look like her, her face is hot like a fire!
Su Yan, Su Yan!

You are really cowardly, look at others, and then look at you!
Isn't it just that, and why is she blushing like this?

At this time, a clear voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

"Aren't you leaving yet?

Or... do you want to listen to another one? "

Hearing this, Su Yan's face turned crimson, and she waved her hands in a panic.

"No no... I didn't!"

She calmed down as she spoke, summoned up the courage to raise her eyes and asked:
"What about you, senior, are you still leaving?"

The spring night is still cold.

After staying for a long time, what should I do if it gets cold!
Thinking, her eyes were full of worry.

At this time, a chuckle suddenly came from his ear...

In the middle of the night, it was extraordinarily loud and pleasing to the ear.

"I'm leaving..." Rao Xinghan sighed, "I graduated today, and I won't come to school again."

"What... didn't you just graduate in June today?" Su Yan asked.

"Because I was busy, so... I graduated early."

As Rao Xinghan said, the expression in his starry eyes suddenly became complicated.

There is exhaustion and helplessness that she can't understand.

After she responded lightly, it was because the access control of the dormitory was about to arrive.

After hastily saying goodbye to Rao Xinghan, she left there.

After running a long way, she turned her head... and looked at the looming figure in the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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