Chapter 272

"What delicious food did you give me?" A dull voice sounded from his arms.

Gu Qianzhou was still worried, and his lips curled slightly: "You have everything you want to eat."

"I want to drink porridge, the one that Mu Feng all drank last time."

"it is good."

Gu Qianzhou responded, but the girl in his arms didn't intend to leave.

She was hugging his arm, but even more forcefully.

He sighed softly, if he wasn't afraid that he would starve to death obediently, he really wanted to continue like this forever.

"Hey, I'm going down to help you get your food..."


"Be good, let go."

"do not want!"

Gu Qianzhou: "...then I'll carry you down?"

"it is good!"


With "helplessness", Gu Qianzhou came to the restaurant with his little beauty in his arms.

The long table is filled with a variety of delicacies, just looking at it makes people very appetizing.

But Yu Qingfeng was clinging to his arms, refusing to come down no matter what.

She likes the warmth of his embrace, and even more like listening to his heartbeat.

Those who kept reminding her that he was fine... were Gu Qianzhou who warmed her.

"Hey, you won't be able to eat like this."

Gu Qianzhou frowned and said, but he was very happy in his heart.

He really wished that he could cling to him like this all the time.

"Hug again."

Yu Qingfeng whispered, leaning her head against his heart.

The heart under her own chest also beat to his rhythm.

Sometimes slow, sometimes hurried, but the voice is exceptionally loud and pleasant.

After a while,
It was Gu Qianzhou who was afraid that the porridge would make her stomach hurt if she ate it cold, so she was forced to put her on a chair beside her.

Yu Qingfeng drank the porridge, but his eyes always drifted to him unconsciously.

Like an old man, he is drinking tea and reading the newspaper, with a cold expression.

Seeing her not moving, she would "blame" her occasionally.

Hmm... She suddenly seemed to have experienced old age in advance.

"Drink porridge well!"

Gu Qianzhou said coldly, but a smile flashed across his eyes without leaving a trace.

Darling, if you like watching him so much, you must be overwhelmed by your own charm!

Thinking about it, someone pretended to flip through the newspaper again, but didn't even know what was written on it.

While Yu Qingfeng was concentrating on drinking porridge, he took a peek at her.

Today's darling is another [-] million cuter!


After finishing the porridge, Gu Qianzhou was washing the dishes.

Yu Qingfeng, on the other hand, started wandering around the villa by himself.

However, they found that there were only the two of them in the entire villa... This shouldn't be the case!

Where did his team of bodyguards and nanny go?

"Qianzhou, are you usually the only one at home?"

Hearing this, Gu Qianzhou's hand holding the dish towel paused, and immediately replied:
"Yeah, it's just me!
Absolutely no woman has ever been here except you! "

When the words fell, he only heard a "puchi" chuckle, "Who asked you this?!"

Gu Qianzhou is cold and dark-bellied, irritable and irritable... Except for Bai Ningle, it is estimated that other girls are avoiding him!

She wasn't really worried about that at all.

Moreover, even if there is an unsightly person who wants to post back, she probably doesn't need to take action, Gu Qianzhou will solve it first.

"That's it?" He looked puzzled.

"At home, is there no one to help you cook three meals?"

"No, I live alone."

This is his and Guaiguai's home!

Gu Qianzhou didn't want to be defiled by others, this sacred place in his heart.

"So you made those?" Yu Qingfeng looked at the table full of untouched food, feeling inexplicably sad.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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