The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 273 Looking forward to summer

Chapter 273 Looking forward to summer
With so many things, he must have been working on them for a long time...

--she thinks.

I saw a person not far away with a bright smile and a happy voice.


Because he didn't know what obediently would want to eat when he woke up, he cooked everything he could think of.

Anyway, he can't sleep!
If he stayed by Guaiguai's side all the time, he was really afraid that he would not be able to restrain the desire in his heart...

After the sound fell, Gu Qianzhou saw a figure floating with broken gold, running straight towards him.

Next second,
His chest warmed up, his waist tightened, and a gentle voice sounded from his arms.

"As long as it is made by you, I like it very much." Special, extremely, and irrepressible liking.

She paused, raised her little head to meet his beautiful eyes, and her voice softened a bit.

"So... don't make yourself too tired, as long as we have enough to eat."

"it is good!"

Gu Qianzhou was stunned for a moment, and his wet hands hung in the air.

Wanted to hug her, but couldn't.

I felt a burst of hotness on my face, and stared deeply at her with downcast eyes: "Hey, I'm going to continue washing the dishes!"

"let me help you!"

After the words fell, Gu Qianzhou felt the warmth in his heart disappear, and his eyes fell on her hands.

The white and tender little hands, soaked in greasy water... are not beautiful anymore!

no!He must buy a dishwasher as soon as possible.

In this way, when she obediently competes with him to wash the dishes, she won't be tired.


In the end, all the dishes and chopsticks were washed by Gu Qianzhou.

He took her little hand and walked around the garden with her.

This villa is very large. Besides the main building, there are three small western-style buildings and an all-glass greenhouse.

But...except for the room where she slept just now, and the hall, she could barely see people.

The rest of the place was so messy and dusty that it was impossible for people to step in.

That's right, after all, he's the only one living here now.

However, the sunflowers planted in the roadside flower beds are doing well.

It looks like it has been taken care of quietly. The leaves are green and shiny.

It will be beautiful when it blooms in summer.

"Gu Qianzhou, do you like sunflowers very much?" Yu Qingfeng raised his head and asked.

Under the gaze of those charming peach blossom eyes, Gu Qianzhou couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment.

He doesn't like flowers, he just likes her.


"I like it too." Yu Qingfeng smiled, "Shall we come to see flowers together in summer?"

"it is good!"

Gu Qianzhou responded with tenderness in his eyes: Summer... is coming soon!
He is looking forward to it!


At night, at the gate of Building G.

Yu Qingfeng was worried and told him again that he must find a cleaning company to clean up the house.

Under Gu Qianzhou's gaze, he turned and went upstairs.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Lu Jin nestled on the sofa watching TV.

His eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

"Mu Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"Well... Qingfeng, you are finally back, "Jinhuang" really tortured me to death!
Why did Liu Sijian die? That dog emperor is also a scumbag.

In the end, I couldn't even remember her name! "

Lu Jin hugged the paper box and said while wiping away tears.

Hearing this, Yu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, "Okay, don't cry.

Smile, it will be more beautiful! "

After the sound fell, Lu Jin immediately stopped and looked her up and down, and said with a joking smile:

"You haven't come back all day and night, so you've been stuck with your boyfriend all the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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