The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 298 Pingyang Town

Chapter 298 Pingyang Town

From then on, he knew... Be good, he likes that boy in white.

When she looked at that person, her eyes would always bend into small crescent moons unconsciously.

It is dotted with starlight, flickering and flickering.

And he could only suppress that inexplicable love in the deepest part of his heart.

Rejecting all her overtures, hiding in the cold dark place...

Secretly watching and listening to those scenes full of laughter.

Until—that day comes.

Although that day was obedient...the most miserable day.

But for him, it was the beginning of everything warm and bright.

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou's expression suddenly became warm, but his clenched hands tightened a bit.

He won't let go of what he got unless it takes his life away...


The gust of wind filled Gu Qianzhou's robes, and the moment he turned around, there was a silver arc in the air.

Perfect and beautiful.

Jiang Yue at the school gate looked at his leaving back, a smile flashed across her quiet face, faintly... if there was nothing.


In mid-June, when the summer vacation officially came, "The Seeker" also officially started work.

The leading actor, Huang Hao, is played by Yan Xie.

Most of the main creators, Yu Qingfeng, know each other, and the atmosphere of the crew can be said to be extremely harmonious and lively.

Moreover, even Bai Ningle, who usually loves making trouble the most, quieted down.

This shoot should go very smoothly!
"Qingfeng, how long are you going to stay in Pingyang Town... What if you can't make it back to see the sunflowers bloom?"

In the screen:
Beside the budding sunflowers, Gu Qianzhou frowned slightly, complaining dissatisfiedly.

Like a little milk dog left by the owner to watch the door at home, the invisible little tail hangs down behind him, extremely decadent.

That pitiful little appearance made Yu Qingfeng feel a little more pity.

But... She just arrived in Pingyang Town for less than 5 minutes!
"If the shooting goes well, we can go back in about two weeks.

You obediently wait for me at home, please, don't be unhappy... just give me a good smile! "


Gu Qianzhou snorted coldly, but still obediently raised the corners of his mouth, "You said two weeks!"

"Yeah, be good!"

Yu Qingfeng smiled and touched his little head through the screen.

When he was immersed in it, there was only a soft "baji" sound, and then the screen went black.

Gu Qianzhou was stunned, and his cold fingertips fell on his thin lips... The scorching temperature, from the ring finger to the bottom of his heart, couldn't help laughing.


When Yu Qingfeng hung up the phone and turned around, he saw Bai Ningle's dark face.

"... Director Bai wants to see you."

"it is good."

in the theater,
Bai He was directing the staff to prepare for tomorrow's filming, so he stopped for a while when he saw Yu Qingfeng coming.

"It's like this. The room we originally booked is suddenly not enough. Can you two share a room?"


After the sound fell, Bai Ningle immediately retorted, her beautiful face became wrinkled, and she glanced coldly at Yu Qingfeng.

In this remote place, there is not even a broken hotel... They are all staying in B&Bs!
She can bear it, why should she stay in the same room with that woman!
What is she going to do? !

Why don't you go to see Yu Qingfeng and Gu Qianzhou show their affection, hum!
Hearing this, Baihe glanced past her and landed on Yu Qingfeng: "Can you?"


"If that's the case, then it's settled!" After finishing speaking, he left directly...

(End of this chapter)

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