Chapter 299
"..." She doesn't want it! ! !
Just when Bai Ning was trying to catch up, a force suddenly came from her wrist, stopping her in her footsteps.

"Director Bai's arrangement is definitely helpless, so don't embarrass him."

With a sullen face, Bai Ningle struggled to free her hand, "Anyway, I just don't want to live with you!"

"Oh?" Yu Qingfeng smiled with a relaxed face: "Then it seems that you can only sleep on the street...

Congratulations in advance, you will be on the headlines of tomorrow's major entertainment! "


Bai Ningle got angry for a moment, wanted to scold but couldn't make a sound, only saw her back leaving gracefully.

After struggling for a long time, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and chased after him with two heavy suitcases.


"Where do I sleep?"

After dragging the suitcase and running all the way, Bai Ningle was so tired that he didn't want to curse.

Sitting on the chair, his face was flushed, and he was panting deeply.

Yu Qingfeng handed her a glass of warm water, and pointed to the bed next to her: "There is only one bed in the room, you can only choose the left or the right."

"..." Bai Ningle drank the water, and said coldly, "to the right!"


After a while...

Yu Qingfeng looked at the three-eighth line made out of five or six dolls in the middle of the bed: "..."

In the two boxes that are so big, they are all filled with puppets!

— Childhood.

There was no filming today, so Yu Qingfeng didn't dare to be idle, and silently memorized his lines in the room.

Bai Ningle, who was resting on the bed, looked at the silhouette of the person beside him who was taking notes seriously, and his eyes dimmed a bit.

In my mind, it was all about the appearance of Gu Qianzhou and her during the video for a few days.

A bright smile, a gentle tone of voice...these were all things she had never had before.

Was he really that happy with Yu Qingfeng?

I really don't understand, what's wrong with Yu Qingfeng!
It's just to be more beautiful, to study better, to be positive and to work hard... that's all.

Flat chest, flat ass, not attractive at all.

And the hand is still very strong, and my wrist still hurts a little.

Vicious, not gentle at all, definitely a tigress!
Such Yu Qingfeng is not good at all!
Bai Ningle was thinking secretly, seeing Yu Qingfeng suddenly turned his head... He quickly closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, I only felt a cool wind blowing by my side.

As soon as the heat dissipated, her body and mind felt refreshed.

With the sound of turning pages, Bai Ningle cautiously opened his eyes again.

On the bedside table next to it, suddenly there was a small pink fan with two bunny ears on it.

The pink color is very belongs to Yu Qingfeng.

The cool wind blew by, and the cold heart hidden under her chest...had melted a little.

Perhaps, Yu Qingfeng is not as unbearable as she imagined.


In the middle of the night, the moon was to the west, and the heat was getting stronger, and there were wailing sounds suddenly.

"Ah~ what a broken place, there is a power outage in the middle of the night!"

Bai Ningle kept fanning, looking at the burning candles on the table.

I didn't dare to use force, for fear that it would be extinguished by accident.

At this time, Yu Qingfeng came back in a hurry, "I asked Director Bai, the circuit is being overhauled overnight.

It is estimated that it will take a while to get it done, and it should not delay the progress of tomorrow's shooting. "

Bai Ningle: "..."

People are going to die of heat, and you only care about the shooting progress?
" are we going to sleep tonight!" She said with a bitter face, only to see...

(End of this chapter)

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