The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 333 Attic Forbidden Area

Chapter 333 Attic Forbidden Area
"Beauty trick, it works!"

Her gentle and tender words came without rush.

Like a light feather, it scratched the tip of Gu Qianzhou's heart one after another.

His breathing was stagnant, and a thin layer of sweat broke out of his scorching palms.

In addition to being shy, it is more crazy joy.

It seems that the book is still so useful!

It's not in vain for him to read it day and night.

"Hey, how much do you like my face!"

Gu Qianzhou asked tentatively, looking anxious and uneasy.

But he only heard a chuckle from the opposite side, and suddenly there was a chuckle with a silver fell on his ears, it was very pleasant to hear.

"I like it very much... I like it very much!"

Yu Qingfeng responded warmly, sliding his fingertips on the familiar handwriting, smiling like a flower.

Gu Qianzhou excitedly said: "Really!"

"Hmm..." She paused, her voice softened a bit, "However, I don't just like your face.

What I like-is all of Gu Qianzhou! "

Hearing this, that hot heart like magma suddenly burst into bubbles with joy.

"Gudu, gudu", every sound is calling "obediently"...

Urgent and gentle.

Hearing the sudden silence on the other side, Yu Qingfeng was a little puzzled, and only listened to him at this moment:

"I like it too, all of you are obedient."

I only like him, he is obedient alone!
Gu Qianzhou's cold voice was tinged with heat... hurried and unsteady, as if he was very nervous.

She felt warm and warm when she heard it, "Then after Mr. Gu gets off work, remember to come back early to see my darling!

Obediently, I will prepare delicious food for you! "

"it is good!"

Gu Qianzhou responded, and the smile in his eyes became more intense.

Then I said goodbye and hung up the phone, and started a new round of "hell-style" work.

Be sure to get off work early today!


in a quiet room,

Yu Qingfeng carefully folded the manga in his hand and put it back in its original position.

After tidying up the study, she went out with her small bucket.

Looking at the deep stairway, Yu Qingfeng's eyes dimmed... That one leads to the attic.

The attic of this villa is a forbidden area, and no one can enter except Gu Qianzhou.

Not even her!

past life,

Yu Qingfeng once heard from the servants that Gu Qianzhou sometimes... always stayed there until midnight.

Every time he came out, his face was gloomy and scary, and his dark eyes were bloodshot.

He was very tired and looked like he hadn't slept all night.

But because the room has been soundproofed, there is no sound at all.

So no one can know what he did inside.

At that time, the relationship between the two of them was extremely bad...even she seldom talked to him.

So much so that she didn't care about him at all, and she even hated him extremely.

Even about the attic, she heard them mention it a lot, so she barely remembered it!

Well, but now she is really curious, what is inside! ! !

Yu Qingfeng frowned, and after hesitating for a moment, he hurriedly ran downstairs with the small bucket in his hands.

Although they are boyfriend and girlfriend now, it is still necessary for her to maintain Mr. Gu's privacy!
People... all have secrets, and she is no exception!

After Yu Qingfeng finished tidying up the room, it was almost noon.

I was planning to make a bucket of instant noodles and finish my lunch.


Suddenly there was a sound of steady and powerful footsteps, walking towards her unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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