Chapter 334 His Order
Soon, a tall figure covered her little head.

Zhengda was about to pour hot water into the bucket, Yu Qingfeng suddenly felt that the kettle in his hand weighed a thousand catties.

His hands trembled slightly, and a cold voice came later, "Hey!
You promised me! "

Gu Qianzhou!
Why did he come back so soon?
Don't you officially get off work in the evening?

Yu Qingfeng turned around stiffly, guilty of not daring to raise her eyes to meet his.

"I... I was wrong!"

Looking at the "poor little girl" in front of him, the little anger in Gu Qianzhou's heart suddenly disappeared.

Brutely swallowed back the unspoken precepts.

Raising his hand, Shunmao touched her little head, and praised:

"A boy who admits his mistakes is a good boy.

But there must be no next time! "

Hearing this, Yu Qingfeng was in a trance for a moment, and nodded obediently.

In fact, besides instant noodles, she also has a lot of various snacks hidden in the suitcase!
Those are all Bai Ningle's double thanks to her.

So... give up?Unlikely!

Let's try not to get caught next time!
Thinking about it, Yu Qingfeng smiled slightly, "Then what do you want for lunch?"

"I listen to you!"

Gu Qianzhou responded warmly and took a step towards her...

In the next second, Yu Qingfeng felt that the instant noodle bucket in his hand was suddenly snatched away, and only heard a crisp "bang".

Boom~ Her instant noodles were sacrificed!


Yu Qingfeng made a simple Japanese-style omurice, but because it was the first time...

It's not as pretty as she imagined, but it still tastes great!
"Eat slowly, if it's not enough for me to do it again."

"Hey, it's so delicious!" Gu Qianzhou praised without concealment, very sincere.

Looking at someone opposite who was eating deliciously, Yu Qingfeng couldn't help but bend his eyes slightly with a smile.

But I always think of that deep stairwell unconsciously.

She frowned slightly, and asked casually curiously, "Qian Zhou..."

"what happened?"


Yu Qingfeng hesitated, "That—is there anything in the attic?"

As soon as the fluttering words fell, she saw the face of the person opposite suddenly turn pale, "You entered the attic?!"

The questioning in a cold voice has no warmth.

Facing those dark and dull eyes, Yu Qingfeng suddenly panicked for a moment, and hastily explained:

"No... I didn't go in.

Just thinking about it today, just ask casually. "

Hearing this, Gu Qianzhou's pale complexion improved a lot.

Feeling that he had just lost his composure, he forced a smile, "It's... just some old sundries in there.

It's nothing, you don't go anymore. "

In the deliberately gentle words, Yu Qingfeng heard a sense of order.

She didn't make a sound, just nodded her head, and then ate the omelet rice on the plate.


She just mentioned that Gu Qianzhou was so nervous just now.

It seems that there is really something in that attic!

Thinking about it, Yu Qingfeng slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the tense person on the opposite side, the expression in his eyes changed complicatedly.


After eating, Yu Qingfeng handed the dishes and chopsticks to the dishwasher.

He was about to invite Gu Qianzhou to continue to teach her boxing, but he couldn't find him.

At this time, I saw him coming down from the second floor in a hurry... Feeling a little uneasy.

"Hey, I suddenly left the company because I had something urgent to do.

See you tonight. "

(End of this chapter)

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