The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 371 Bai Ningle Did It?

Chapter 371 Bai Ningle Did It?
Su Yan woke up that afternoon, but she will stay in the ICU for a while longer.

But to Yu Qingfeng, it was a hundred times more gratifying than winning a huge lottery and climbing to the pinnacle of a successful life!
She breathed a sigh of relief, and after explaining something, she bid farewell to Su's mother and Su's father, and returned to the filming set.

The venue was still the same as last night, without any trace of movement.

Because most of the crew also stopped work and went home to wait for the news because of this incident.

So there were not many people present, but the surprising Bai Ningle was one of them.

Seeing her walk in, she greeted her directly, with a worried expression on her face:
"How is she?"

"It's out of the dangerous period, and it's still under observation... If there are no accidents, it should be fine."

Yu Qingfeng paused, then asked curiously: "However, why are you here?"

"...When will I report to you about Miss Ben?"

Bai Ningle hesitated for a while, blushing, and said angrily.

Seeing the bloodshot eyes in her eyes, her voice suddenly softened a little: "You haven't had a rest all night, have you?"

Yu Qingfeng: "Yes"

"Then how can it be done!" Bai Ning laughed, blushing even more:

"...I mean, one of them has already fallen over there, if you continue to wear yourself down like this.

Su Yan would not be happy if she found out. "

"I know, I will go to rest when I find time." Yu Qingfeng smiled slightly, "Thank you for your concern."

Bai Ningle: "..."

You stop being passionate, I don't care about you!


At this time, an emotionless voice suddenly came, "Are you Bai Ningle, please come with us."

Bai Ningle: "???"

Looking at the light blue uniform, Yu Qingfeng couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked in doubt: "What do you want to do with her?"

"She was a suspect in last night's case."

"I did not do anything!"

Bai Ningle refuted eagerly, and when she looked back, she saw Yu Qingfeng's cold face, without any warmth.

It seemed... no matter what she said, that person would never believe her again.

She was silent for a moment, and followed them to leave the set.


in the interrogation room,

Looking at all kinds of fingerprints, blood DNA... matching files.

Bai Ningle's body couldn't help shaking, just because of anger!

I lost, which shameless person actually dared to frame her!

"not me!"

"But the evidence says it's you!"

"I said it wasn't me!"


After rounds of monotonous conversations, Bai Ningle even drank three glasses of water.

But the person on the other side still persistently grabbed her and refused to let go.

"I said it wasn't me!
And if I want to hurt her, at least there must be a reason! "

"There was no victim, but according to eyewitness testimony, the person who should have been hit by the machine was Yu Qingfeng.

And you and her seem to have had a long-standing grudge. "

As Fangzheng said, he took out a voice recorder from his pocket and clicked on it.

It's all the recordings when she used to say bad things about Yu Qingfeng behind her back.

Cursing, vicious, and harsh words were all there, which made her ears hurt.

"Killing people because of love, I don't know if this reason is enough?!"

Fangzheng looked directly at her, and sighed in his heart: Tsk...

Such a pretty girl is said to be the daughter of the CEO of Xingyue Entertainment.

How do you say it, it's so vicious!
Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can't believe it. It is very likely that she is a poisonous flower snake that spits out letters.

(End of this chapter)

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