Chapter 372 Forensics
"Those words are indeed what I said, but that is all in the past!"

Bai Ningle's face flushed red, her fingers curled up slightly as if she was a little nervous.

Facing that scrutinizing gaze, her voice became a little colder:

"Anyway, I didn't do this!"

In response to her, there was only a heavy slam of the door.

Fangzheng didn't believe it, she knew it.

But who can she blame for the current situation?
If it were someone else, she might not believe it!

However, Jiang Yue!
Heh... What a witness, this is going to fuck himself to death!

It should be that Jiang Yue started to record the recordings bit by bit since she followed her.

What a bother to her!

Such a competent "white-eyed wolf", I don't know how I picked him in the first place!
As Bai Ningle thought about it, the veins on the back of her white hands were clearly visible, full of anger.


Fangzheng went around and entered the back door.

Looking at the thin figure in front of the glass, I couldn't help but take a deep breath:
"Miss Yu, do you still believe she is innocent now?"


Yu Qingfeng looked at Bai Ningle, who was drinking water leisurely inside the glass, and said with a half smile, "I believe."

People are always changing, for bad and for good.

And no matter what, Bai Ningle is actually a very thoughtful person.

Even if it is the same as what was said in the recording, "she wished she could kill herself".

When it really started, Bai Ningle would definitely not choose when there were so many people.

Not only will it involve a lot of trouble, but it may not be able to kill this target in one blow.

If she wants to do it, the hit rate must be 100%!
In vain?She is not a fool!

Fangzheng was silent for a moment, then frowned and asked, "But the evidence shows that it is very likely that she did it."

"You also said it was only possible, I believe you will be able to find out the truth soon."

Yu Qingfeng smiled politely, and asked again: "Can I go in and meet her?"



trial room

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared, Bai Ningle swallowed dryly in surprise.

I wanted to explain, but I didn't know where to start, and I was even more afraid...she wouldn't believe it.

"What happened to your blood on the camera fragments?" Yu Qingfeng asked.

"I really don't know, I definitely haven't touched that thing."

It's so dirty, ghosts want to touch it!
Bai Ning said with distaste, paused, and said unwillingly:
"Forget it, I'll tell you the truth.

My hand—it wasn’t cut by paper, it was accidentally cut while peeling an apple!

As for why it appeared there, I am also confused! "

When the voice fell, she saw a smile on the face of the opposite person.

His expression suddenly fell, and he said angrily: "You mustn't laugh!"

Ah~ I can't even peel an apple, it's so embarrassing!

After Yu Qingfeng had a general understanding of the matter, he turned around and left.

Looking at Fangzheng at the door, he said politely, "I've already asked you about the source of the blood.

The rest is up to you, Captain Fang. "

"We will find out the facts as soon as possible, but we still need your cooperation."

After the words fell, Fangzheng motioned for the forensic personnel to approach, and explained with a smile:
"Although you reported the case, we also need to consider the whole situation.

So please provide your DNA and fingerprints. "

"it is good."

Yu Qingfeng said without hesitation, and the evidence collection was over in less than a minute.

(End of this chapter)

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