Chapter 405 The Past 7
The moon was sinking in the west, and the small room was shrouded in boundless darkness.

It was quiet.

At this time, the little boy, who was half asleep and half awake, was suddenly awakened by a sweet voice.

“Strawberry toffee is delicious!”

He turned his head slightly, and saw the corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth slightly raised, and he seemed to be smiling happily.

It seems that she really likes strawberry toffee, and she even has it in her dream.

Thinking about it, a faint smile appeared on his face...

In my mind, everything was the little figure standing in front of me.

Shiny, glowing...

That was the first time since his mother left that he experienced the feeling of being protected by others.

That is something a million times warmer than sunlight.

He couldn't help but want to protect him, he had already lost his mother...

Never watch another person being bullied.

If it was normal, it would be fine for him to be beaten, since he was used to it anyway.

Even if he fights back, it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses... In the end, he will inevitably accept the beating from that 'father'.

In comparison, they are a little lighter.

But... Gu Jingsheng dared to attack her that day, even though someone stopped her.

But he still couldn't swallow it!


Then he will show them what real bullying is!

But more than that, he wanted to tell her...

He won't be bullied, he can protect himself completely, and she doesn't have to worry.

My mother said that girls are for protection and love.

Instead of standing in front of him, stand up for him!


But what was even more surprising that day was that his 'dad' after the banquet...

Not only did he not come to punish him, but he also taught the two of them a lesson in front of him.

Warn them all that they are not allowed to fight any more, and whoever violates it will be sent directly to the old man for punishment.

After that, the two of them really restrained their tempers and became villains who only talk but don't do anything.

Especially Gu Jingshen, now when he sees him move his wrist a little bit.

So he subconsciously hid behind Gu Jingsheng, he looked very much like a rabbit who would find a hole to hide when he saw a lion.

It's as funny as it needs to be.

After a long time, he heard Mr. Butler say...

The reason why that 'father' became so kind was entirely because Lu Qingfeng pleaded for him in front of his grandfather.

It was also thanks to her action that grandpa remembered that there was such a grandson as him.

After that, Grandpa investigated everything that happened to him.

When he got the result, he immediately became furious, called his 'father' to the study room, and scolded him fiercely.

Thinking of the way that 'father' was scolded so hard that he couldn't lift his head, the little boy was very happy.

"Thank you, Lu Qingfeng."

He whispered in her ear, his voice soft and soft.

It seemed that she was afraid of awakening her sweet dreams, and even more that she was afraid that the deepest secret in her heart would be accidentally revealed...

a good night's sleep

Lu Qingfeng woke up habitually, looking at the sleeping person next to him, the guilt in his heart grew stronger.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes...

The moment the four eyes met, Lu Qingfeng shrank back in shock: "Good morning."

"Good morning!"

The pleasant voice kept echoing in the room, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Probably just like what he said, at least he was still...

It made her feel less alone.


In a little while, the man would come to see her with breakfast.

So Lu Qingfeng asked him to wash up, and quickly hid in the box.

Not long after, the man really came.

In his hand was a large and small lunch box, all of which were Lu Qingfeng's favorite dishes.

He helped her open the lunch box very attentively, pretending to be a loving mother and wanted to eat for her.

This kind of treatment has always been enjoyed by younger sisters.

"Qingfeng, come and try this ribs."

"Thank you, but I've grown up and don't need my mother to feed me."

Lu Qingfeng's words were polite and distant.

Hearing this, the man was stunned for half a second, and put down the ribs in his hand.

Her bright red lips were slightly hooked, and she asked impatiently, "Qingfeng, how are you feeling today?"

"……as usual."

Looking at her disappointed expression, Lu Qingfeng felt that the food in his hand seemed to be more delicious.

But his gaze could not help falling on the box beside him, a pair of eyes were exposed through the small slit, with a bit of vicious intent.

Seeing this, Lu Qingfeng quickly shook his head, signaling the little boy to cover the box quickly so as not to be discovered.

He wanted to rush out to fight that person while the door was open, and lead her out of this cage.

But she wasn't completely sure, she couldn't let him put himself in danger!

That man can kill!


"Qingfeng, can you cooperate with the doctor's treatment and forget about it as soon as possible?!"

"Or, or promise mom, it's okay to rot this matter forever!"


Hearing the words of the man's order, Lu Qingfeng suddenly had a sweet smile on his face:
"As long as I promise, will my mother believe it?"

As soon as Qingling's voice fell, Lu Qingfeng suddenly froze when he saw the person in front of him.

The smile on his face was visibly stiff, and the word "guilty" was written all over his face.

"Qingfeng, eat well, mom will come to see you at noon!" Before the voice finished, the man left directly.

Through the gap in the window, Lu Qingfeng saw her car drive away with his own eyes.

Only then was she completely relieved and let the little boy walk out of the house.

Divide more than half of the food on the small table for him to eat.

He is really too thin and needs to be supplemented!

After eating, the two chatted.

"Did you always spend this time like this?"

"Yeah, it's boring!"

Looking at her sweet smile, the little boy lowered his eyes a little.

The Lu Qingfeng he remembered was always sitting on the emerald green lawn, holding a drawing board and drawing non-stop.

It seems that the whole world is under her pen.

What she longs for is the vast blue sky, the vast and deep sea, and the mountains and rivers reaching into the clouds...

Instead of this place.

She shouldn't be here, she belongs to the outside world, to freedom...

But when she went outside, the people around her would not be him.

Thinking about it, the little boy suddenly felt a little lost.

"With you here, it's not boring." On the contrary, it's very interesting.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng only thought that he was comforting himself, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

Pulling him, he took out paper and brushes from the small cabinet beside him:

"Let me teach you how to draw!"

"it is good!"


After a while,
Under her guidance, the first painting in the little boy's life was officially born.

The above painting: a small boat that braves the wind and waves to chase a ray of morning light on the sea.

"It looks like you!"

(End of this chapter)

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