Chapter 406 The Past 8

"I said, it looks a lot like you!"

The sweet voice gently passed by the little boy's ears...

Heart, inexplicably stopped for half a beat.

He raised his eyes, stared at the bright smiling face, and murmured subconsciously:

"It is indeed very similar."

Xiao Zhou has Chen Guang to accompany him, and he has her!


Lu Qingfeng supported his small head with his hands, like a small sunflower, just staring at him blankly.

Goofy and kinda cute.

But soon, the little cutie frowned slightly...

He also became nervous unconsciously, "What's the matter, is it because I didn't draw well?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, hesitated for a while and asked: "Well... you can always tell me your name now, right?
After all, it seems that the two of us are probably going to stay here for a long time.

You can't, let me call you 'Hello' all the time. "

Afterwards, she saw that the little boy's face was mostly red, and he deliberately avoided her sight.

He murmured in a low voice, "I don't have a name..."

After the sound fell, Lu Qingfeng's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes were full of guilt.

It turns out that he has been refusing to say it because of this...

What kind of parents are they who don't even give him a name.

It's so bad!

Thinking about what happened at the banquet that day, Lu Qingfeng still feels very angry until now.

It's fine for his father not to defend his son in front of everyone.

He still has to add fuel and vinegar to slander his own son in every possible way!
For such a father, calling him a scum is an insult to those two words!


"It's okay, can I give you a name?"


Hearing the sound, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in the little boy's dark eyes.

Hidden joy, very gentle.

Lu Qingfeng took a closer look at the painting, and then fixed his gaze on him again.

With slightly curved eyes, he said with a smile: "Since, you are very similar to it.

Then I'll call you Ah Zhou, okay? "

"it is good!"

The little boy replied without hesitation, a beautiful arc fell on his thin face.

He finally has a name!
Ah Zhou!Ah Zhou!Ah Zhou sounds so good!
Unlike his mother, neither was able to give him a name.

I can only call him baby, and sometimes when I get dazed... I will hold him and cry all the time.

What he chanted in his heart and mouth was all his father's name.

His mother always said that she loved him very much, but he felt...the only one she loved was his father.

I love it, it's a little crazy.


"A Zhou!"

"what happened?"

Ah Zhou came back to his senses, only to feel a sudden warmth in his hands.

Not too cold, not too dry, just the right amount of warmth.

"It's nothing, just get used to calling your name."

Lu Qingfeng smiled, and proposed again: "In exchange, you can also help me choose a name."


Seeing her nod in affirmation, Ah Zhou blurted out in an instant: "Be good, I want you to be good!"

The voice was full of joy.

Lu Qingfeng listened, but was a little puzzled: "Why do you tell me to be good?"

"Because you are very good!"

In his eyes, that little girl who loves to wear red tutus...

He has always had a cute and pleasant appearance, and Bu Lun is very gentle to everyone.

There is always a faint smile on his face, as warm as the morning sun.

Even when Ah Zhou tore up Lu Qingfeng's painting, she wasn't angry with him.

Instead, he was very worried and kept asking him "what's the matter"...

Since his mother left, she was the only one who cared about his happiness.

But he didn't dare to tell Lu Qingfeng the reason, if she knew... she would definitely be angry with him!

She gave him the painting, and he was very happy, so happy!
But when Ah Zhou saw the person in the painting, a basin of ice water suddenly fell from the sky, extinguishing all his enthusiasm.

The picture above is a boy!
Although he didn't take a closer look, he also knew...the one she drew must be Qin Chuan!

"Brother Achuan, brother Achuan"!
As soon as he heard her call Qin Chuan like that, a cloud of anger surged up from the bottom of his heart.

His heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all scorched, and wisps of green smoke were still rising.

He hates those four words!
He obviously told her that he was three years older than her!

But Lu Qingfeng just refused to call him brother...

Chasing after him every day, quietly calling him "weird kid"!
This kind of behavior is extremely hateful!
But Ah Zhou was reluctant to kill her, and drove her away... He could only force himself to avoid her everywhere.


But, what Ah Zhou didn't expect was that.

The more he avoids Lu Qingfeng, the more he misses her...

Missing her, always relying on her height advantage, putting her arms around his shoulders, threatening to act like his sister.

The small face is full of pride.

I also miss her, whenever I have something delicious, I bring it to him non-stop.

That little liar was obviously drooling in front of him greedily...

He also said that she didn't like to eat them, so she brought them here for him!

I miss her even more, I only look at him: those beautiful eyes, who can laugh and talk...

Lu Qingfeng didn't need to make a sound, just by his side, Ah Zhou was very happy.

Although, he never said it.

But he knew it, and she knew it!

Otherwise, she wouldn't be cheeky and come to him again and again.


But one day, Qingfeng Lu suddenly didn't come.

After asking around, he found out that she was ill... It seemed to be very serious.

In those few days, Ah Zhou would sneak out of Gu's house to see her.

He hid in the tree in front of Lu Qingfeng's window, listening faintly to the people in the house.

She seems to have chickenpox, and there are little red spots all over her body... very ugly.

As we spoke, a cry came from the little girl in the room:
"I don't want scars, it's not beautiful... then no one will like me."

After hearing this, Ah Zhou wanted to tell her: It doesn't matter, even if she turns into an ugly monster.

He will love her as always, forever.

in fact,

Deep down in Ah Zhou's heart, there was still a little expectation that she would look ugly.

In that case, other people would not like her and would not rob her from him!

Especially that - Qin Chuan!

But later, as Lu Qingfeng's condition improved day by day.

The hope in Ah Zhou's heart finally came to nothing.

On the last night, he slipped out of Gu's house as usual to see if she was doing well today.

But as soon as he arrived near Lu's house, he saw a burly man walking out of the house with Lu Qingfeng tightly hugged in one hand.

She was crying and struggling non-stop to let the man let her go!
Unsurprisingly, useless.

The next moment, Ah Zhou saw the man, throwing her into the car like trash.

Drive away!

He hurried to catch up and ran for a long time...

He ran until his legs were numb and he collapsed to the ground.

He just stopped.

Only then did Ah Zhou know about that little girl named Lu Qingfeng.

To him, how important is it!

That was his life, his heart!


Lu Qingfeng asked him how he found this place...

Ah Zhou lied.

He didn't follow the car at all, but followed the route the car walked in his memory alone.

I went door to door and looked for it.

I searched for it for three whole months... It's almost autumn!
If the policemen who handle the case are willing to listen to the opinions of his little friend.

Maybe if you behaved early, you would be rescued!
How could she be left in this small house until now!

However, what's even worse!

Lu Qingfeng's mother was actually in the same group as the person who kidnapped her!

Crying so sad in front of the media, she opened her mouth and kept saying: For her daughter, she is willing to do anything!

Let him believe it!

She really deserves to be the one who has won the Triple Crown Best Actress!

This acting skill... quit the industry when it was popular, and started an entertainment company with others.

What a loss for the industry!

"I'm really good!"

Lu Qingfeng's soft voice interrupted Ah Zhou's thoughts.

He looked at the smiling person opposite, and the ice in his eyes suddenly turned into a puddle of warm water.

Dispersed, wisps of warmth.

"How do you like it?"


Lu Qingfeng said affirmatively, and showed him the painting in her hand.

What is painted on it is the night full of stars, which is gentle and beautiful.

Like, his eyes.

"It's so beautiful!" He exclaimed sincerely.

"Really, then shall I give it to you?

But you can't tear the picture up again! "

While speaking, Lu Qingfeng protected the painting tightly, not showing a single seam.

After he tore up the painting last time, she was sad for several days...

He didn't dare to be noticed, so he could only secretly cry under the quilt.

Otherwise, if Qin Chuan and the others found out, they would definitely run to help her out.

Lu Qingfeng didn't want everyone to be unhappy because of her, and was even more afraid...

In that case, he would never talk to her again.

However, Lu Qingfeng still doesn't know why Ah Zhou tore up her painting that day.

Is it because he dislikes her and paints him too ugly?

... According to the drawing in memory, it may be somewhat different from the real person.

Next time she has a chance, she must ask Ah Zhou to be her sketching model.

Live painting, 100% beautiful!


"I won't tear it up again, I promise!"

Hearing A Zhou's sincere words, Lu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the lower right corner of the painting, I signed my name and handed it to him.

Slightly raising her small head, she said inexplicably, "You have to put this painting away!
In the future, I will definitely become an excellent painter like my father!

At that time, this painting will definitely sell for a lot of money...

Let you buy strawberry toffee! "



Ah Zhou didn't speak, just smiled and carefully put away the painting.

He...he is reluctant to sell the painting for strawberry toffee!

Not even other delicacies from mountains and seas!
He wants to treasure the painting forever, and only he can see it alone!

Watching Ah Zhou carefully press the painting under the mattress in slow movements.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes curved slightly with a smile, and the depression in his heart subsided a little.

With him, it seems that I will feel very happy!

It's more fun than Brother Achuan playing with her!
How strange!


Time, just like this little by little.

That person came to deliver food to them three times a day, and chattered some useless words.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng's ears were almost calloused.

The doctor who gave her psychotherapy has come more and more frequently recently.

I used to come once a week, but now I come almost every day, and I take more and more medicine!
Always holding that pocket watch, dangling in front of her eyes...

A few times, Lu Qingfeng was really confused by the doctor.

Fortunately, Ah Zhou was helping her!
But although it worked a little at first, later Lu Qingfeng only felt that his memory was becoming more and more blurred.

There are many things, as if she remembered them clearly one second, but will completely forget them the next second.

Lu Qingfeng didn't dare to tell Ah Zhou the truth, she was afraid that he would be worried...


In the boundless darkness, the voices of a man and a woman came faintly.

"Didn't you say that this medicine will definitely work?

Then why until now, she still didn't respond at all! "

"No matter how effective the medicine is, it will take time, and it will come slowly."

"If I have time, do I need to be in such a hurry!"

The woman's voice got higher and higher, and she was very impatient, "Is there any way to get results as soon as possible!"

"I can only increase the dosage of the medicine, but in that case...

It is very likely to cause her brain damage, which is irreversible, so you have to think about it carefully! "

"Just do that...she is stupid, I will raise her for the rest of my life!"

There was deep helplessness in the woman's voice.

In the next second, after a crisp snap of his fingers, Lu Qingfeng woke up.

Facing the man's sad eyes, there was no wave in her heart.

Even, I want to laugh a little bit.

If the crocodile's tears were true, she would be the next to die!

In the following psychological questions and answers, Lu Qingfeng's reply was almost verbatim as usual.

The doctor frowned, looked behind her deeply, and silently poured out more than double the amount of medicine and handed it to Lu Qingfeng.

"Good boy, take all these medicines, and your hallucinations will be cured soon."


Lu Qingfeng didn't say anything, but obediently took the medicine.

Looking back at the man, the corner of his mouth slightly turned up and he asked, "Mom, do you love me?"


The man was stunned for half a second before responding hastily: "Of course, there are no mothers who don't love their children!"


Lu Qingfeng stared at her thoughtfully, but then saw the person say "something" casually.

As if running away, he and the doctor left directly.

Heh... the sick people should be you!


According to the usual practice, Lu Qingfeng let Ah Zhou out of the box after seeing them drive away.

Looking at the person in front of him who was constantly drawing the same picture, Ah Zhou frowned slightly, full of doubts.

"What's the matter, don't you think red looks good?"

When the soft voice came, the doubts in his heart were swept away immediately, and he nodded subconsciously.

In my heart, it's all about Lu Qingfeng's shadow!

Of course, the more things you like, the better!

"Azhou, do you think there is any way to prevent me from being hypnotized?"

Lu Qingfeng suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him.

At the moment when the four eyes meet, Ah Zhou only sees herself in her eyes - blushing.

"It should require a lot of willpower, or use something to divert your attention..."

(End of this chapter)

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