Chapter 407 The Past 9
"Is that so..."

Lu Qingfeng sighed softly, and suddenly lowered his eyes, deeply burying the turbulent eyes.

The next day,

As usual, the man arrived with the doctor just after dawn.

"Qingfeng, answer what uncle doctor said in a while, understand?" The man squatted down and said to her with a solemn face.

His expression lost the gentleness of the past, and there was a sense of impatience.


Lu Qingfeng said nothing, but silently pulled his hand out of her palm.

I walked straight to the doctor, sat obediently on the small bench, and prepared to start today's psychological question-and-answer session.

"Qingfeng, how are you feeling today?"

"Very well, my mother came to see me, I am very happy."

"Qingfeng is so obediently cooperating with the treatment today, she should be able to go home with her mother soon."

The doctor smiled and handed her a blank piece of paper and a paintbrush:

"I heard that Qingfeng is very good at painting, so why don't you draw a picture of your family and show it to your uncle?"

"it is good."

Lu Qingfeng nodded obediently, and started to draw on the white paper with a paintbrush.

He completely ignored the eyes that were staring at her one after another.

But in 10 minutes, the painting is finished.

She handed it over, only to see that the smile on the face of the person opposite was a little thicker.

"Qingfeng, can you tell me, who are the paintings here?"

"Me, sister, mother, and father." She answered truthfully.

"Then do you remember the last time you saw your father and sister?"

The doctor asked, his scrutinizing eyes fell directly on Lu Qingfeng.

The little girl frowned slightly for a while, as if she was deep in thought.

After a long time, he replied: "It was a night, and my sister was sleeping very soundly beside me.

I vaguely heard the sound of the wind chime in front of the door, it should be that Dad is back!

I hurried downstairs and saw..."

She stopped suddenly, and the crease between her brows gradually deepened...

The little girl seemed to feel a headache, and her fleshy little fingers were gently turning around on her temples.

Seeing this, the doctor followed up and said, "What did you see?
Is it dad? "

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng nodded repeatedly, smoothing the creases between his brows.

There was a faint smile on the small face, and the voice was delicate and soft:

"Yes, I saw Dad!"

"What was Dad doing then?"

"Dad he..."

As Lu Qingfeng said, a little sadness suddenly appeared on his expression.

The voice also became deeper, "Dad is fighting with a person, that person is so fierce...Dad can't beat him.

Later, my father fell to the ground, bleeding a lot.

Stained all my new shoes..."

At the end of the conversation, Lu Qingfeng's voice was tinged with tears.

Tears kept dripping down like pearls with a broken thread, which made people feel distressed.

The doctor handed her a tissue, and his voice softened a bit:

"Then have you seen clearly what that person looks like?"

Sound falls,

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help crying anymore, kept shaking his head and said, "I don't know..."

While speaking, her face flushed red and her body was trembling uncontrollably.

The whole person seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, the doctor took a deep look at the person behind her, and a gleam of joy flashed across his eyes.

After soothing Lu Qingfeng, he immediately started the hypnosis work again.

Problem - exactly the same as before.

The same is true of Lu Qingfeng's answer.

The doctor's eyes glanced at the person who was sleeping soundly on the small bed.

It finally landed on the side of the bed, on the body of a graceful woman, her eyes were full of joy:
"It seems that increasing the dose still has a little effect."

"How long will it take!"

Hearing this, the woman breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was still burning with anxiety.

Not much time left for her...

If she can't succeed as soon as possible, she must not keep this child!
"I can't be sure about this, it's possible at any time, but..."

The doctor was talking, but was interrupted by a cold female voice:
"I don't want to listen to this, at most... At most I will give you another half a month.

You must succeed! "

The woman ordered, her gaze fell straight on the bed, as gentle as water.

Qingfeng, after all, was a piece of flesh that fell from her body.

Unless it's a last resort, she really can't help but kill her!

"I'll try my best!" The doctor replied helplessly.

When he was about to snap his fingers to wake up Lu Qingfeng, he was stopped by a woman beside him.

The woman bent down, and put the broken hair scattered around Lu Qingfeng's face back behind her ears.

The movements were extremely gentle, like a loving mother: "Qingfeng, mom loves you."

After finishing speaking, the woman stared at Lu Qingfeng for a long time before signaling the doctor to wake her up.


"Qingfeng is good, eat well by yourself in a while, and mother will come to see you again at noon."

Seeing her take the medicine obediently, the smile on the woman's face grew stronger, and she repeatedly asked her a lot.

Lu Qingfeng nodded obediently, and then watched them leave.

Turning his head, he looked at the food that was still steaming on the table.

She couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, her faint smile revealed a hint of sadness.

In my ears, there are all the words of the woman just now:
"Mom loves you!"

Since mother loves her!

Then why keep her locked up in this little house!

Forcing her to admit that false fact.

Those pills made her... feel nauseous even eating a little food!
Oh, so this is love!

Seeing the car going away outside, Lu Qingfeng knocked on the box.

Then he ran into the bathroom in a hurry, hugged the toilet... and started to vomit.

It was sour and astringent in the mouth, and the tablet after the sugar coating was removed was simply bitter to death.

But that was not enough, the pain in her heart.

After a while,
Lu Qingfeng dragged his tired body, and as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom door, he saw Ah Zhou waiting for her at the door.

The beautiful face was slightly wrinkled, and worry was written all over it.

She propped her hands on the wall and forced a smile: "Why don't you go to eat?"

"I want to wait for you to eat together!" A Zhou said, reaching out to help her to eat.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingfeng avoided it.

She walked slowly to the bed and lay down directly: "I don't want to eat, you can eat."

Anyway, after eating, there is not much left in the stomach.


Ah Zhou didn't say a word, just walked over with a bowl of food.

He picked up a spoonful, blew it gently, and then handed it to Lu Qingfeng's mouth.

"Hey, I'll feed you."

The gentle voice, like a continuous wind, slowly passed by her ears.

Lu Qingfeng's heart moved slightly for no reason.

Subconsciously avoiding his eyes, he muttered in a low voice with some dissatisfaction:

"I really don't want to eat it, and... I'm not a child anymore, so I don't need you to feed me!"

"But Ah Zhou wants to feed you obediently!"

A Zhou said, and stubbornly passed the spoon forward: "If you don't eat it, then A Zhou won't eat it either!"


Hearing his threatening words, Lu Qingfeng had no choice but to open his mouth and eat the spoonful of rice.

The dishes are her favorite, and the rice grains have a faint sweet taste when chewed.

Suppressing the bitterness in her mouth a little bit.

Ah Zhou just fed it spoon by spoon, and the bowl of rice soon bottomed out.

Touching his bulging belly, Lu Qingfeng burped in satisfaction.

The strange thing is that usually she would feel nauseous after eating a little bit.

Now, I don't feel anything at all, especially comfortable.

She glanced at the people at the table who were being urged to eat under the quilt, and a smile suddenly flashed across Tao Hua's eyes.

But that smile was quickly replaced by another thick black mist.

All light is blocked, leaving only boundless darkness.

However, fortunately, she still has half a month to prepare.


After that day, Lu Qingfeng drew more diligently, almost day and night.

Looking at the thick Yiluo painting, the bright red is really eye-catching.

Ah Zhou wanted to persuade her to rest for a while, but finally gave up that idea.

She won't listen, it will only annoy her.

He put away the cold water and was about to boil the water again.

A cold voice suddenly came from behind him: "Ah Zhou, can you promise me something?"

He looked back and met those bloodshot eyes, feeling very nervous: "What's the matter?"

"After going out, can you help me take care of my sister?"

Lu Qingfeng said hesitantly, frowning tightly.

Thinking of what happened before, and not wanting him to feel embarrassed, he hastily added: "It's okay if you don't want to..."

"I am willing." Ah Zhou interrupted her without hesitation.

Although he still felt disgusted when he thought of the face that looked somewhat similar to Lu Qingfeng's.

But who told her to mention it!
He has never been interested in other people's affairs, but he can't refuse Lu Qingfeng.


Lu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said to him solemnly: "Thank you."

After that, he immediately threw himself into painting again.


For half a month, every day was lost.

Lu Qingfeng's memory is becoming more and more blurred...

She stared blankly at the person in front of her, who kept urging herself to spit out the medicine, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Why should I throw up the medicine? My uncle said that my hallucinations will be cured only after taking the medicine."


Seeing that Lu Qingfeng's memory loss was getting worse day by day, Ah Zhou was also very anxious.

But all he can do every day is to keep telling her what happened to her before.

Little effect!

"Hey, you go in and spit out the medicine, can Ah Zhou feed you?"

As soon as the gentle voice sounded, Lu Qingfeng hadn't had time to speak yet.

With a pair of legs, he walked obediently to the bathroom.

After a while,
Looking at the person who was carefully helping her cool the food, a soft light flashed in Lu Qingfeng's dull eyes without a trace.

He took a spoon, followed Ah Zhou's example, scooped up the rice and handed it to his mouth.

"It should be the elder sister who feeds the younger brother!"


Ah Zhou didn't say a word, but silently ate up all the food in the spoon.

Anyway, no matter how many times he said it, he was unwilling to admit the fact that he was three years older than her.

Still, let her be happy!
When he is full, he will definitely grow taller than that Qin Chuan!

When the time comes, Xiaoguai will have to admit that he is an older brother!

After both of them were full, Ah Zhou began to help her recall the previous memories.

And Lu Qingfeng was either shaking his head, or just sitting there in a daze, refusing to speak.

A deep sense of powerlessness lingered in his heart.

Looking at the little girl sitting there blankly, Ah Zhou's eyes were extremely complicated.

Gently pulling her little hand, he smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, Ah Zhou will definitely take you out of here!
I promise! "


Lu Qingfeng didn't speak, just smiled at him and glanced at him.

It landed straight on the opposite clock, with a very anxious look on his face:
"They are coming soon, you go and hide!"

"it is good!"

Ah Zhou responded, and reminded again worriedly: "Remember, don't mention my existence to them."


She nodded obediently, and soon the door was pushed open.


"Qingfeng, do you remember who I am?"

"Uncle Doctor!"

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile, and silently leaned against the woman.

Holding her sleeves, she raised her head and asked, "Mom, when will Qingfeng go home to see my sister?"

The woman leaned over slightly, touched her head, and smiled harmlessly: "Good boy, it will be soon."

After saying that, the doctor let Lu Qingfeng lie on the small bed, holding a pocket watch in his hand, shaking it in front of her eyes...

With a snap of his fingers, Lu Qingfeng fell into darkness.

"Now tell me what you saw that day."

"It was dark outside the window, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Dad's voice suddenly came from downstairs, I am very happy!
Get out of bed immediately and run downstairs.

But my father was not in the living room, so I turned around... I found the sound and came to my mother's bedroom.

The door opened a crack and I saw Dad!
He was lying on the ground, blood was all over his clothes... That smell was particularly unpleasant.

The man with the knife in his hand suddenly turned around.

He saw me and charged straight over with a knife in his hand.

I thought, I was going to die.

It was my mother who stood in front of me and took the knife for me. The flesh on her arm was turned out.

The two of them wrestled together, but in the end Mom lost...

She was pushed by the man and accidentally knocked down the candle.

It suddenly caught fire!

When the man saw it, he panicked completely, hugged me and ran away..."

"And then?" asked the doctor.

"After that, he left me in the Wild Beast...



I can't remember! "

Lu Qingfeng kept shaking his head, murmuring the last sentence.

Her voice was hoarse and low, as if she was about to cry: "I want to find my mother, I want to find my mother... Woohoo!"

"Then do you still remember what that man looked like?"

"...I can't remember!"

She repeated these words over and over again, her voice was anxious and full of anxiety.

Seeing the person on the bed, the dense sweat on his forehead, the woman was completely relieved.

Signal the doctor to wake her up!
After the crisp sound, Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes and saw a warm smiling face.

Can't help wondering: "Mom, is my illness cured yet?"


The woman rubbed her cheeks, her eyes were full of kindness: "Qingfeng, I can go home with my mother today."

Now that Lu Qingfeng's memory is completely blurred and confused, all problems can be solved easily.

(End of this chapter)

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