Chapter 408 The Past 10
"Mom, let's go home and see my sister quickly!"

Lu Qingfeng said impatiently, took the woman's hand, and acted like a baby.

On Wei Yang's small face, there was a smile that was three points sweeter than a strawberry.

"Okay, mom will take you home now."

The woman watched, and the heart under her chest softened instantly.

Gently stroked Lu Qingfeng's little head, his movements, expressions, etc., were full of tenderness.

Like the spring wind, it blows towards you without any hurry, leaving warmth behind.

Lu Qingfeng had only seen that appearance before when she was facing her younger sister.

Lu Qingfeng once envied, longed for, fantasized about...

But now when it was finally her turn, she didn't even feel a moment of joy, she just felt empty in her heart.

It seems that it doesn't matter anymore.


After repeatedly asking the doctor to keep it secret, the woman let him go first.

She looked around, then bent down thoughtfully and asked Lu Qingfeng:
"Qingfeng, is there anything else in the house that you want to take away?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled and shook his head, pulled the woman and walked out the door:

"Mom, don't waste time.

People want to go home early to see my sister! "

"Good good!"

The woman replied with a smile, and suddenly went downstairs without even locking the door of the attic.

Looking at the little girl who was happily spinning in circles under the bright sun.

A beautiful arc suddenly fell on her clear and beautiful face.

Eyes slightly bent, walked over and took the little girl's hand:
"Okay, Qingfeng, let's play after we get home!"


Lu Qingfeng nodded obediently, his eyes flicked over the tall figure.

It landed straight on the small window that was tightly sealed by wooden boards.

The smile on his face grew stronger.


in a moving car.

The sun is warm and the wind is coming slowly...

Lu Qingfeng crawled by the car window, looking at the flashing scenery outside.

Those peach blossom eyes were full of joy.

"Mom, the leaves on the tree are almost gone! Hey!"

"Really? Mom didn't pay much attention!" the woman sighed softly.

The corners of the mouth that were originally slightly raised turned down, and the voice was extremely unstable, as if he had a guilty conscience.

He ordered Lu Qingfeng to sit down quickly.


She reluctantly agreed, sat upright obediently, her gaze fell on that flawless face.

"Mom, is my sister at Uncle Bai's now?"

"Yes, Uncle Bai is playing with your sister at home!"

The woman smiled, and asked tentatively:
"Qingfeng, how about letting your Uncle Bai... be your new father?"

As soon as the gentle voice fell, the woman saw her little finger curled up a little bit through the front-view mirror:
"Why did my mother find me a new father?
Is it that what Dad did is not good enough? "

Lu Qingfeng's voice was extremely low and hoarse, with a faint hint of sadness.


The woman fell silent suddenly, and said with a half smile: "Your father has always done a good job.

Blame me, it's too early to tell you this, forget about it! "


Lu Qingfeng responded, but the expression in his eyes was complicated.


The car is speeding along the road,
The speed was so fast that even the scenery outside the window became a blurry black spot.

Lu Qingfeng looked at the time in the car, and his brows became knotted.

The car has been here for more than two hours, and... this place is getting farther and farther away from the city center.

What on earth is that woman going to do? !

As she thought about it, she had a bad premonition, which suddenly came from her heart.

Just when Lu Qingfeng wanted to ask the woman something, he met a pair of smiling eyes as soon as he looked back.

Staring at her straight up, the smile in his eyes was fake... so fake that she could tell it at a glance.

"Qingfeng, what's wrong?"

The gentle voice came slowly, but it grazed her ears like the sharpest knife.

The shocked Lu Qingfeng couldn't help trembling slightly: "It's okay!"

"Really? It's fine."

The woman curled her lips into a chuckle, and glanced up and down at her.

It landed straight ahead again, and sighed with a little deep meaning: "We are going to reach our destination soon, are you happy?"


Lu Qingfeng responded anxiously, leaning against the car door without leaving any traces of his body.

The locked!

Can't even roll down the windows!
After getting the answer, strands of panic and uneasiness wrapped around her heart tightly.


At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded in her ears:

"Don't break it, the handlebars will be broken when you are doing it...

my darling! "

The last four words, the woman bit down extremely hard, almost squeezed out of her teeth.

There was a faint, bone-piercing coolness.

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the car froze instantly.

It feels like it hurts even to breathe.

Lu Qingfeng tried his best to restrain the panic in his heart, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"Mom, where are we going?"

"Go where you should go!"

Looking at the deep mountain that was getting closer and closer in front of her, the woman didn't bother to pretend to be a gentle and loving mother, she said in a cold and blunt voice.

Hearing the sound, Lu Qingfeng was also completely convinced of the answer in his heart.

The doorknob was tightly opened with his hands, and the dense sweat on his forehead quickly condensed into beads and slowly slid down.

"You knew it from the beginning of time!"

She asked coldly, but only heard the woman sneer suddenly.

Gently, but like the ecstasy sound from hell.

It's creepy.

"Hehe... Qingfeng, Qingfeng!"

As the woman said, she glanced at Lu Qingfeng from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but sigh, full of regret:
"You were born to me after all!

As little as you are, you can hide it from me for a while, but you can never hide it from me forever! "

"When you get short of breath, your fingers will curl up unconsciously.

This point, I'm afraid you didn't even realize it yourself! "

"You, the fault lies in the fact that you have always been very straightforward.

Happy is happy, angry is angry, never hide! "

"And you were obviously very angry just now, but you held back and didn't vent it.

You said, how can I not doubt it! "


The woman's rambling words reached Lu Qingfeng's ears without interruption.

Her eyelids suddenly lowered, and she hid her gloomy eyes deeply: "It turns out that Mom has paid attention to me too!
I thought that in your eyes, there would only be a younger sister forever! "


Hearing the sound, the woman subconsciously relaxed the accelerator pedal.

Looking back, he took a deep look at Lu Qingfeng, Qingli's face wrinkled slightly, as if he felt a little guilty.

But, it's just a glance.

Soon that face returned to its previous expression, the corners of the lips were slightly hooked, and said with a half-smile:

"Your sister is indeed much more well-behaved and sensible than you!"


You like your sister, isn't it because of Uncle Bai? "

Lu Qingfeng seemed to be asking questions, but suddenly let go of the doorknob in his hand.

The body moved closer to the woman little by little until he could clearly see the distance in her eyes.


The woman was silent, subconsciously retracted her peripheral vision, and looked straight ahead.

The hands holding the steering wheel tightly, the veins on the back of the hands are distinct.

She seemed to be holding back something.

Seeing that she refused to speak, Lu Qingfeng moved closer to her, and whispered in her ear:

"I heard all your conversations that day...

That uncle Bai is not just your company's partner at all.

He is still your lover who never broke up, the father of your sister! "

The almost silent words exploded in the woman's ears like thunder.

She panicked and swallowed nervously: "You..."

"What am I?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at her innocently, blinked his big wet eyes, and sighed with a little grievance:
"What? Did I say something wrong?"


The woman didn't say a word, but she was stared at by the people beside her, making her hair stand on end.

It's chilly all over, and even goosebumps are up!
Looking at her trembling body, Lu Qingfeng suddenly raised the corners of his lips: "Mom...

I especially want to know, what are dad and me in your eyes? "

The cold voice slowly brushed past the woman's ears, but it made her heart pause slightly.

In my mind, there are all the pictures from the past.

She and Lu An met on a street in London.

Lu An is a painter resident there, and she is because of participating in the International Film Festival.

Only this side, because of a painting and bond.

Lu An fell in love with her at first sight, and chased her back to country Z from London specially for her.

Lu An loves her very much, not only out of words, but also hidden in actions.

As long as it's something she wants, Lu An will always bring it back to her as soon as possible.

Learned for her, cooking, laundry... and began to think about how to make money for a living.

Lu An always said that after he earns enough money, she won't have to work so hard anymore.

If she wants to film, she can film, if she doesn't want to film, she can do what she likes.

If she doesn't want to do anything, even if she's just a rice bug... Lu An is very welcome!

Those words, she used to listen to them only as a joke.

But he never thought that Lu An's paintings would gradually make him famous.

From a few thousand at the beginning, tens of thousands... until later, one of his paintings can already sell for hundreds of millions.

Lu An said that raising her was never false.

But she couldn't respond to Lu An's kindness, because the person she loved was not him.

After all, she is a vain layman, especially when she is still in the entertainment circle.

Need money urgently, to pack yourself!
So she never refused, even the proposal...

But that's because the person she loves needs money.


After getting married, out of guilt towards Lu An, under his constant nagging.

She was pregnant with Lu Qingfeng, but she didn't look forward to the arrival of this child.

So she has always been indifferent to Lu Qingfeng.

The occasional care and soft-spoken words are only out of her maternal instinct.


She has gratitude and admiration for Lu An...but she has no love.

After the company made money, she began to repay the money owed to Lu An over the years with interest.

She originally thought that she would agree to a divorce with Lu An after paying off the money.

Unexpectedly, but later...

Oh, what is it?
She also wanted to know the answer.


"It doesn't count!"

Listening to the woman's cold words, Lu Qingfeng's face was as calm as water.

It seems that there was no slightest disturbance.

She looked back, looked at the scenery outside, and suddenly sighed: "Do you know, the reason why Dad came back early that day.

Just to celebrate your birthday with us before twelve o'clock.

We have prepared the presents a month in advance..."


There seemed to be endless bitterness and sorrow hidden in the soft voice.

It made the woman feel like a lump was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't even speak half a word.

She looked at the person beside her from the corner of her eye, the frozen heart seemed to start to melt little by little.

At this moment, she saw those peach blossom eyes exactly like Lu An's, staring straight at her.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on the calm face: "Mom, you have to sit still!"


The woman exclaimed, and then a black shadow rushed towards her.

The hands flicked the steering wheel unconsciously, followed by the sound of brakes and collisions.

Sharp, prickly people hurt their ears!

At the moment when the car hit the railing, the woman only felt her head "buzzing".

His vision gradually blurred, and he was about to fall into darkness.

She only felt that a piece of softness suddenly brushed against her ears:

"Mom, you told me.

If you do something wrong, you must pay the price!

You and I, go find Dad together, okay?


The immature child's voice and light smile are the last memory of a woman!

When she woke up, she was already in the hospital...

But Lu Qingfeng disappeared.

After that, the only thing waiting was the news of Lu Qingfeng's death.

Fragments of her blood-stained clothes were found on a barren hill near the car accident.

I heard that wild animals often come and go there.

Bad luck!


In the lonely night, the wind is very urgent.

Blowing the old door, creaking.

Amidst the fine noises, a familiar voice suddenly came: "Obey, darling, darling..."

The voice was raised, tearing up the boundless darkness...

A ray of sunlight came in, the color of broken gold, beautiful and dazzling.

The person who was sleeping in a "sea of ​​red flowers" couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes.

The beautiful face gradually came into view... Yu Qingfeng looked at it, but couldn't help stretching out his hand.

The warm and cool fingertips landed between his brows, smoothing out the deep creases bit by bit.

Action, indescribably gentle.

"How many times have I told you, don't frown!
That wouldn't be pretty, wouldn't it be... aren't you afraid that I'll find another boy? "

"Not afraid!"

Gu Qianzhou held her little hand tightly, and gently sniffed the faint strawberry fragrance.

The originally tightly pursed thin lips outlined a beautiful curve, "Even so, I am more beautiful than other pretty faces!"

(That's right, I'm just so confident, I won't accept it and come to fight!

——Gu Azhou)


Yu Qingfeng was teased by him, couldn't help laughing, put his hands around his neck and sat up slowly.

Staring straight at him, he suddenly leaned closer and whispered in his ear: "Ah Zhou, he is much more obedient than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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