Chapter 409
The soft voice, along with the gentle night wind, slowly passed by his ears.

At that moment, Gu Qianzhou's heartstrings that had been tense suddenly relaxed.

The dark eyes hid the crazy joy deeply, and subconsciously hugged her slender waist a little tighter.

Until the heart and heart, tightly close to the point.

Gu Qianzhou leaned his chin on her shoulder, took a deep breath, and calmed down his restless heart.

"Hey, you remember it all."


The warm breath passed over her neck one after another, itching slightly.

But Yu Qingfeng didn't move a bit, and still let him hug her tightly.

Feeling the unhurried rise and fall of his chest, Yu Qingfeng only felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

Just like the days when they lived here when they were young.

As long as he is there, she can tell herself: everything will be fine!
Whether it's the old Azhou or the current Gu Qianzhou...

He has always been Yu Qingfeng's only spiritual pillar.

Without him, Yu Qingfeng might have been in the dark days when he was a child.

Crash, go crazy.

Died silently, in this boundless darkness...

"Okay, what are you going to do next?"

Abandon him and go to Qin Chuan? !

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou's beautiful eyes lost all brilliance in an instant.

Gloomy, hidden situation.

In my mind, it was all Yu Qingfeng who clung to him when he was young, asking one after another: "When you came, did you go to Brother Achuan!
He is so smart!
If you know, you can definitely find it and save us out! "

What she was talking about in her heart was only brother Achuan, brother Achuan!
It seems that he is just a useless decoration...

"Hiss, Gu Qianzhou, you hurt me!"

The strength around her waist was getting heavier and heavier, making Yu Qingfeng feel a little short of breath.

She frowned and said dissatisfied.

Only then did Gu Qianzhou regain his senses, and let go of his hand a little, "Hey, you haven't answered my question yet!"

"what is the problem?"

After finally breaking free from the restraints, Yu Qingfeng stood up and stretched his muscles a little.

When she raised her eyes, she met a pair of dark eyes...

It's like a bottomless vortex, if you are not careful, it will swallow you up to the bone.

Now, seeing Gu Qianzhou like this again, she is not only not afraid at all.

Instead, I feel warm from the bottom of my heart.

Gu Qianzhou... her Ah Zhou, the more possessive she is towards the person she cares about more.

His love is very selfish.

Being selfish to the point that ordinary people can't accept it, to be with him.

It will only make people feel that there is a lot of pressure and a feeling of suffocation.

Just like her in the previous life.

And the current Yu Qingfeng, should be Lu Qingfeng.

But love him so much!
She likes it very much, like it very much!

Lu Qingfeng approached Gu Qianzhou and hugged him tightly.

Standing on tiptoe, he lightly pecked the corner of his mouth...

Soft and tender, with a little strawberry flavor remaining on top.

Sweet to the bottom of her heart.

Gu Qianzhou was a little stunned by her sudden action.

Standing there blankly, I saw a bright smile suddenly appearing on that plain face:

"The next step, of course, is to go to the police uncle to solve the problem!"

As soon as the soft voice came out, Gu Qianzhou breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was still restless.

He is still afraid...

How could he compare to Lu Qingfeng's birth in just a few months.

The one who was with her all the time, Qin Chuan!


Seeing Gu Qianzhou's furrowed brows again, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but reached out and tapped lightly.

"You idiot, you are still as stupid as you were when you were a child!"


Gu Qianzhou blankly touched the place where she had knocked, it didn't hurt, but it was slightly warm.

He asked again with deep doubts: "When I was a child, was I really stupid?"


Lu Qingfeng let go of his hand, took a small step back, and looked straight at him.

He asked angrily, "Do you know why when I was a child, I refused to call you brother all the time?"


Gu Qianzhou scratched his head, a little stupid and too cute, "I know, because you want to be my sister!"

When she was a child, she always took advantage of her height and called herself his older sister.

Hmph, fortunately, the him he is now is no longer the one he used to be.

He looks much taller than her!

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou stretched out his hand and gestured for Lu Qingfeng's height.

Just right, she was on his chest.

The expression on his face was rather smug: Hey, you can no longer be my sister!
Lu Qingfeng: "..."

Gu three-year-old kid, if it weren't for your good looks.

My sister knocked your head off a long time ago!

"Gu Qianzhou, you are really stupid for more than ten years." Lu Qingfeng frowned and said coldly.

Seeing his increasingly puzzled expression, he lost his temper in anger.

She pulled the corner of her mouth stiffly, and said bluntly, "That's because, I like you!"


The cold voice quickly passed by Gu Qianzhou's ears, but it ignited his whole heart.

Bunches of fireworks rose into the sky, and the colorful lights... illuminated his dead and dark heart.

"What? Say it again, darling!"

He asked in disbelief, even his voice was trembling.

Next second,
The cold voice suddenly softened a little, with a hint of joy.

"That's because, I like you!"

Lu Qingfeng gently placed his hand on that familiar face, the light in his eyes was bright and bright.

"Gu Qianzhou, I like you!
So, I don't want you to be my brother! "

Therefore, her feelings for him... and Qin Chuan have never been the same.

Qin Chuan is just Lu Qingfeng's older brother.


Gu Qianzhou's tightly locked brows relaxed, and the panic that had been hidden in his heart for many years disappeared in an instant.

He suddenly felt that what Lu Qingfeng said was right: he is really stupid for more than ten years!
so stupid

Because of this reason, I have been terrified for so many years.


Looking at that pretty face, a smile finally broke out.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help it, and gently pinched his cheek.

Soft and tender, like a freshly peeled egg, it feels very good.

Gu Qianzhou is really worthy of the title of little boy. I guess he spent a lot of money on maintenance on weekdays!

"Hey, I like you too, I liked you a long time ago!"

Gu Qianzhou put away his smile and spoke extremely seriously.

He likes Lu Qingfeng, perhaps because she keeps tempting himself with delicious food...

Allow her to stay behind and start as her own follower.

Or maybe it started when she said she was willing to be her first friend.

Or, it started when she stood in front of her, intending to protect herself...

Further forward,
It's possible, from the first time he saw Lu Qingfeng, he fell in love with him.


On the tall crabapple tree, a touch of bright red suddenly appeared in the pure white.

Like a ripe red apple, Gu Qianzhou licked the corner of his mouth unconsciously.


He's hungry, those strawberry toffees he just snuck out of the kitchen.

He wasn't very hungry at all, if he wasn't afraid of being discovered...he would have secretly taken an apple out.

Bright red, it must be crisp and sweet.

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou's eyes couldn't help being attracted by the bright red color a little more.

It was a five or six-year-old girl, born white and tender... like a piece of soft glutinous rice cake.

I just don't know if she is also fragrant and soft.

The tutu skirt on the little girl should be of great value.

He remembered that he had seen it in a magazine.

To say the least, it costs six figures. It is estimated that it can be exchanged for several truckloads of red apples!
If nothing else, she was also one of the honored guests that her father had mentioned.

He is not worthy to see him, he is only worthy to stay here in the west courtyard... listening to the commotion over there.


The little girl looked back and forth in three steps and one pause.

It seems that she should have lost her way.

However, what does that matter to him!


Gu Qianzhou glanced coldly at the bright red, and stuffed another piece of strawberry toffee into his mouth.

Sweet and milky, very delicious!

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, and the little girl walked in.

Standing at the door, like a wooden pillar, he was stunned.


Children are short-sighted!
But it's just crabapple flowers, what's so beautiful about blooming every year...

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou looked away, and was about to take out another candy to eat.

When I didn't pay attention, the movement was a little louder, and all the candy in my pocket fell down.


At this time, the red figure suddenly got closer and closer.

Seeing, she was about to take away his candy.

Gu Qianzhou was anxious, turned over and jumped down.

As soon as he landed, that snow-white face was the largest in front of his eyes.

She is really beautiful.

It's even more beautiful than crabapple flowers, many, many... He was a little reluctant to take his eyes away.

He was absent-minded for a moment, and after coldly reprimanding her, he quickly squatted down and pretended to pick up the toffee.

In fact, the drooping little face was already covered with a slight blush.

He just smelled it!

There is a fragrance on the little girl's body!
Faint, milk flavor, crabapple flower scent... and some indescribable scents.

Definitely more fragrant than glutinous rice cakes!

He couldn't stop wanting to take a sip!

"Well, I see."

The gentle voice, slowly passing by with the breeze, brought Gu Qianzhou back to his senses.

Looking at the girl who was smiling like a flower in front of him, he couldn't help but squeeze her hand on her cheek tightly.

Bite it lightly, it is slippery and is much softer than glutinous rice cake.

His obedient, fragrant and soft, let people taste it, and want to taste it again.


After a while, Lu Qingfeng withdrew his hand and looked at the rows of neat tooth marks on it.

He reached out and grabbed Gu Qianzhou by the collar, and looked at the person who bent down.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his lips.

In the next second, Gu Qianzhou only felt a slight pain in his lips...

But inexplicably happy!
Lu Qingfeng let go, looking at the smiling person in front of him, his face instantly sank. is it different from what she imagined!

She is revenge!

What is going on with someone's expression of enjoyment!

Lu Qingfeng was angry, and after lightly hitting his chest, he squatted on the ground.

Carefully, he put away the paintings in order, his eyes dimmed a bit.

Things that could not be settled many years ago should be done now!

But her heart was unusually heavy, and she was faintly worried.


At this time, a mobile phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence in the room.

It's... Officer Fang!

Lu Qingfeng watched and calmed down before answering the phone.

"Hi Miss Yu, is Mr. Gu by your side now?"

Hearing Fangzheng's question, Lu Qingfeng turned around and glanced at someone suspiciously: "He's not here, what's the matter with you?"

"Cough, that's it.

We suspect that you have something to do with a disappearance case many years ago.

If possible, I would like to ask you to come to the police station and cooperate with us in further investigation. "

"Okay, I happen to have something to do with you.

Well, see you tomorrow. "

After hanging up the phone, Lu Qingfeng walked towards Gu Qianzhou step by step with a thick pile of paintings in his arms.

With an unusually calm expression, he asked, "Don't you have anything else you want to tell me?"


Gu Qianzhou was silent for a moment, and avoided her eyes with guilt: "I'm afraid that you will leave me after you regain your memory.

So I plan to find an opportunity to take revenge for you slowly. "

After the sound fell, Lu Qingfeng had already come to Gu Qianzhou's eyes.

I couldn't help reaching out, and stroked his little head, "Ah Zhou, you should be more confident.

Believe me!
In this world, the only person I love the most is you!
Whether it was in the past, or now, it will always be like this in the future. "

"it is good!"


Seeing the corners of Gu Qianzhou's mouth raised slightly, Lu Qingfeng heaved a sigh of relief.

Put all the thick pile of paintings in his hands.

She clapped her hands, stretched herself, and then walked out the door.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a hot bath and sleep. You should keep those paintings."


Hearing this, the smile on his face grew stronger, he carefully hugged the painting in his hand, and carried the painting to the study.


After a long time, he finally broke through layers of codes and opened the safe hidden in the secret compartment.

Inside, there is nothing.

It's all bits and pieces, strawberry headbands, message notes, hairpins, various photos of her... everything.

These are all treasures that Gu Qianzhou has cherished for a long time!



After Lu Qingfeng took a shower, it was already dawn, so he didn't feel like going to sleep.

Sitting blankly by the bed, his eyes couldn't help falling on the balcony.

The withered sunflowers in the vase are gone, replaced by two bright red roses.

Just like them wandering in the world, all they can rely on is each other.

However, this is enough.

At this time, as soon as Gu Qianzhou entered the room with the hot porridge, he saw her back under the brilliance of the morning sun.

The whole body is shining with light, like carrying countless little stars, dazzling and seductive.

Beautiful... like a painting, he didn't even want to break the silence at this moment.

He stood there blankly, not daring to move.

But Lu Qingfeng suddenly looked back and looked at him with a smile: "Ah Zhou, it's good to have you."

(End of this chapter)

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