Chapter 410
Obediently, better!
Gu Qianzhou murmured silently in his heart, only the smiling face was left in his eyes stained with broken gold.

In an instant, her heart was beating wildly, calling her name with every sound.

Breeze, breeze...

The voice is high-pitched and hot.

The wind suddenly picked up, blowing the faint scent of roses into the room.

Inexplicably intoxicating.

At this moment, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

Enough, he has her, that's enough!


"Be good, drink porridge."

Gu Qianzhou courteously pushed the bowl and spoon to Lu Qingfeng's side.

The thin lips are slightly hooked, obedient and milky.

With such stunning beauty here, how could she still drink porridge!
While watching, Lu Qingfeng blew the porridge in the spoon, and those eyes...

But it seemed to grow on him, and he couldn't get it back no matter how hard he took it back.

"Ah Zhou, ah~"

Hearing the sound, Gu Qianzhou saw it as soon as he lowered his eyes, and suddenly moved to the spoon near his mouth.

Very obedient, drink obediently.

"Hey, drink!"


Lu Qingfeng smiled, and immediately calmed down and drank all the millet porridge in the bowl, not even a drop was left.

Seeing this, Gu Qianzhou was relieved.

After confirming again and again that she was full, she went downstairs to wash the dishes.

In the room, only Lu Qingfeng was left.


The sun outside the window has long been hanging high.

The temperature of the sun gradually became hotter, but it warmed her body.

However, it couldn't warm her frozen heart.

Lu Qingfeng lowered his eyes and landed directly on the phone screen.

The one on top is Bai Ningle's phone number.

The slender fingers paused on them for a long time, but she still didn't have the courage to press the dial button.

Even if the phone is connected, what should she say?

Could it be: Hello, I am your sister! ?

She took a deep breath, finally put the phone away, and walked downstairs.


in the police station,
As soon as Lu Qingfeng entered, Fang Zheng greeted her and brought her into the interrogation room.

Small room, extremely quiet.

Fangzheng flipped through the documents in his hand, and secretly glanced at the small window on the door.

Seeing that the person was not there, he relaxed and said bluntly: "Miss Yu, it's like this.

Some time ago, in the case of the crew, we extracted your DNA.

Coincidentally, it actually matched the missing person in a certain case in the database. "

"Just in case, we want to extract your DNA again for identification.

Also please cooperate. "

As soon as he finished Xu Xu's words, he heard an unusually cold voice:

"Officer Fang, I'm here this time to report the crime."


"Yes, for... the murder case 14 years ago!"

Lu Qingfeng's words were almost squeezed out between his teeth.

Then, she told the truth about what she saw and heard that night.

Fangzheng was dumbfounded when he heard it!
This case is really one after another, a shocking reversal!

"Then why didn't we find you when we arrived in the car accident?"

Listening to his question, Lu Qingfeng reached out and rubbed his sore and swollen temples.

It seems that I only remember some vague and fragmented images: "After the crash, I seemed to climb out of the car...and kept going.

I don't remember what happened afterwards. "

As she said that, there was only a boundless darkness in her mind, dead silence.

"That's it!"

Fangzheng sighed softly, and quickly jotted down the time and clues in his notebook.

After bringing her a glass of water, she hurried out to do some errands.

However, he just turned a corner.

Just sitting on his office chair, he saw a familiar figure from the back.

Gu Qianzhou!
Didn't he come?

As he thought about it, a face as black as the bottom of a pot came into Fangzheng's eyes.

He hurriedly approached with a smile on his face, "Mr. Gu, why are you here suddenly?"


Gu Qianzhou squinted at him, and his eyes fell directly on the notebook: "Have you asked everything clearly?"


Fangzheng responded anxiously, and a thick layer of cold sweat had already formed on the palm of his hand:

"I'm planning to take someone to Xingyue Entertainment!"

"Well, let's go."

Gu Qianzhou paused, looked at the people who led the team to run out as if fleeing, and asked suddenly:
"Then can I take her out now?"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Fangzheng breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked.

He couldn't help but look back, and glanced at the person who was rushing towards the interrogation room.

He slandered in his heart: How does it feel, he is more of a leader than me!
Scared to see it!

"Okay, we can go out now."

Once in the house,

Gu Qianzhou saw a lonely back, a little lonely and sad.

He approached, lightly patted Lu Qingfeng on the shoulder, and whispered worriedly:

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything."


Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng said nothing, but raised his eyes and smiled at him.

do not worry?unlikely.

Of those people involved in the case, she may not care about anyone...

But can't, don't care about her sister.

My younger sister is different from her, and her temperament can be said to be completely opposite.

She likes to be quiet, and her younger sister likes to be lively when she goes out to play, and the first thing she does when she comes back.

Just ran to tell her all the interesting things that happened today.

Delicious, fun, beautiful clothes, etc., my sister misses her share.

Lu Qingfeng still remembers that when she celebrated her birthday that year, her mother completely forgot about it.

With an understatement of "Got it", she was sent away.

That day she was sad in the room, crying secretly for a long time alone.

It was my sister who found out and coaxed her to finish with a piece of strawberry cake.

[Sister don’t cry, Ning Le will always accompany you on your birthday...

Hey, I secretly left the cake with the most strawberries for my sister!

Sister, isn't Ning Le amazing! 】

Lu Qingfeng has always kept these words in his heart...

In her impression, her sister has always been very good, wonderful, and very good.

Like a fallen angel, naughty and cute.

It's just that sometimes I'm stupid, and it's easy to imitate others...

But fortunately, my sister listens to her very well and will correct it as soon as she speaks.

Just like a small seedling, it always needs help to grow up healthy and healthy.

But now, the person she wants to sue is her younger sister's biological parents!
They have been together for nearly 20 years, and their relationship with each other is naturally stronger than that of her who came back halfway.

It needs to be deep, many, many.

The only thing she was afraid of was that her sister would ignore her or even hate her.


"Let's go out."

Lu Qingfeng sighed softly, took Gu Qianzhou's hand and walked out of the house.

However, not long after going out, they saw Bai Ningle and others...

Walk towards them step by step.

Lu Qingfeng's footsteps stopped immediately, and his breathing was a little short.

A sense of uneasiness crept in her heart.

"Knock, click!"

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and the sound was high-pitched, every step seemed to be stepping on the apex of her heart.

The moment they passed by, the two of them looked back at each other at the same time.

One is full of longing and anxiety, and the other is full of indifference and alienation.

After pausing for half a second, Bai Ningle looked away, and the pace of his feet quickened a little.

The name [Lu Qingfeng] is all in my mind!
Her dead sister suddenly came alive!
Actually, he was still the one she hated the most!

how can that be possible!
It must all be fake!
Mom can't lie to her, can she?

It wasn't until Bai Ningle's figure disappeared around the corner that Lu Qingfeng turned his gaze back.

Looking back at Gu Qianzhou, his nose was sore, and his voice was full of tears:
"I saw my sister!"


Gu Qianzhou put his arms around Lu Qingfeng's shoulders and let her lean against him.

Hearing the faint roar in the interrogation room, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

so noisy!


After the long interrogation, Fangzheng took a big gulp of the cup as soon as he came out.

After quenching most of the heat in his throat, he made room to talk to Lu Qingfeng and the others.

"No, Bai Wenbin and the others refused to admit it to death.

There are only witnesses in this case, so it may be difficult to convict them.

Yu... No, Miss Lu, do you have any physical evidence? "

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, frowned and shook his head:

"After so many years, even if it was estimated, it would have been destroyed long ago. Is there no other way?"

"Unless they surrender themselves!"

Fangzheng was also very worried. Looking at the closed door of the interrogation room, he sighed again:

"They are all public figures, and if they are detained for a long time, public opinion will explode.

If you don't handle it well, it will be very troublesome for each other.

So please forgive me, we can only detain them after we have sufficient evidence. "

"But don't worry,

Our forensic personnel have already gone to the scene of the crime to collect evidence again.

In the past ten years, our various forensics equipment... has advanced a lot!
Maybe there will be new discoveries. "


While Fangzheng was chattering, the closed door of the interrogation room suddenly opened.

The first thing that caught my eye was Yi Shi.

At the moment when the four eyes met, Lu Qingfeng was in her eyes...

I only saw it, full of resentment.

He hated her so much, as if he wanted to strip her to the bone and cramp on the spot.

The originally delicate and beautiful face became a little distorted, eerie and terrifying.

On the top, there are several more wrinkles, as if suddenly aged several years.

With cloudy eyes, he stared straight at her.


The corners of Lu Qingfeng's lips curled up slightly, and he took a step closer to her with a half-smile.

With a voice that can only be heard between each other, they whispered: "Mom, don't come here without any harm!
When you go home by car, you must remember to sit still! "



Yi Shi touched her arm subconsciously, avoiding her sight, and hurried forward.

His expression was flustered, and he didn't know how many times he bumped into walls and people along the way...

He even sprained his ankle while walking on the flat road. Fortunately, someone nearby helped him.

Otherwise, I will definitely fall to my ass!

Lu Qingfeng withdrew his gaze and looked at Bai Wenbin who walked out with an unusually calm expression.

The slender fingers couldn't help curling up tightly.

Just about to use the moves Gu Qianzhou taught her, on that annoying face.

Hit a few punches fiercely, and you won't die!

And her tight strings suddenly loosened after seeing a person behind him.

His eyes were soft, and he stared straight at him.

However, Bai Ningle didn't even look at her anymore, and just passed her by.

That strange feeling was not as good as when the two of them were at their most tense.

Although they don't like each other, at least in front of outsiders, they still put on a show.

But now...

The footsteps gradually faded away, but Lu Qingfeng still refused to look away.

"Okay, they've already left."


"Hey, let's go home and wait for the news, okay?"


Seeing her silent, Gu Qianzhou frowned into a knot: It seems that it is necessary to intensify the acquisition plan of Xingyue!

"Ah Zhou, I want to live with Ziyu today, so I won't go home with you.

See you later. "

As soon as the cold voice fell, only the back of Lu Qingfeng leaving in a hurry.

He hurried after her, but did not stop her.

He just drove silently and followed the taxi not far away to protect her.

He knew that there were some things that only Lu Qingfeng could solve by herself.

Even he couldn't help.


The taxi soon stopped in front of an abandoned villa.

There are many police cars in front of the door, and yellow lines surround the entire house.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar building, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After the staff on the same side explained their purpose, they armed themselves, pulled up the yellow line and walked in.

No one should have been here for a long time, and the plastic sheeting of the furniture was covered with thick dust.

Heard people say,
After the accident, they moved out of here in a hurry.

It is said to the outside world that I am afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, but in fact I am afraid that it is because I have ghosts in my heart that I cannot sleep every night!
Following the route of memory, Lu Qingfeng arrived at the scene of the crime.

The house that was once full of warmth, now only remains a cold shell.

Dark, dull.

It gives people a sense of suffocation from the depths of their hearts.

The blood inside should have been carefully washed away.

Nothing to see but dust.

Lu Qingfeng stared at it for a long time, then turned and walked upstairs.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the dust in the mottled halo was pitiful everywhere.

She choked, and couldn't help coughing a few times.

This is the house where she and her sister lived when they were young, and the walls were covered with paintings of the two of them.

And Dad, the certificates presented to them.

What is left now is only pure white...

Lu Qingfeng walked to her little bed, and as soon as the mattress was removed, he saw an old photo that was yellowed.

There are her, father, and sister on it!

That day was the day when she won an award for her painting, and her mother excused herself by saying that she had something to do and didn't come.

It's her father and sister, who came to accompany her to accept the award!
In order to reward her that day, my father took them to the amusement park specially.

The photo was taken there.

Looking at the three of them, they all had pink bunny ears.

Lu Qingfeng suddenly felt that he seemed to have returned to that happiest time.

On the green grass, the three of them sat side by side.

Holding a paintbrush, looking at the same scene, they draw their respective worlds.

The sun is warm and the wind is blowing slowly, everything seems to be just right.

It's a pity...she can never go back.

Thinking about it, Lu Qingfeng's heart sank, and after carefully putting away the photos, he walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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