Chapter 411
Ziyu Villa
As soon as Lu Qingfeng stepped into the door, he saw a busy figure.

His eyes darkened for a moment, and he asked in a flat tone, "You want to go?"


Hearing the sound, Lu Jin looked back and smiled.

I stuffed the magazines and books left in the living room into the suitcase.

"Stay any longer, I'm afraid that someone will come over with a knife...

I heard Xu Yan talk about your matter, how is the matter resolved? "

"It's still under investigation."

Lu Qingfeng responded truthfully, only seeing a photo in Lu Jin's book.

Suddenly, it slowly fell to the ground.

She approached to pick it up, and when she was about to hand the photo to Lu Jin, her body froze in place.

All eyes fell on that old photo, it was if it was about to burn a hole in it.

"The picture is yours?"

"Yes, that person is my uncle."

Lu Jin smiled, but seeing the complex expression of the person in front of him, he took out a photo from his bag with trembling hands and handed it to her.


"Why do you have a picture of my uncle?!"

Although the photo had turned yellow and was a bit blurry... But Lu Jin had already seen the appearance of the man in it.

It is firmly engraved in my heart, and I never dare to forget it.

He's an uncle, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!

The voice of surprise, sharp and ear-piercing, passed by Lu Qingfeng's ears extremely quickly.

Shocking her heart, she couldn't help trembling slightly: "He is my father."


Hearing this, Lu Jin lost his mind for a moment, and his voice became unsteady: "You said, he is your father?"

"Yes, Lu An, his name."

Lu Qingfeng sighed softly, and slowly brushed across the outline of the person in the photo with his warm fingertips.

The tip of the nose suddenly became sour, and tears rolled in the eyes: Dad, I found your family!
"Lu An,
Oh, no wonder, after I returned to China, I couldn't find my uncle no matter what.

It turned out that he had already changed his name. "

Lu Jin sighed softly, silently took out a tissue for her, and sighed again:

"Uncle's real name is Lu Xiuyuan."

"Xiu Yuan..."

Lu Qingfeng read those two words, his legs softened and he sat down on the sofa. Memories from the past flooded into his heart like a wave:

Dad rarely mentioned things in his family, and occasionally talked about...

He just started and said he forgot.

But those sad eyes still betrayed him.

Dad is very homesick, otherwise he wouldn't be secretly getting drunk in those late nights.

With the strength of wine, vent your homesickness.

He once showed her a picture of a big house at the end of the rainbow.

Dad said that was his home there, but he couldn't go back.


silence for a moment,

Lu Qingfeng couldn't hold back anymore and asked:
"Lu Jin, can you tell me what happened to Dad before?"

"Uncle, he has been very smart since he was a child, and he knows everything.

He is honest, kind, and the most gentle person I have ever met.

In the family, uncle has always been raised as the first successor.

However, he devoted all his attention to painting.

Before, Grandpa saw that he had a talent for painting, so he didn't stop him.

Instead, he invited many masters of painting.

But unexpectedly, later, my uncle refused to take over the company, saying that he wanted to be a painter.

Grandpa was so angry that he tore up all his paintings.

Shut my uncle in the house for a full three months.

However, he has always been stubborn and refused to retreat.

Grandpa had no choice but to give uncle an ultimatum, or inherit the family business.

Or just carry his paintings on your back and never go back to Lu's house!

Uncle, he chose the latter. "

As Lu Jin spoke, her eyes drooped a little, deeply burying her sadness.

From the bag on the side, I found another photo and handed it to Lu Qingfeng.

Twitching his mouth, he smiled faintly and said, "The one in the middle is Grandpa.

From left to right, the rest are your uncle, second uncle, third uncle...

Your dad is the youngest one.

He looks the most like grandpa, doesn't he? "


Lu Qingfeng responded, looking at the five people in the photo, his eyes were a little gentle.

Seeing her expression, the smile on Lu Jin's face gradually deepened, and he coughed softly:
"Cough cough,
I am the daughter of your uncle's family, shouldn't you call your sister to listen to me! "

"Sister, good."

The sweet voice, although a little hoarse, still made Lu Jin elated.

Yahoo, she finally has a younger sister too!
Let the brothers in the family know, they will definitely be very happy!
I really want to take Xiao Qingfeng home as soon as possible!

Thinking about it, Lu Jin looked at those peach eyes that were exactly the same as those of his uncle.

A heart, but suddenly sank to the bottom of the dark valley, painful.

"I came back this time to find my uncle and take him back to meet Grandpa.

Grandpa is getting old, the only thing I miss is him!
But now..."

Before she finished speaking, Lu Jin choked up, and her eyes turned red.

Looking at the photo in his hand, besides the sadness in his heart, there was suddenly a strong resentment.

Uncle is such a good person, but was killed by two bastards!
Heh, she absolutely wants those two people to pay the price for their cause!


"Sister Lu..."

There were also some awkward words, as the breeze passed by Lu Jin's ears at a leisurely pace, bringing her back to her senses.

Lu Jin smiled at Lu Qingfeng, and held her hand tightly.

It's too cold, like a block of ice, no matter how you cover it, you won't be able to cover it.

"Qingfeng, don't worry, I will help with uncle's matter!"


Lu Qingfeng responded, forced a smile, and leaned his head on her shoulder.

I don't know if Lu Jin's words have played a role, her heartstrings have been tensed all the time.

Suddenly there was a moment of relaxation, and I accidentally fell asleep.

Listening to the breathing on the side, it gradually became even and low.

Only then did Lu Jin feel relieved to move her body, and settled the people on the sofa.

The corners of his mouth that were slightly raised suddenly tightened into a straight line, and he immediately made a call.


After an unknown amount of time, Lu Qingfeng just woke up from the chaos.

It smelled a strong food fragrance.

"You're awake, just in time for supper!"

Lu Jin smiled, and after serving the last soup on the table, she dragged her to the kitchen.

The dishes inside are all Lu Qingfeng's favorite...

Moreover, it is delicious in color and fragrance!
She, who didn't have much appetite, actually ate three bowls of rice in a row.

In the end, she stopped after Lu Jin repeatedly stopped her.

At this time, it was late at night.

The whole city, except for a few sporadic lights, was shrouded in boundless darkness.

The silence is inexplicably flustering.

After the two said good night to each other, Lu Qingfeng returned to the house.

Sitting on the bed, hugging a little rabbit puppet, he became a wooden figure.

She stared straight at the rabbit, and the rabbit was also looking at her.

One person and one rabbit did not speak.

Letting the night wind spread over their bodies, it was chilly.

It was so cold that Lu Qingfeng had goosebumps!

The little rabbit was given to her by Bai Ningle.

She kept it well all the time, and she came back this time to take it away.

The red eyes seemed to be angry at her.

Ask Lu Qingfeng why she broke up her home!
And all she could do was reach out and stroke its little head over and over again.

Other than that, nothing can be done.

Just like with Bai Ningle, she can only watch.


Downstairs of Building G

In the dark night, the car had been parked there for a long time.

But it was too late, and there was no sign of leaving.

Lu Jin, who had just finished throwing out the trash and was about to go home, looked at it, his eyes dimmed a bit.

He hesitated for a moment at the door of the building, then turned around and walked over.

"dong dong dong"

When the car window was rolled down, that flat face gradually came into Lu Jin's eyes.

"She has gone back to the house to rest, you can leave!"

Hearing this, the people in the car were unmoved, still staring at the door stubbornly.

Seeing this, Lu Jin snorted coldly, then turned around and went upstairs.

Heh... how ignorant!

Early the next morning,

As soon as Lu Qingfeng stepped out of the door of Building G, he saw a beautiful face.

The red nose, the white lips... It hurt her eyes.

She ran over in a hurry, took off the scarf around her neck and put it on for him.

Some said bluntly angrily: "Didn't I say hello to you!
Why are you still here! "

His hands are also cold, he must have been here for a long time!
It's really maddening!
Autumn in the north is very cold!
Even if there is heating in the car, no matter how good the body is after staying for a long time, it will not be able to bear it!
"Okay, here it is."

Then Ah Zhou will be here too!

While speaking, the corners of Gu Qianzhou's mouth slightly raised, and he reached out to take off the scarf around his neck.

"It's cold, wear it obediently, I'm not afraid!"

"Afraid or not, it's up to you!"

Lu Qingfeng held down his little hand, his eyes were full of warning.

Lu Jin, who came out behind her, couldn't help hiccupping when he saw the scene in front of him.

Walked straight over, and handed the lunch box in his hand to Gu Qianzhou.

"Hey, Qingfeng made it, do you want to eat it?"


Gu Qianzhou responded anxiously, and quickly took the things over.

I laughed so hard I couldn't close my mouth from ear to ear!

Seeing this, Lu Jin suddenly felt relieved, and a sly look flashed across his eyes.

He hugged Lu Qingfeng's arm affectionately, and said with a smile, "Sister."

"elder sister!"

Lu Qingfeng responded with a smile, his eyes softened and softened.

Since the two of them confirmed their identities, Lu Jin seemed to be addicted.

I always pester her to call her sister, and I never get tired of it.

And, she likes it too.

There is a feeling of home.



Gu Qianzhou looked puzzled, and looked straight at the hand on Lu Qingfeng's arm.

My heart is full of sour taste!

"What's the matter, Xiaoqianzhou?"

After doing bad things, Lu Jin asked pretending not to know, raised her eyebrows slightly, very proud.

"Xiao Qingfeng already called my sister, Xiao Qianzhou, are you sure you don't want to call me too?"


Gu Qianzhou didn't say a word, just glanced at her coldly, took Lu Qingfeng's hand and planned to leave.

Hmph, what kind of dream is it in broad daylight!

His sister's place has long been taken!
Thinking about it, Lu Jin suddenly sighed, full of regret: "It seems that you don't want to marry my little Qingfeng!"


Gu Qianzhou was taken aback for a moment, then fixedly looked at Lu Qingfeng, his eyes full of doubts.

"She's really my sister!"

Lu Qingfeng said, using the shortest words, roughly told him what happened last night,
After the sound fell, Gu Qianzhou was completely blindfolded, looking at someone beside him who was triumphant.

A smile immediately appeared on his face, very sincerely: "Sister, good."

"...Sorry, it's late!"

Lu Jin smiled, turned the car key with one hand, and walked towards the garage while pulling Qingfeng Lu with the other.

Gu Qianzhou was left alone, stunned in the cold wind.

Looking at the empty path, the expression in those dark eyes was extremely complicated.

Lu Jin's family background has always been a mystery.

Although he had guessed it before, he never thought that Kuaiguai was also a member of her family.

No, he has to fight!
You must redouble your efforts to make more money, so that you can barely be worthy of being obedient!

"Okay, don't look at it!"

Lu Jin looked at the person beside him, who looked back from time to time, and couldn't help but said:
"Give him all the ginger soup you specially prepared for Gu Qianzhou.

What are you worried about! "

"I do not have……"

Lu Qingfeng blushed, lowered his eyelids, and whispered:
"Sister, don't embarrass him too much."


How can I grow my own emerald cabbage and feel like I want to run with pigs when I grow legs!
The corners of Lu Jin's eyes twitched slightly, and he said with a half-smile: "If I'm making things difficult for him...

If he meets six older brothers in the future, don't you have to worry to death!

They know how to play more than me! "


Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng lost his mind for a moment, and asked in disbelief:
"I have six older brothers?"

It turned out that I was the only little girl in the family, and the attention of the six brothers was all on me!
From kindergarten, elementary school, middle school...until college graduation.

No man dared to come and confess to me!

These are all thanks to them! "

Lu Jin said, thinking of those days, she still felt a little sad.

It's not good for others to confess to her, and it's even worse for her to confess to others!
Her deskmate is her youngest brother... Whenever there is a situation, report to the teacher!
The review papers are all written to the point of exhaustion.

Well, that's right!

Her teacher, who is also her brother, has a smiling face!

It directly caused Lu Jin to hide when he saw a man or a live one.

It wasn't until she went abroad to study for a Ph. D. that the situation improved a bit.

However, it was only from offline harassment to online harassment.

From time to time, there will be surprise inspections!
"In the future, he will suffer!"

As Lu Jinyu spoke earnestly, he suddenly became worried about how to report the matter here to his family.

Should they form a team and come here by private jet, and bring Xiao Qingfeng home!

Likelihood: [-] percent!
No, that will definitely scare Xiao Qingfeng, let's talk about it after the matter here comes to an end.


Lu Qingfeng: Should I be worried?


Not long after, two cars drove into the police station one after the other.

As soon as he stepped through the door, he saw Bai Ningle sitting alone in the office area waiting.

At the moment when the four eyes met, the surrounding air seemed to stagnate.

Faintly, showing a little coldness.

Lu Qingfeng watched, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and let go of Lu Jin's arm.

Walking towards her, he walked unhurriedly.

Time has passed, and now they have all grown up on their own.

It is no longer two children who have to stick together even to sleep.

But Lu Qingfeng knew the current Bai Ningle.

Although the relationship is not as close as before, it is still understood.

She thought, give them a chance now.

Redeem them in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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