The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 36 36, Level 99 Almighty Titled Douluo, um, that's it

Chapter 36 36, Level 99 Almighty Titled Douluo, um, that's it

Mingde's performance made Tian Ming smile slightly.

Not bad, the last time I showed him in the world of Tianshu was not in vain.But this is not the ancient times, that's all he made up, the name of this place is Earth—I don't know if it's the Earth in that parallel space.

But now the problem is Yu Yuanzhen, is there something wrong with this guy being locked up?
In the world of Tianshu, the area he built for each sect is quite large, enough for a leisurely stroll, so it shouldn't cause depression.

But it doesn't matter, this guy is disobedient, just give him a good beating.

Looking at the mobile phones around him, Tian Ming smiled slightly.Anyway, we want to establish a Wuhun Empire in this world, so let these people first see what a Wuhun is and what a soul master is.

There was a flash of light on Tian Ming's right leg, and a giant dragon suddenly rose into the air. The long and slender dragon's body coiled in the air like a snake, showing its might and arrogance.

As the giant dragon lifted into the sky, the surrounding people exclaimed again.

This is no longer explained by special effects, right?
It's just... magic!
The crowd backed away immediately, fearing the giant dragon and yearning for the truth at the same time. They never put down their mobile phones and turned up the volume to the maximum, staring at each one.

"Thank you for the generous gift!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed, "That's dragging root! Huaxia's dragging root!"

So everyone knew that this giant snake-like creature turned out to be a dragon, but it was an oriental dragon.

The giant dragon transformed by the spirit bone skill now hangs its head down, its beard is flying, and its pair of dragon eyes are radiant, staring closely at Yu Yuanzhen below, and also shocking the lord of the four sects.

Seeing this, Mingde and other members of Mingde Academy immediately ran behind Tian Ming, followed by the four young men from the original Haotian School and Qibao Liuli School.

Although there was one Titled Douluo and four Contras on the opposite side, all of whom were well-known figures in the soul master world, the two sects had already recognized Tian Ming's strength, so there was no need to hesitate to stand in line.

Even if there were twice as many Title Douluo on the opposite side, they would not be Tian Ming's opponent!

This is a peerless powerhouse who suppressed their two sects with one manpower, a peerless Douluo of level 99!

And it is the number one Peerless Douluo in the world!
The two young disciples of Haotian School looked at Yu Yuanzhen opposite, and then at the giant dragon in the sky, suddenly their eyes lit up.

Yu Yuanzhen's martial soul is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. Does Tian Ming mean to use this dragon to subdue Yu Yuanzhen?

The two looked at each other, both excited.

Yu Yuanzhen looked up at the dragon, his eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, the seventh soul ring lit up, and he activated his martial soul avatar.

The body elongated and deformed rapidly, and Yu Yuanzhen transformed into a long blue dragon in less than one breath. The appearance was not much different from Tian Ming's giant dragon, but the power was generally the same, and even the whole body was electrified, crackling and imposing. Even more terrifying.

The onlookers were so shocked that they couldn't help it. At this moment, no one spoke, they all held their breaths and stared. The hands holding the mobile phone remained motionless, looking forward to the next scene.

Yuyuan shook, and the huge dragon body was extremely fast, rushing towards Tian Ming's giant dragon like a blue electric light, the two dragons immediately fought, the air exploded for a while, and the energy of the collision of soul power was like a grenade explosion. The shock made people's heads buzz, and it took almost a moment for the dragon transformed by Yu Yuanzhen to fall into a disadvantage. It was grabbed, bitten and howled by Tian Ming's dragon, and the thunder sprayed from its body like blood spurting wildly.

"Do the four of you want to come together?" Tian Ming hooked his hands towards the four suzerains, "I know you are not convinced, so in case you don't listen to the serious business later, let's have a fight first and feel our feelings. How about the gap?"

"What a big tone!" The silver-haired, muscular body like a rock snorted coldly, and suddenly took a step forward, "Boy, I admit that you are powerful and you are not an opponent, but I want you to join the martial spirit!" Dian, dreaming!"

"I agree with the old orangutan." Wearing a headband like a rhinoceros horn and clogs, Niu Gao and Tai Tan stood side by side with the same muscular body.

Yang Wudi didn't speak, just summoned the soul-breaking spear and Wuhun, and ruthlessly landed on the ground, blasting the hard asphalt pavement into a cobweb-like crack.

Bai He didn't say a word, his figure fluttered like smoke, standing in a row with the three of them.Although his body was a little stooped and thin, none of the people present dared to underestimate him.

Because of his speed, even ordinary Titled Douluo can't match it!

"Do it, attack me with the strength you are best at, and I promise to use the same tricks to fight back. Strength versus strength, speed versus speed, attack versus attack, defense versus defense, how about it?" Tian Ming said with a smile.

"Arrogance!" Yang Wudi's eyes were extremely focused, and he raised his gun and attacked Tian Ming.

The soul rings on the soul-breaking gun emerged one after another, flashing a magnificent and dangerous light, the whole person and the gun seemed to become one, with the head of the gun as the head, a forceful sharpness wanted to pierce the sky, Go straight to Tian Ming!

Tian Ming waved his hand, Piaoling Shujian clenched tightly, and casually greeted him with a sword.

The light and fluffy strength and the extremely casual posture completely angered Yang Wudi, and the strength of the soul-breaking gun suddenly became stronger.

With a crisp clang, everyone saw the head of the soul-breaking gun and the tip of the floating book sword facing each other, and a wave of transparent air erupted, and no one could do anything about it.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon, Yang Wudi is very clear that he has actually lost.

He used several soul skills, but the opponent was just a sword, but blocked his full blow!It's incredible!

At this moment, he understood Tian Ming's unfathomable depth, and also understood what it meant when the Po Zhi Clan was packed away and the other party didn't even make a move.I'm not worth it at all!

Yang Wudi held back his strength, refused to admit defeat, and increased his output of soul power without saying a word.

Soon his face was blushing, but the soul-breaking gun still couldn't penetrate an inch, even though his feet had already stepped deeply into the asphalt road and he used both hands!
"I! No! Believe me!" Yang Wudi roared, outputting all his soul power!
The soul-breaking gun made a strange noise, the gun head didn't move, and the gun barrel suddenly bent!
Yang Wudi's pupils shrank, and the next moment, the head of the soul-breaking gun was pushed forward by a huge force, but it was crushed by the tip of the floating book sword!

The Soul Breaking Spear moved forward step by step, each segment was shattered by the tip of the sword, and when Yang Wudi reacted and withdrew his force, only half of the spear was left in his hand.Yang Wudi stared blankly at the barrel of the gun, suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and fell to the ground on his back.

"Old goat!"

Tai Tan exclaimed, and a green shadow like smoke supported Yang Wudi, it was Bai He.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he'll be fine after a period of training. The so-called soul-breaking spear can't be broken or erected. When his martial spirit recovers, he may go a step further." Tian Ming said calmly.

Bai He checked it out, and sure enough, as Tian Ming said, Yang Wudi was fine, so he felt relieved.Putting Yang Wudi flat on the ground, Bai He's rickety body stood up straight, looking straight at Tian Ming.

"Old man Baihe, martial soul Swift with sharp tail, level 83 agility attack Contra, please advise."

"Tian Ming, Wuhun Tianshu, I don't know what type of Title Douluo is at level 99, so I'll fix it with Almighty, please advise." Tian Ming's words made Bai He's eyebrows twitch wildly, he stopped hesitating, and his figure turned into a Bi Yan flashed and appeared behind Tian Ming, pointing like a knife, the surge of soul power turned into a blade, piercing the back of the neck!

"What an old bastard, you really want to kill me, this is it." Tian Ming sneered, activated the soul skill Thousand Miles Transfer, and the whole person appeared behind Bai He as if teleporting, similarly pointed like a knife, and slashed over.

Bai He's eyes bulged, rolled his eyes, and hit the ground with his face on the ground.

Tai Tan and Niu Gao opened their eyes wide, completely unaware of what happened.

It was the same with Mingde and others, their hearts were full of shock at the moment.

powerful!too strong!
quick!It's too fast!

A group of soul masters were in shock. If they knew that Tian Ming had launched the Thousand Miles Transmission twice in a row just now, moving in a straight line, forming a "V" and circling behind Bai He, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

Tian Ming looked at Tai Tan and Niu Gao. "Your old buddies are too unfriendly to me, and I don't bother to compare with you one by one. If you can accept my book, even if you win, I will immediately release the order and leave."

After all, without giving them a chance to refute, the Heavenly Book Martial Soul boiled up, revealing the true body of the Wuhun. The Book of Heaven, which was two meters long and wide, suddenly became as heavy as a mountain and fell down suddenly.

Tian Ming praised his wit.This move contained extreme power, and it was also a powerful attack, just right for Tai Tan's strength and Niu Gao's defense.However, it is impossible for the two of them to take this blow, since each of the four sects has special skills, how could he let him go?

Tai Tan let out a roar, and the mighty orangutan spirit flashed, and then merged into his body to complete the animal transformation. A pair of arms thicker than an iron bucket blasted towards the sky, trying to catch the book from heaven.

Niu Gao is also possessed by a beast spirit, and he is going to use the defense of the plate armored giant rhinoceros to forcibly challenge the power of the heavenly book.

Then... a gorilla and a rhinoceros were all smashed into the ground, and there was a deep pit two meters square on the asphalt road.

Tian Ming clapped his hands, "It's done."

The two former Clear Sky Sect disciples recalled the same move Tian Ming used when he came to the Clear Sky Sect, which directly suppressed all the Title Douluo in the entire sect, and they were filled with emotion for a moment.

On the other side, videos with almost the same content and completely shot from different angles and different pixels on the Internet began to spread wildly.

Except for some people complaining about special effects at the beginning, no one brought up this topic again, but they were engrossed in watching the video.

Soon the video was noticed by relevant departments.

"Sir, I suggest you look at this."

A man took the tablet, glanced at the person who handed him the tablet, seemed to say that if the content is not important, you understand the consequences, and then looked at the tablet.

In the video, two giant python-like dragons fight each other. Some use spears and long swords to attack each other, while others turn into orangutans and rhinos.

The man's cheeks twitched, and he slapped the tablet on the person who handed it over. "Just show me this? This is the Seventh District. I can see aliens if I want to, and it is the most realistic and closest contact. Do you think I lack special effects to watch?"

The man said, and added, "But it's a great job, which studio did it?"

The young man who handed the tablet held the tablet and said leisurely, "The technical department has analyzed it, and it is a real video, not a special effect, sir."

The man blinked his eyes, his cheeks twitched slightly, and then he thought of an incredible possibility.

"Where is the recording location!"

"It's at XXX XX Avenue, Los Angeles."

"Boy, we have a mission."

Hoover Dam, a gunship took off, with the Seventh District personnel on board, and headed straight for Los Angeles.

In the base below the dam, a large group of people are studying and analyzing the actions of superhumans or aliens in the video and the power they display.

"What kind of spirit is this... What does the hall mean? An organization?"

"Wu... Hun, Sharp-tailed Swift, level 83 Min... Gong... Department... Hun... Contra? What the hell is this?"

"Aren't you an expert in Chinese literature, why don't you understand?"

Everyone looked at the only professional talent in the base, their eyes were full of doubts, but they received a blank stare instead.The expert looked at the crowd with disdain and asked, "Do you know how extensive and profound the Chinese language is? One word has multiple pronunciations! It has different interpretations in different contexts! Some sentences you don't even know how to pronounce! Do you know how long it took me to pass the HSK elementary test!? Four years! Four full years!"

This professional talent suddenly became excited, and began to talk about the various difficulties he encountered in the exam, and then directly took a pen to write down a bunch of square characters, most of which looked the same, and then began to translate the pile of words for everyone How to read and what it means, everyone's eyes widened.

Those words that are clearly the same have so many meanings! ?

Soon someone realized that they had strayed from the topic, so they quickly pulled it back and continued to study the meanings of words such as Wuhundian and Contra.

Not far away, another group was analyzing the battle scene in the video.

"Look at those circles. It seems that there are several people. The most is the one who turned into a dragon. There are nine of them! Doesn't it mean that the more circles, the more powerful?"

"Didn't you see that the one without circles beat those with circles?"

"Those circles seem to unleash a superpower when they light up..."

"You say they are aliens, or superpowers?"

"Aren't the aliens giant robots? Like the big frozen robot next door?"

"Are you an idiot? The whole universe is so big, there is only one kind of alien?"

Another quarrel begins...

(End of this chapter)

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