The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 37 37, sir, there are UFOs entering the no-fly zone!

Chapter 37 37, sir, there are UFOs entering the no-fly zone!
"Stop playing, get him done."

Tian Ming gave an order, and the giant dragon in mid-air groaned, knocked down Yu Yuanzhen on the opposite side, and smashed it to the ground.

Yu Yuanzhen immediately withdrew from the spirit avatar, and was covered by the giant dragon's claws, like a poor cerebellar axe.The dragon's neck bent, and it aimed at Yu Yuanzhen and let out a deafening roar. The terrifying sound waves rushed out visible to the naked eye, shattering the glass of several nearby streets, causing the crowd to scream.

Because of Yu Yuanzhen's beast spirit, his whole body was wounded, his spirit power was shaken, his face was full of humiliation, and he didn't dare to open it.

"How about my dragon?" Tian Ming walked to Yu Yuanzhen's side, and moved to the side with one hand. The body of Tianshu suddenly shrank, shaking off all the dust and dirt by itself and flying into his hands, revealing the huge bottomless dragon. square pit.

The people around have been far away, because they discovered that this is not a special effect but a real superpower, and it is extremely dangerous! ! !

The entire street became empty around Tian Ming, and there were two long queues of cars in the distance, but they rarely honked their horns, because the drivers all saw the big scene of two dragons fighting in the sky before, and most of them were in a daze at the moment.

The siren sounded in the distance, and several law enforcement officers trotted over with one hand on their waists.

"LAPD! Put your hand up and put it where we can see it!" A group of law enforcement officers pointed their guns at Tian Ming.

Seeing this scene, the people around ran faster, and the women's screams resounded through the sky just like in the movie.

Tian Ming smiled.

"I am the General of the Spirit Empire, acting as the emperor for the time being. Immediately lay down your weapons and stop provocative behavior, otherwise I will regard this as a declaration of war against the Spirit Empire!" Tian Ming's expression changed instantly, and his face became serious.

At this moment, the giant dragon, which was blocked behind a truck due to the viewing angle, raised its neck violently and turned to look at a group of law enforcement officers.

This scene immediately broke the nerves of the law enforcement officers, and they fired one after another, and emptied the magazines directly, fully demonstrating the fine traditions of law enforcement officers in the Lighthouse country - fast, not accurate, and ruthless.

"It seems that you are ready to declare war on the Wuhun Empire." Tian Ming's voice drew the eyes of a group of law enforcement officers back, and they immediately turned their guns, followed by a clicking sound.

They ran out of bullets without incident.

"Raphael, ask for support!"

A law enforcement officer yelled into the walkie-talkie, then hid behind a car, tightly gripping the small revolver with no bullets.

"Headquarters, this is XX Street, requesting support, requesting heavy firepower..." On the other side of the police car, the law enforcement officer who received the intercom immediately got into the car and took out the microphone, but before he could finish speaking, a huge dragon fell from the sky, A paw stomped down the police car, Longmu glanced coldly, turned his head and flew away.

The law enforcement officer held the microphone with only the spiral wire in his hand, and sat on the ground, speechless.

On Tian Ming's side, Ming De and the others were still reminiscing about the power of the weapons in the hands of the uniformed men just now.

Mingde is too sure that it is the so-called "gun" from the ancient times that Tian Ming showed him.

That kind of firing speed is simply much faster than the fastest crossbow, and the firing frequency is beyond imagination. Faced with this kind of attack, ordinary soul masters may not even be able to use their soul skills!
The most frightening thing is that this gun has a super long range, most of which are outside the attack range of the soul master, and it only needs to tick the mechanism on it to release the tyrannical lethality, it is simply... perfect!
Is this the soul tool from ancient times?Love love love!
The dragon flew back, and two old men crawled out of the big square pit one after another, carrying a stench.

This is very beaver, because the two were beaten to the ground, and passed through the sewer completely unexpectedly, and went back and forth twice in total, so it's strange that they don't smell bad.

Tai Tan and Niu Gao's expressions were extremely ugly.

Lost in strength and defense, failed to defend.

Niu Gao looked at Tian Ming, and really wanted to say that you haven't taken my attack yet, but he couldn't open his mouth at all.

Smell is only one aspect, and the more important thing is that you can't beat it at all. Opening your mouth is also asking for humiliation, not as good as you want to bet and admit defeat.

"It seems that you two can listen to me carefully, but the environment here is not good, let's talk about it in another place." Tian Ming said, the dragon crawled down, the dragon's head lay on the ground reluctantly, and glanced fiercely at Tai Tan And Niu Gao, and Mingde and others.

Tian Ming went up first, Ming De and others followed, and carried Yang Wudi and Bai He up as well. When Tai Tan and Niu Gao were standing, the giant dragon stood up abruptly, grabbed them with both claws, and soared into the sky.

The giant dragon hummed twice, as if explaining to Tian Ming that it would never let two stinky guys land on its back.

Naturally, Tian Ming didn't care about such trivial matters, since standing and being carried are the same anyway.He conveniently took out the GPS from Xuefu Wuche's storage soul guide, entered the destination, and with a command, the dragon flew towards Washington...

In the air force base and command room in a certain state of the lighthouse country, the siren suddenly sounded, and something was moving rapidly on the radar.

"Sir, a flying object has entered the no-fly zone!"

"high speed!"

"Water!? Turn on the satellite surveillance, I want to know its identity! Now!"

On the satellite imaging, a somewhat slender fuzzy shadow is moving rapidly, and no one knows what it is.

"What the hell is this!?" The officer frowned, "Contact the Ministry of Defense and ask them what's going on."

"Yes, sir!"

The command room was in chaos, with telephones ringing and shouting one after another.

"Sir, the Department of Defense doesn't know what's going on."

"It's not the Air Force either!"

"What about the CIA?"

"Sir, the CIA is trying to ask us what's going on."

"Sir, this is definitely not our plane."

"Not the Navy either."

"Not the Marines."

One officer after another, the officer with the highest status in the command room made one head and two big.

"I need answers! Can we see this thing?"

"It can't be done, it's too fast!"

"Is there a match for it in the database?"

"No, sir!"

"What about high-altitude surveillance, what are they doing for food!?" The officer roared.

"Air early warning and global eagle eye all cover the no-fly zone, otherwise we wouldn't know that this thing has come in, sir." A subordinate replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Shet!" The officer scratched his head with both hands and cursed fiercely, "Did this thing appear out of thin air?"

"Sir, it just appeared out of nowhere."

It was the subordinate who answered again.

The officer turned his head and stared at him viciously, already remembering him in his notebook.

But now the situation is urgent, he must make a decision.

"Send two Raptors into the air to intercept, if you don't respond, shoot them down!"

"Yes, sir!"

In the hangar, two Raptors slid up from the runway and flew straight into the sky. Soon after seeing the slender shadow, the two pilots were stunned.

"Thank you so much! That's...a flying snake with four legs!?"

"No, that's a dragon, a dragon from the East!"

(End of this chapter)

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