The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 44: Welcome to the Wuhun Empire

Chapter 44: Welcome to the Wuhun Empire
The capital of the Wuhun Empire in the Transformers world was designated as Washington, and Baiguan naturally became Tian Ming's official residence and office.

Mingde and other researchers brought the corpse of Transformers, F22, nuclear bombs and various firearms and other scientific and technological artifacts into Tian Ming's Tianshu world, and started the research work on soul guidance technology applicable to the Douluo world.

Niu Gao led a group of people and was working overtime to build a new Wuhun City around the Baiguan for the people Tian Ming brought from the Douluo World Wuhun City and the new citizens who were about to join the empire to live.A huge group of buildings rose from the ground at an extremely fast speed, not even slower than Huaxia!
In the eyes of the onlookers in Milijian, this is simply a miracle!
And Yu Yuanzhen, Tai Tan and others have become the new officials of the Wuhun Empire, and they are now under the leadership of Tian Ming, drawing banners to recruit people.

The Wuhun Empire needed new people, so they would naturally choose from this world, and then mix with the residents of Wuhun City in the Douluo World.The first batch of new citizens does not need too many people, otherwise they may assimilate the original people of Douluo World.

And the recruited objects are neither white nor black, all of them are of Chinese descent.Although these people have long been non-Chinese nationalities and have been assimilated by Mi Lijian long ago, they still have yellow blood and share a common ancestor with Tian Ming, so Tian Ming decided to select a group of Chinese to enter the Wuhun Empire in this world.

In mid-air, Yu Yuanzhen turned into a giant dragon and swam slowly. On the slender dragon body, a huge red banner was tied, with two lines of big characters written in both Chinese and English.

"Brothers and sisters of Chinese descent, do you want to stop being discriminated against? Do you want to become a master with superpowers? Join the Wuhun Empire!"

"The Lighthouse Country is being destroyed. Want a new life? Join the Spirit Empire."

There are many similar slogans. In this land that has fallen into chaos because of the paralysis of the leading dead white officer, the trend of slapping dentists that has arisen in the past few days has once again prevailed, and it has intensified.

The situation of dentists is very bad, and the Chinese who occupy the largest number are the most miserable.

There was black smoke floating in the sky, and there were explosions and gunshots in the distance from time to time, but the giant dragon and the slogan were still very eye-catching, and many people were eager to move.

In a square, passers-by were in a hurry, almost all of them held guns in their hands, or put them in their pockets, and in the other hand, they held a large bag of supplies from the supermarket. Full of vigilance, one by one, stay as far away from other people as possible.

The giant dragon suddenly flew across the sky, hovered in the air, and then landed. Tian Ming, Tai Tan and others followed, and the unique clothes and appearance were immediately recognized.

What happened next surprised everyone.

A long table appeared out of thin air, followed by a huge banner that read "Temporary Office of Wuhun Empire Immigration Service Bureau".

Everyone saw Tian Ming sitting behind the long table, while Yu Yuanzhen, Tai Tan, Bai He, and Yang Wudi stood behind him, like the Four King Kongs, with soul power surging all over their bodies, quietly emitting terrifying power.

Tian Ming scanned everyone in the square with a smile on his face, and suddenly his tongue burst into thunder, and at the same time activated the head spirit bone skill, a voice with faint hypnotic power seemed to be installed with a super amplifier, towards The whole of Washington radiated away.

"People of Milijian, your country is in crisis, but the Wuhun Empire, as a newly established country, is strong and safe, and urgently needs all kinds of talents and ordinary people to join. All those who want to settle down, want to Anyone who wants to get rid of the current bad situation and no longer worry about safety, food and other issues can join the Spirit Empire.

All you need to do is to come to this table, pass a simple immigration investigation, become a citizen of the Spirit Empire, get various guarantee rights, and a gift that only citizens of the Spirit Empire can enjoy, the Spirit! "

As Tian Ming said, he sent voice transmission to the four of them, and the four of them immediately activated their spirits, revealing their spirit rings. The magnificent radiance of the spirits and spirit rings shocked everyone, and more and more people kept their distance. Surrounding them, more and more people recognized the protagonist in the popular video. Seeing the cool and magical "super power" with their own eyes at this moment, everyone was in disbelief.

Is this the super power - Martial Soul?

"Everyone, if you join the empire, you also have the opportunity to obtain such power, which is much stronger than the guns in your hands. Well, those who want to join the empire can come here now.

Wuhun Empire, welcome to join us! "

After Tian Ming finished speaking, no one moved.

But Tian Ming was not embarrassed at all.He just used a trace of the hypnotic ability of the soul bone, just to let everyone listen to it. As for whether he will come or not, there is no rush at all right now.

After all, this is a change of nationality. For anyone, it is not as simple as eating and drinking. Moreover, many people don't even know what the Wuhun Empire is. The only thing that may attract them to join is Wuhun in that video. The great power shown in it.

For Tian Ming, Douluo World is the foundation, and other worlds are just nourishment for the progress of Douluo World's soul-guided technology, so he is really not in a hurry. To him, this move is just for fun, after all, he himself doesn't know Can you start the Wuhun awakening ceremony in this world?

That's right, in his vision, those who join the Wuhun Empire must of course awaken their Wuhun and become a soul master.

And people in the information age may have even more strange martial souls, such as awakening microscopes, machine tools, computers, etc., everything is possible.In the nature of Tian Ming's gambling, the only thing he really cares about is this possibility.

If someone can really awaken these martial spirits that are helpful to industry and technology research and development, then it will definitely have a great effect on the improvement of soul guidance technology in Douluo World.

Of course, Tian Ming's move is still trying to hit the big luck, so it depends on luck.

The crowd was still watching, and soon some people shook their heads and left.

The four King Kongs looked serious, but their hearts were embarrassed.

But they don't say it, and ignore it!

Anyway, Tian Ming is here and they follow and the matter is over.

Time passed quietly, groups of people came and went in a hurry, in the chaotic city, almost everyone was busy looting supplies, social order completely collapsed, and who would care about a group of guys with strange behaviors and clothes ?

Even seeing a large number of people gathering, they turned their heads and walked away without even looking at them. They just wanted to go home as soon as possible. After all, the guns and bullets in their hands were full of cold, even if they were warmed by their hands, they still couldn’t calm down their inner anxiety and uneasiness. , only home can.

But at this moment, a burst of gunshots came from far and near, and the crowd of onlookers suddenly dispersed and went back to their homes.

A Nige chased an Asian and kept shooting, and happened to be heading in the direction of Tian Ming and the others.

"Help... help!" The Asian man was bloody on his forehead, as if he had seen a savior, and his steps were a little faster.

Tian Ming smiled.

This Asian may be the first new citizen of the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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