The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 45, Chapter 45, The Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony in Transformers World

Chapter 45, Chapter 45, The Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony in Transformers World
"Which one of you will deal with that black guy?" Tian Ming asked.

Yang Wudi was about to make a move, when Yu Yuan Zhen's palm exploded, and a blue lightning flashed, blowing up the chasing brother Nige on the spot, falling to the ground with smoke all over his body.

The Asian was taken aback, and when he came back to his senses, his eyes lit up when he saw Nigo who was lying on the ground and twitching occasionally.

What was that just now?

No, that is the mysterious oriental witchcraft, right?

He has never watched the popular video about Tian Ming and others, but he is very yearning for oriental culture. The posters at home are all posters of Kung Fu stars such as Jackie Chen. , The furniture didn't work well at all, and after falling to pieces a few times, he felt distressed and never practiced again.

Well it doesn't matter, what matters is that these people saved him.Just as he stepped forward to thank him, the Asian found out that this desk turned out to be a temporary immigration service office?
Wuhun Empire?

The Asian looked astonished, but the danger of the current environment and what happened just now made him yearn for strength.And these people in front of him seem to have magical abilities, so what if he tries to join this Spirit Empire?

Anyway, no matter how bad the situation is, how bad can it be?

"My friend, do you want to join the Spirit Empire?" Tian Ming asked with a smile on his face.

The Asian nods.

"Very good, next you have to pass two small tests, as long as you pass the first one, you can become an imperial citizen and enjoy all the rights of an imperial citizen."

After Tian Ming finished speaking, Tianshu suddenly appeared in front of the Asian, suspended in the air. This scene surprised the Asian.

The next moment, the light in the book of heaven erupted, covering the entire Asian population, and it was Tian Ming who activated the sixth soul skill - too many to write!
If you want to join the Wuhun Empire, you must first have a decent character.Those who have committed murder and arson will only be humanely destroyed on the spot, and they are completely ineligible to become imperial citizens, not even the lowest third-class citizens.

The soul skill test was completed very quickly, Tian Ming nodded in satisfaction, he is a person who has not committed a crime, not bad.

But what comes next is the big game.

"I will perform a ceremony for you later, called the Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony, don't be afraid of anything that happens." Tian Ming smiled kindly.

"Wuhun? What is that?"

Tian Ming pointed to the Four King Kong behind him, "Demonstrate."

The four of Yu Yuanzhen immediately activated their martial spirits, the giant dragon roared, their spears fell to the ground, and the powerful orangutan and the sharp-tailed swift possessed their bodies one after another. The visually impactful scene shocked this Asian. The same goes for the guys over here.

Tian Ming smiled, and took out a few props from the soul tool Shufu Wucart: six black round stones, a delicate, shining blue crystal ball, it was the Wuhun Temple that awakened children's spirits special props.

With a thought in Tian Ming's mind, the invisible soul force placed six boulders around the Asian body, forming a regular hexagon.

"Close your eyes and feel it carefully." Tian Ming said, the six soul powers poured into the six boulders, and a golden brilliance burst out from the boulders, turning into a golden light cover, covering the Asian.

Asians looked around the mask curiously, their eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

He also seems to want that kind of martial soul!
If he had a martial soul, how could he be discriminated against or even bullied and hunted down by those damned guys?

Thinking of Tian Ming's words, he quickly closed his eyes and tried to feel it.But he has no idea what to feel specifically.

Suddenly, a warm feeling surrounded the whole body, so comfortable that people wanted to groan.

Then the warm breath seemed to penetrate into the body. After an indescribable feeling, it seemed that something gathered in the body and moved towards the palm. The Asian opened his hand instinctively, and countless light spots rushed out of it. Gathering quickly, it turned into a... pistol.

Asian opened his eyes, looked at the Wuhun in his hand that was indistinguishable from a real gun, and was completely stunned.

"This... is this my martial soul? Is this a real gun?"

"That's right, the effect is exactly the same as that of a real gun, and at the same time, it can be retracted freely at any time according to your will." Tian Ming smiled, "This is the most basic ability of a martial soul. With a little practice, you can become the strongest magician with this skill. up.

The Asian was playing with the Wuhun pistol, excited, and fired a shot in the distance, which made him even more excited.

"It's a good weapon, Wuhun." Tian Ming praised, explaining everything about Wuhun to the Asian.

"So if I want this gun to become stronger and stronger, I must first have soul power, and then I have to kill monsters to get a soul ring?"


"Please test my soul power, I'm sorry." The Asian was a little impatient, but he was still polite, which Tian Ming thought was very good.

"Are you Chinese?"

"That's right."

Tian Ming nodded again.

Although the person in front of him is a foreigner with Chinese blood, the blood flowing in his bones is clean and noble, unlike the bandits and barbarians living in this country.

"Put your hands on it." Tian Mingtuo gestured while holding up the crystal ball.

Asians immediately put their hands on top, and Akira Wada wrapped the crystal ball up and down.

The next moment, a little light lit up on the blue crystal ball.

Although there was only a trace of that light, it was very bright and could not be ignored.

After waiting for a while, the light did not change. Tian Ming signaled the Asian to stop, "Yes, level 2 soul power, which means you can practice and make your gun stronger. As a first-class citizen, you will get the most An efficient cultivation method, I will introduce the method into your consciousness now, and you can practice according to it."

Tian Ming then passed on the cultivation method he had obtained from the system to this Asian.

"From now on, you are a first-class citizen of the Spirit Empire!" Tian Ming said, condensing his soul power into a solid form, turning it into a card, similar to an ID card, on which were written four vigorous and powerful first-class citizens, On the upper left corner, there is a lifelike portrait of this Asian. On the back of the card is the emblem of the Spirit Empire, which is still the original emblem of the Hall of Spirits. Although the Shang Sanzong and other forces are no longer there, Tian Ming has not changed it.

"Take it, this is your identity certificate. With this certificate, you can enjoy the protection of the empire, and live and travel in the capital of the empire. Anyone who tries to hurt you or violate your personal rights will be thundered by the Spirit Empire." Strike!"

The Asians received the certificate, looking like a treasure.

"Come on, this flying sword will send you to the capital of the empire, and someone will take care of you."

This Asian wanted to go home and pack up his things, but he thought that he is now a superpower, a person from the new world, so why keep the things from the old world?So he stepped on the flying sword, and the next moment, the shield on the flying sword rose to protect him firmly, and then disappeared in an instant, turning into a little star in the sky.

Tian Ming looked at the sneaky guys in the distance with a smile, his tongue burst into thunder, "Do you want to join the Spirit Empire too?"

The few who witnessed the entire process of the Asian gaining superpowers subconsciously glanced at each other, and they were all moved.

How about... Try it?
(End of this chapter)

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