The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 46 46, the first soul master in the Transformers world to break through level 1 soul power!

Chapter 46 46, the first soul master in the Transformers world to break through level 10 soul power!

Time passed quietly.

As more and more people joined the Wuhun Empire, the power of the Wuhun also spread, and then attracted more people to join with various purposes. Before long, the Wuhun Empire spread all over the world With great popularity, Wuhun, soul power, soul master, and soul ring have become the terms that people talk about the most after dinner.The Wuhun Empire looks like a brand new big country.

After the military of the Lighthouse State stopped a large-scale attack but was killed, the entire army was slaughtered, and after being known to the world through live broadcasts around the world, the status of the Wuhun Empire stabilized, and it even replaced the Lighthouse State as the super power. trends in big countries.

Soon the second Wuhun Hall was opened, located in the Eastern Kingdom, to spread knowledge about Wuhun - as for the first Wuhun Temple, it was naturally opened in the newly built capital around Baiguan.

More and more people went to the capital of the Spirit Empire to inquire about the situation in the capital and the strength of the soul masters, and Tian Ming did not stop him. He had to let the world see the power of the soul masters, what the Spirit Empire had done, and The most important thing--the Wuhun Empire is not an "alien force" that came to destroy the earth, but to seek coexistence and development, so it made no secrets and let the forces of various countries scoop up information.

Soon, the Eastern Kingdom took advantage of the advantage of being close to the water, and there were a large number of soul masters, and all of them were auxiliary soul masters. Most of their spirits were weapon spirits such as various scientific research equipment , although most of them had low innate soul power, the power of martial soul still helped them make many breakthroughs in scientific research.

With the successive breakthroughs of the Eastern Kingdom in various fields, showing the trend of surpassing the Lighthouse Country, the Eastern Kingdom was the first to establish diplomatic relations with the Wuhun Empire, and even after obtaining the most advanced method of soul power cultivation, other countries immediately became jealous .

Many countries are aware of the existence of alien Decepticons.Seeing that the strength of the already super-potential eastern power is advancing by leaps and bounds, the potential threat posed by the "alien force" of the Wuhun Empire no longer exists.

Compared with the more aggressive alien mechanical life Decepticons, the soul masters of the Wuhun Empire, who are not much different from humans and are more friendly to humans, are obviously good partners.

But in fact, the threat of the Decepticons did not happen on their land. It is not so much the reason why the countries changed their minds because of the threat of aliens, but it is better to say that the Wuhun Empire destroyed the strength shown by the Lighthouse Kingdom. It made them even more frightened.

It's realistic.

Time continued to pass.The original states of the Lighthouse State became independent one after another, and some merged to become the new Lighthouse State. Then because of this name, they fought fiercely.

And Wuhun Empire, Mingde and others are analyzing various technologies in an orderly manner, trying to transform them into more powerful soul guidance technologies, and they enjoy it every day.

The Power Clan of Titan is very interested in firearms, disassembling various firearms every day, pondering their structure, and trying to create a more powerful version.They don't have much research on soul guides, so naturally they don't want to build soul guides, they just want simple and more powerful firearms.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family became the guardian force of the empire. Yu Yuanzhen and Bai He took a large number of elites to various parts of the world to hunt the Decepticons left on the earth. One side is a warrior and the other is a scout. The general tacit understanding made the game extremely enjoyable. Decepticon corpses were constantly being sent back to the new capital of the Spirit Empire, and even Tian Ming had to call some soul instructors from the Mingde Institute of Douluo World over to conduct an autopsy study together.

The development of Wuhun Empire is on the right track, Tian Ming has nothing to do to tease Bibi Dong, and the rest of the time is spent on cultivation, trying to break the shackles of upgrading from 99 to 100, but there is no effect yet.

It was another sunny day, after Tian Ming finished practicing today, he opened Shufu Wuche Soul Guidance Device and Tianshu World to check the treasures inside.

After signing in Transformers World for several months, he signed out several tasks, and after completing them, he naturally accumulated a lot of strange things.

In addition to the regular prizes such as soul power level +1 and soul ring, there is a special product of this world-the leader matrix!
This is an energy source, and it is also a key. It is the key to a huge machine created by several leader-level Transformers to destroy stars to obtain energy blocks for life.

This is the crown jewel of the second film.

In addition to the matrix, there is also a space bridge in the third part. This thing is also called a teleportation column, which can open a space channel and can teleport the entire planet of Cybertron to the earth. Its function is almost the same as that of the space stone, but it is very troublesome to arrange. , the startup is not so fast.

What Tian Ming holds is the main control pillar, which is the most important and core one among all the teleportation pillars.

He even has a seed from the fourth part in his hand, which is the kind of stuff that explodes and can turn the surrounding Cybertron into metal, and at the same time metallize all organic life, and become the metal raw material for making Transformers. It looks like It's a big bullet, and it really looks like a seed.

Looking at these things, Tian Ming remembered that the Decepticons will come back.

The second, third and fourth parts are all there, so there is no reason why the fifth part is missing.The scepter that transformed the power of the Creator, the scepter that can bring Cybertron back to life, was given to the magician Merlin a long time ago, and it was placed in front of Tian Ming at this moment.

Looking at these things, Tian Ming couldn't help but look at his feet again.

At the end of the fifth film, a bunch of huge sharp horns appeared on the earth, it seems that the earth itself is some kind of universe emperor.Thinking about it this way, this earth is really full of disasters.

With this in mind, Tian Ming decided to personally join the hunting team to hunt down the Decepticons, and at the same time, he also went to see that universe emperor. The teleportation pillar on the moon had to be obtained, and the Creator of Cybertron—the female Transformer Quintasha, obviously, will have to wait a while.

"I'm going to be busy all of a sudden." Tian Ming muttered, took out his Xiaomi phone, and made a call.

"Gently hold your face and wipe away your tears... Hey, is Yu Yuanzhen?"

There was a mess of voices on the other end of the phone, there were metal impacts, lightning bolts, explosions, gunfire, and the screams of machines, obviously they were fighting the Decepticons.

"General, what's the matter?" Yu Yuanzhen yelled, and as he slammed out casually, a thunder dragon claw shot out, piercing a Decepticon through his chest, pinching his fire, "We are a little busy here, Excuse me."

"Go to Egypt after you finish this wave, and I will wait for you there."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Yuanzhen roared, "What are you doing, hurry up!"

Several Decepticons who were besieged roared, and a group of Blue Lightning Overlord Zong soul masters around them released strong currents one after another, restraining the Decepticons in place, sparks flashed wildly, and one of them turned his head and shouted, " Zong...Patriarch, are we not going to capture them alive?"

"The general has explained that we are rushing to Egypt. We will kill these Decepticons directly. If you want to capture them alive, you will have a chance in the future." Yu Yuanzhen waved his hand impatiently, and a group of soul masters immediately carried out the order, and broke out to attack the soul technology.

During the frantic jump of the current, several Decepticons were beaten black and smoking, completely paralyzed, and then pierced through the spark.Several members of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect worked together to load the body onto a large truck, leaving some escorts, while the rest followed Yu Yuanzhen and went straight to Egypt.

On the other side, just as Tian Ming was about to leave, news came from the Spirit Hall that the first soul master on earth with a soul power breaking through level 10 appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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