My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 124 Tier 4 Poisonous Snake

Chapter 124 Tier [-] Viper




Warcraft roared one after another.

At first, these sounds were very far away, as if separated by a mountain, the sounds were faintly visible.

As time went by, the beast's roar approached rapidly and became clearer and clearer. Finally, the ground trembled slightly, and the pebbles kept trembling.


After a while, the sound of galloping horses sounded in the distance.

The roar of the monster continued to amplify, from faint to deafening, like roaring in the ear.

A mercenary turned pale: "It's over, it's over! It's over! The little brother of Metal Elephant is here!"

Someone scolded: "How did this group of beasts come so fast?"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the bald man in silver armor, a little flustered: "Leader? What should we do?"

The bald man didn't move his eyes, looked left, right, left, right, his eyes wandered.

After a while, he gritted his teeth: "Brothers, it has been 200 years since our Rolling Stone Mercenary Group was founded. The reputation of generations of predecessors who have licked blood with their knives has never accepted bad guys. Being able to work with me proves that you are all iron-blooded." Man!"

"What is a mercenary? Lick blood with the tip of a knife! Dance with death!"

"Lots of money! Splurge like dirt!"

"Fuck the fiercest monster! The most beautiful woman!"

"Life wanton, not timid, not afraid!"

"Today is considered unlucky for us. We encountered the metal elephant, the ruler of the central area of ​​the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, and were surrounded by a group of demonic beasts. The situation is not optimistic, but it's nothing, a manly man, a man is dead and a bird is in the sky, and he will not die for thousands of years!"

The words of the bald man mobilized the morale of the mercenary group, and the crowd was excited!
"That's right! If the man is alive, why should he be afraid of death?!"

"Death! We have to kill this metal elephant!"

The atmosphere of the mercenary group has been tense and flustered from the beginning, and it has become tragic, and they regard death as home!

A group of people breathed heavily and clenched their weapons tightly, their knuckles were pale from too much force, their eyes were red and they stared at the metal elephant.

The bald man shouted: "That's right! We are all pure men, we can't insult the reputation of the Rolling Stone Mercenary Group, even if we die today, we will die with honor!"

He turned his head to the woman in the long white dress and said in a deep voice: "Yan'er, you are a one-star fighting spirit, second only to me in strength, let's open the way, you escort the second lady out!"

The woman in the white skirt said anxiously: "The leader..."

"Listen to my orders!" The bald-headed man interrupted her directly, and said angrily, "We can die, but the employer can't have any accidents. Do your best to protect her!"

A look of sadness appeared on the beautiful face of the woman in the white skirt, and she cried, "Father!"

It turned out that the two were father and daughter.

The bald-headed man didn't look at her, but turned to another girl in a [-]-year-old Huahong skirt and said in a deep voice: "Miss Galoran, this mission has an appointment first, if the entire army is wiped out, it will be considered that this mission is completed by default, I hope After you escape, you can fulfill the contract and pay the rest of the mercenary group's compensation."

The girl in the red skirt is usually eccentric and mischievous, but at this moment, her delicate and fair face is full of panic: "This, this is nature."

Suddenly, a long elephant chant sounded.

The rumbling sound of thousands of horses galloping disappeared, and many monsters appeared in the field of vision.

A group of black giant wolves jumped onto the towering tree and looked down coldly. Several giant pythons wrapped around the tree trunk, hesitating and hissing.

The metal elephant held its head proudly, its two-story-high body was powerful and oppressive, its eyes were full of contempt, squinting condescendingly at the mercenary group.

It gave another long cry, and launched an attack instantly!

I saw its two front legs raised high, and then stepped down fiercely with the momentum of Mount Tai!

There was a violent explosion, and the ground was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and the ground formed a knee-high wave, and the waves spread out circle after circle with the elephant's leg as the core.



All of a sudden, the trees fell and screamed again and again.

The bald man's eyes were about to burst, and he waved his right hand: "Kill me!"

After all, rush up first.

A fierce battle begins!
Perhaps it was the younger brother who came, and the metal elephant had no worries, and its strength soared again. The mercenary regiment that had been attacked in twos and threes was defeated, and only Miao Miao was left struggling to support it.

The woman in the white skirt was full of sadness, and the next moment it turned into determination!
She grabbed the slender wrist of the girl in the red dress, turned her head and ran away.

A group of monsters came to surround and kill them. Two wolf-shaped monsters jumped down from the tree with bared teeth. She fanned the long sword upwards in her hand, and a crescent-shaped silver-white sword qi flew out obliquely, instantly chopping the two second-tier monsters in half. The corpses and blood fell to the ground. .

A one-star Dou Ling is equivalent to a fourth-tier junior monster, and it is normal to kill two second-tier monsters in seconds.

But there were hundreds of monsters besieging the two of them, and the leaders were two fourth-level junior monsters.

For a moment, she was in despair.

During the chaotic battle, the girl in the red skirt was bitten on her thigh by a fourth-order poisonous snake, and she screamed and sat down on the ground.

The woman in the white skirt exclaimed: "Second Miss!"

She looked angrily at the fourth-order poisonous snake. The latter was small in size and shaped like a cobra. It was relentless when it hit a single hit. It squirmed like lightning and shrank into the grass to hide, disappearing from the sight of the woman in the white skirt.

The woman in the white skirt was furious, but she had no choice but to protect the girl in the red skirt.

The metal elephant saw the opportunity, and rushed forward with a long groan, shaking its head and shaking its legs, no one could stop it.

Rush to the front of the second girl, raised a pair of front legs high, raised her head, and flung her thick and long elephant trunk back, forming a C-shape. The golden light of the elephant trunk flowed, obviously using some kind of skill, and then flung it hard Down!

The woman in the white skirt crazily mobilized the fighting spirit in her body, holding the long sword in her right hand and raising it above her head.


The two collided, and the explosion was deafening!

The woman in the white skirt spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, her face was pale, and her body was thrust into the ground from the waist down by Wan Jun's huge force.

She kept raising her sword to block, but the long sword broke from it, and two slapped long swords were scattered on the ground.

The metal elephant gained momentum and raised a pair of front legs high again. The long and thick trunk swung back to form a C shape, and smashed down hard!


This time the sound was more intense, the ground was trembling, and the yellow smoke instantly rose up one floor high, submerging half of the metal elephant's body, making it look even more terrifying.

"Do not!!!"

A group of bald and strong men roared loudly!
In their view, Yan'er, a woman in a white dress, was hit hard by a metal elephant, and another blow would definitely kill her.

Not only her, but even the second young lady in the red skirt will be smashed into a meat sauce by the way.

When a group of people were in grief and despair, the metal elephant let out a long cry of pain, and moved its legs to move back, but it seemed that something caught the elephant's trunk and couldn't move.

The thick yellow smoke and dust gradually faded away, and a tall figure turned his back on the crowd, appearing hazy in the smoke and dust.

He raised his right arm, grabbed the trunk with a completely asymmetrical size with one hand, and said indifferently: "Tell me the exact location of the ice pool in the Warcraft Mountain Range, I will kill this Warcraft and save your lives. "

(End of this chapter)

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