My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 125 Four Punches Break the Elephant!

Chapter 125 Four Punches Break the Elephant!

A group of people from the Rolling Stone Mercenary Group were dumbfounded, their faces were filled with disbelief!

You must know that this is a fourth-level high-level monster metal elephant, with extraordinary talent and infinite strength. Not to mention the strong human beings of the same level, even monsters of the same level known for their physical strength would not dare to face it head-on.

Therefore, it will become one of the rulers of the central region of the Warcraft Mountains!

Now, someone caught the metal elephant with his bare hands and hit it with all his strength!
The yellow dust slowly fell to the ground, and the hazy figure became clearer and clearer, until finally the air became clear again, and the back of a young man in a white scholar's gown was exposed in everyone's sight.

A group of people were in shock, the young man frowned, and said again: "Need me to repeat it a second time?"

This person is obviously Li Shu.

He is an outsider and knows little about the Warcraft Mountains.

These mercenaries have stayed in the Warcraft Mountains for many years and know the Warcraft Mountains well.

As long as there is an ice pool in the Warcraft Mountains, they must have heard of it and know the exact location.

No matter how bad it was, he could still plan an approximate location, saving him the time of searching.

The girl in the red skirt said quickly: "I know, I know, we happen to be going to the Ice Pond, young master can go with us, and please kill this metal elephant quickly."

Li Shu nodded and said nothing.

He raised his right arm and grabbed the elephant's trunk, his muscles tensed, and his jade body was in full swing.

At this moment, Li Shu's right arm seemed to be taking X-rays, and the white sleeves and flesh became transparent, except for the bones of the arm and fingers and palms emitting a strange dark green luster.

Li Shu's figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It reappeared, kneeling on one knee on top of the metal elephant.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and swung his right arm in a circle, with his elbow slanting towards the sky, and his upper body turned slightly backwards. For a moment, he looked like a whole made of steel, concise and indestructible!
next moment……

One punch!

Li Shu's fist turned into a phantom, and he slammed his fist on the metal elephant's head, as if two speeding high-speed trains slammed into each other, a golden halo spread from the impact, and the explosion was deafening!
The metal elephant had rough skin and thick flesh, but was punched by Li Shu until he vomited blood and let out a long moan of pain. He was dizzy and didn't know how to resist, so he could only back away desperately while shaking his head and trying to drive Li Shu off.

However, roots took root under Li Shu's feet, as if sticking to the top of a metal elephant's head, and he swung his right arm again.

Two punches!


Metal kneeling like a pair of forelimbs.

Three punches!


The metal elephant kneeled on its hind legs.

Four punches!



The metal elephant's skull was pierced, and Li Shu's forearm was completely submerged in the metal elephant's head. With five fingers, he grabbed a large golden walnut crystal core.

The metal elephant's eyes were slack, and it kept kneeling for two breaths, its huge body slowly tilted to the left, and finally smashed to the ground like a golden mountain and a jade pillar, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Before it fell to the ground, Li Shu had jumped to the ground.

Seeing this, the monsters who besieged the Rolling Stone mercenary group roared in panic, turned around and fled.

Some monsters looked back while running wildly, for fear that Li Shu, the god of killing who appeared out of nowhere, would chase them down.

Naturally, Li Shu didn't bother to pay attention to this group of monsters. He put the fourth-order monster crystal nucleus into the soul-suppressing monument, and gently flicked his right palm in front of him. The bloody palm turned into white jade, but the blood on the white sleeve could not be removed. .

Li Shu said indifferently: "You guys take a break, heal your wounds, restore your fighting spirit, and then take me to the ice pool."

He jumped onto the top of a two-story round large bluestone, took out a sea-blue luminous pearl, crossed his knees and closed his eyes to cultivate the supernatural powers of the jade body.

Jade body supernatural power triple heaven, jade bone, jade muscle, jade body, corresponding to the small achievement, the great achievement, and the peak respectively.

Li Shu didn't use his supernatural powers, and turned into a one-foot-tall green giant. When he used his human body to fully use his jade body supernatural powers, the jade bones would be exposed to the eyes of outsiders.

In the dark night, he practiced silently.

A group of people below stood scattered, using the dark clouds to disperse the bright starlight and moonlight from the sky, they all looked up at him at the same time, their eyes were wild, as if they were gods!
A metal elephant of a fourth-order high-level monster that could not be beaten by a mercenary group that had been hammered and hammered, was smashed by Li Shu's four punches, and he was powerless to fight back.

How talented is this young man?
By the looks of it, he's in his early twenties at most.

The woman in the white dress is named Ling Yan, cold and arrogant, 32 years old and one-star Dou Ling, who is already recognized as a rare genius, but was hanged and beaten by a metal elephant.

This man who appeared suddenly, has the strength to crush metal elephants at such a young age, at least Nine Star Fighting Spirit, even, even...

Dou Wang!

Thinking of such a young Dou Wang, everyone's eyes widened even wider.

Especially the red skirt girl Jia Luolan and the white skirt girl Ling Yan who were rescued by Li Shu. The former's big watery eyes almost turned into star eyes. Ling Yan's temperament was cold and arrogant, but she also stared at Li Shu blankly, a little absent-minded, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I'm in a hurry, if you're all right, go to the Ice Pond now."

When everyone raised their heads and looked at Li Shu, Li Shu sat cross-legged on the top of the two-story round big bluestone, without opening his eyes, and spit out these words condescendingly.

Hearing this, a group of people came back to their senses, screaming in pain, gasping for air, limping and walking together one after another.

Ling Yan's eyes were flustered, and she quickly lowered her head.

Turning her head to glance around, she was relieved to find that no one was paying attention to her.

After heaving a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but quietly raised his head to look at Li Shu, and then quickly lowered his head like a thief, for fear of being discovered.

The bald man hurried over to check his daughter Ling Yan's injury.

After a while, he was relieved: "Fortunately, it's just that the bone of the right arm that was holding up the sword to block was broken, and the meridian was impacted by the violent fighting spirit, and suffered a certain amount of damage. It can be recovered after a little training."

Ling Yan was thrust into the ground from the waist down by the metal elephant's nose. After the bald man finished speaking, he stood behind her and bent down. He held her fair neck with five fingers of his right hand. Pulled her daughter out of the ground like grass.

Ling Yan crossed her legs on the spot to recover, and the bald-headed man walked up to the red skirt girl Caroline again, and said respectfully, "Second Miss, are you alright?"

Caroline still maintained his star-eyed state, holding his cheeks in his hands and looking up at Li Shu adoringly, his big eyes blinking, as if he didn't hear the bald man's words.

"Ahem!" The bald man was a little embarrassed, he clenched his right fist and put it on his lips to cough twice, raising his voice: "Second Miss?"

"Ah?" Carolan came back to his senses, wiped the non-existent saliva from the corner of his mouth with his right hand and said quickly, "What's the matter?"

The bald man couldn't laugh or cry: "I asked you if you were injured."

Carolan tilted his head and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I was bitten by a snake, but the wound doesn't hurt or itch, so it should be fine."

"How could it be all right!" Hearing this, Ling Yan, the woman in the white dress, seemed to think of something, got up and walked to her with an anxious expression on her face: "It's a fourth-order magical beast, the black-bellied spirit snake, which is extremely poisonous. Tier [-] monsters can be poisoned to death, not to mention you, a little fighter whose strength is not as strong as Tier [-] monsters."


Caroline opened his mouth wide open, and after a while his eyes were full of doubts: "But I do feel that everything is normal, this snake can't be fake, right?"

With that said, she was about to stand up and prove that she was fine.

He stood halfway with his left leg bent, and sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Caroline said in a flustered tone, "I, I, I can't control my right leg!"

Ling Yan's face darkened: "If I remember correctly, the black-bellied spirit snake bit your right thigh, lift up your skirt and let me see the wound."

As soon as the words fell, the ears of the surrounding mercenaries who were cross-legged to restore their fighting spirit or healed their injuries moved, and for some unknown reason, they all got up and surrounded them.

As a result, more than a dozen people lowered their heads and formed a circle. Caroline stretched out his legs and put his hands on the ground behind him, sitting in the center of the circle with a tense expression.

(End of this chapter)

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