My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 146 Please cooperate with our inspection!

Chapter 146 Please cooperate with our inspection!
"Duk, duk, duk..."

There was a rhythmic sound of the soles of leather shoes hitting the floor tiles.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with an extraordinary bearing in a black suit walked over and repeated: "Who wants to call the police?"

Li Siyu saw that the coming person became a good baby in seconds, folded his hands on his lower abdomen, bent slightly and said sweetly: "Hello, Uncle Lin~"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded: "Hello, little girl."

Then he frowned and looked at Qi Tianyu and Zhang Qi who were lying on the ground, and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Siyu had an obedient face: "They bullied people and got beaten."

The middle-aged man in the black suit sighed: "Xiaoyu, you are going to be an adult soon, and most of your friends around you are adults, so you should be calm when you encounter problems, and try not to do anything if you can, otherwise it will be very troublesome to deal with."

Li Siyu nodded hurriedly, and tentatively said: "Then can I take my friend away?"

"Want to leave?" Huayewu said angrily, "It's a beautiful idea! This is intentional injury, and it is a felony. If Tianyu is beaten like this, he will be sentenced to at least ten or eight years!"

Then he turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, and looked him up and down: "Are you a policeman?"

"En." The middle-aged man responded, and said seriously: "I am the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Since I see violence happening, I won't just sit idly by. Don't worry, I will act in accordance with the law. Where is the person who did it? "

Huayewu quickly pointed to Li Shu: "This is the one at the door!"

The middle-aged man took two steps forward and saw Li Shu standing in the middle of the door.

He froze for a moment, then froze, still froze.

Li Shu said lightly, "Director Lin, long time no see."

This middle-aged man is Lin Dong, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Lin Dong's serious expression changed into a smile at a speed visible to the naked eye: "Haha, Brother Li, why is it you!"

When the voice fell, a group of people in the room cheered out.

Li Shu stands on the left, and his fellow villager stands on the right, with clear camps.

Lin Dong glanced around: "I know Brother Li, he won't act rashly, otherwise..."

As if thinking of something, he let out a series of strange smiles with unknown meaning.

He cleared his throat and asked loudly, "Who can tell what's going on?"

"I come!"

Li Yuanyuan raised her right hand and stepped out, standing in front of a group of people, coldly telling the cause and effect of the incident.

Hearing this, the veins on Lin Dong's forehead popped violently, and his face became darker and darker. After Li Yuanyuan finished speaking, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Before, I thought that Li Shu was a young innate warrior with unlimited potential, and he deliberately made friends.

Later, after the Yunchuan stone gambling event, his identity was determined to be a Taoist celestial master.

This time, the status is not the same.

As the director of the Municipal Bureau, Lin Dong is one of the top real power factions in Linhai, so of course he was notified.

Of course, he also knew that a group of old foxes in Yunchuan City offered various favorable conditions and tried their best to let Li Shu stay, but Li Shu did not agree.

It's too slow to recruit such a genius, but Qi Tianyu and his group dare to kick him out!

"Okay!" Lin Dong's body trembled and he gritted his teeth: "Very good! Very good! Han Palace is really a good place!"

He took a deep breath and assured Li Shu, "Brother Li, leave this matter to me. Don't worry. According to the law, these people provoke trouble, threaten, and intimidate you. You don't need to bear any responsibility for taking action!"

Speaking of this, he sneered again and again: "This Hangong shop is a big bully, and it can be regarded as the end of its life!"

Li Shu responded lightly: "En."

Huayewu was dumbfounded, and couldn't figure out why a city bureau chief would attach so much importance to Li Shu.

As for Li Shu's dozen or so classmates, they all turned their heads like a ghost, looking at him in disbelief.

These are rich second generations who know the people in power in Linhai like the back of their hands.

Who is Lin Dong?

Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Director of the Municipal Bureau, and bureau-level cadres will soon make further progress. They belong to the absolute power faction in Linhai, covering the sky with one hand!
This kind of big man, not to mention them, even their parents can't afford it.

Now, he actually angered the entire Han Palace because of Li Shu!
You must know that the forces behind the Han Palace are intricate and complicated. Although Lin Dong is in a high position, he is almost too late to bring down the Han Palace.

Lin Dong called a waiter, whispered a few words, and the waiter trot away nervously.

After a while, three middle-aged people hurried over in the shape of a character.

Lin Dong said with a smile: "Brother Li, let me introduce you. This is Secretary Zheng, the top leader. This is Mayor Wu who is in charge of the economy. This is Mr. Sun, an American overseas Chinese. He is also a big investor and plans to invest hundreds of dollars. Billion, to build a modern high-tech park in Linhai, today is the banquet for him."

Li Shu nodded and said hello, then kept silent.

Lin Dong knew what was going on, and deliberately said: "Anyway, there is nothing to eat here, I will find a way to take everyone to a good place."

Li Shu didn't refute, and left in a mighty way with a group of friends from the same village, following Lin Dong and his party.

Along the way, Lin Dong said "Brother Li" to the left and "Brother Li" to the right, which made Secretary Zheng and Mayor Wu puzzled, wondering when this guy got involved.

They wanted to call Mr. Li, but it was too presumptuous to call them that way, so they boldly and boldly called him Brother Li like Lin Dong.

The American overseas Chinese didn't know Li Shu's identity, but judging from the attitudes of the three people in power, it was obviously unusual. They had no complaints about temporarily changing the eating place, and even deliberately showed favor to Li Shu, wanting to expand their contacts.

On the Linhai main road, two black Audis with white license plates were in front, followed by four cars driven by Li Shu and his team. The convoy was speeding all the way.

In the back seat of a white Audi in the front, Secretary Zheng called with a serious face: "Well, that's right, that's it, do it immediately and check for me! Remember, no matter what force is in the way, don't bother!"

As soon as he hung up the phone, the city's industry and commerce bureau, tax bureau, health bureau, fire protection, environmental protection and other departments drove out one after another and headed straight for the Han Palace.

A group of men and women in uniforms and briefcases came to the lobby. The man at the head stood at the front desk, holding the top of the ID with his right hand, and let the beautiful woman at the front desk look at it. He said coldly, "The Bureau of Industry and Commerce, let your person in charge come out."

The beauty at the front desk hurriedly called, and after a while, a manager came down.

The highest person in charge here at night is Zhang Qi, the deputy general manager, but Zhang Qi was taken to the hospital by ambulance, leaving only an administrative manager to support him.

"What wind brought you here?" The administrative manager is a shrewd man in his 30s. When he saw a group of people, he immediately bent down and raised his left hand, and said with a smile, "Please, please, everyone, please go and have a cup of hot tea first. Say something slowly."

The leading civil servant said coldly: "No need, the official business is busy, please cooperate with the inspection!"

With that said, he strode forward.

The administrative manager frowned, realizing that something was wrong.

The forces behind the Han Palace are complex, and apart from routine inspections, there will be basically no surprise inspections.

Even if there is a surprise inspection, the attitude is very polite, unlike today, everyone is cold-faced Hades.

Before he could catch up with him, another group of people came in and piled up at the front desk: "The Tax Bureau, let your person in charge come out!"

The administrative manager's heart tightened, and he thought to himself: something happened!

The joint inspection of industry, commerce and taxation is terrible!

He quickly walked over and said politely: "I am the person in charge, if there is any need, I will fully cooperate!"

"it is good!"

A group of people walked around the front desk and walked into the accounting department.

The administrative manager followed behind and took the opportunity to call the deputy general manager.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

No one picked up.

He didn't know about Li Shu, he just thought that the vice president was up to something, a flame shot into his head, he took the phone in front of him, and yelled at the communication interface that no one answered: "Bastard! There is no one at the critical moment, let me deal with the mess, is it really a draft!"

After scolding, quickly call the general manager.

 Four changes are complete!
(End of this chapter)

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