My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 147 Disgusting Oral Integrity

Chapter 147 Disgusting Oral Integrity

Linhai Suburb, Han Palace.

Cars with white license plates and ten-seater buses drove into the manor, occupying a small open-air parking lot.

Looking around, all the people who got out of the car were wearing uniforms with cold faces.

The diners coming and going were all surprised when they saw this scene.

You must know that the background of the Han Palace is intricate and complicated, and the connections go straight to the provincial level. Even if the top row of people in Linhai want to move him, they have to weigh it carefully.

Seeing groups of law enforcement officers coming in and out, some diners even stopped and stood in the corridor or at the door of the private room and whispered to each other: "Which god did the Han Palace provoke?"

"Who knows."

"Tsk tsk tsk, looking at this scene, the Han Palace is about to suffer."


Six cars lined up in a vertical row, galloping along the Linhai main road.

After more than half an hour, I came to the western suburbs.

It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, quiet and elegant.

A courtyard house, not long after it was built, the walls and bricks and tiles look very new.

It covers a large area, nearly [-] meters long and wide, with a vermilion gate, a brass beast head ring, a black solid wood plaque on the gate, and two gold characters written on it: Yuzhai

In front of the gate, there are two tall and thick trees, one on the left and one on the right. I don’t know what species they are. In the deep winter, they are still full of green leaves and full of vitality.

Six cars parked in the parking space one after another, and everyone got off one after another.

Lin Dong turned around and walked to Li Shu, with a smile on his face: "Brother Li, today you have a good fortune. This Yuzhai chef is specially cooking for the state leaders. In ancient times, it was the imperial chef. If you want to taste his craftsmanship, don't you?" easy."

"Oh?" Li Shu was a little surprised: "The background is so big?"

"That's it!" Lin Dong said with emotion: "After this chef abdicated, because his hometown is in our Linhai, he returned to Linhai to recruit some apprentices, opened this Yuzhai, and set a rule that only one table is served every day.

So, don't look at the scale of Yuzhai as inferior to Han Palace, but in terms of grade, this place is thousands of miles away from Han Palace! "

A group of people gathered together, and Lin Dong explained: "The chef has a rule, one table a day, no guests during the holidays.

It was approaching the end of the year, and guests were not entertained.

But, you also know that our China is a society of human relationships, we don't follow the law, and there is still room for maneuver in the rules set by individuals.

A friend of mine is a descendant of this chef, and it took a long time for him to let go. "


The vermilion door was pulled open from the inside, and a middle-aged man in his 30s wearing a black hooded down jacket showed his head and greeted politely: "Secretary Zheng, Mayor Wu."

His gaze fell on Lin Dong, and he immediately scolded with a smile: "What kind of flamboyance are you, you forced me to open the door to pick up customers, and my dad almost scolded me to death!"

Lin Dong stood on Li Shu's right, walked forward with his arms around his shoulders, and laughed loudly: "Brother Li, this is my friend Wang Qianzhou, you can call him Old Wang."


Li Shu said hello and shook hands.

Wang Qianzhou glanced at Li Shu up and down. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he was handsome and handsome with an outstanding temperament. There was a kind of strong confidence between his brows, which made him look extraordinary.

He smiled and said, "Old Lin, which son is this?"

Lin Dong shook his head: "Why do you inquire so much?"

Wang Qianzhou smiled meaningfully, turned sideways, and invited everyone to enter.

When Lin Dong called, he was as anxious as if his own daughter had been kidnapped. He was afraid that if he didn't agree, the other party would shoot him in anger.

How could Li Shu's status be ordinary for such a reaction?
Secretary Zheng and Mayor Wu have been accompanying Mr. Sun, an overseas Chinese, to chat about some economic and investment-related matters. Lin Dong is responsible for entertaining Li Shu and his group of friends.

Everyone sat down in a spacious room, laughed and chatted for about half an hour, and delicate dishes were served on the table.

Of course, during the process, most of the conversations were between Lin Dong and Li Shu, Secretary Zheng, Mayor Wu and Mr. Sun, and another group of friends in twos and threes.

Seeing that chopsticks were about to be moved, Li Shu and his friends were quite nervous, and none of them dared to take the lead.

The biggest official these people have ever seen in their life is the village chief, not even the mayor of the town. They jump to the level of the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee, and they still eat at the same table.

Seeing this, Secretary Zheng took the lead to pick up the chopsticks and signaled: "Eat, eat, eat, everyone, don't be separated because of different occupations. If you can't let go, people like Lao Wu and Lin and I will move a small stool to sit outside. gone."

Speaking of this, he smiled: "It's winter, it's freezing outside, you must not bear it?"

A group of people quickly waved their hands and picked up chopsticks one by one.

Secretary Zheng and the others have been in the officialdom for many years. They are so shrewd and sophisticated, they can easily resolve the embarrassing atmosphere and liven up the scene with a few sentences.

After three or two glasses of wine, the scene changed from lively to lively.

Li Yinyin is a snack foodie, and today's table of meals has opened up a new world for her.

Never imagined that the food could be so delicious!


Li Yinyin swallowed the food in her small mouth, and gently pulled Li Shu's sleeves under the table, with a happy face: "Brother~ these dishes are delicious~"

Li Shu smiled. After all, it was produced by the imperial chef. It is delicious in color, fragrance, and can be called the pinnacle of earth cuisine. Even if it is placed on the gourmet plane, it is also the pinnacle level of senior chefs, second only to special chefs.

"Eat more if you like it." Li Shu put a browned shrimp in Li Yinyin's bowl, and said softly, "Try this~"

Li Yinyin didn't move her chopsticks, but opened her small mouth facing him.

Li Shu couldn't laugh or cry: "Why are you so lazy."

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed, picked up the shrimps and fed them to his sister.

Li Yinyin smiled at him, spit out the tip of her tongue, and pointed to a dish on the table with a soft voice: "Oni sauce~ I want to eat this~"

After finishing speaking, the big watery eyes blinked and blinked at Li Shu.

In desperation, Li Shu ate by himself, and occasionally picked up vegetables to feed his sister.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanyuan rolled her eyes straight away, a little annoyed, her mouth changed and she muttered a few words, but she didn't make a sound.

Suddenly, a pair of chopsticks with vegetarian dishes was handed to her, accompanied by a gentle voice: "You haven't touched this dish, try it?"

Turning around to look, it was Li Shu who was sitting next to him.

The corners of Li Yuanyuan's mouth turned up: "I don't care."

After speaking, he obediently poked his head forward, and opened the small mouth of the cherry to wrap the vegetarian dish in the chopsticks.

Li Shu couldn't help teasing: "You, you are so upright."

Li Yuanyuan looked at him blankly: "What do you mean?"

"I said no, but my body is very honest."


Li Yuanyuan was a little ashamed and angry, raised her fist and hit Li Shu's left shoulder.

Perhaps feeling puzzled for a while, his fists moved in rotation, and the small powder fists rained down on Li Shu's left shoulder like a baby.

They were eating well at Yuzhai, but the Han Palace was in chaos.

The two departments of industry and commerce and taxation need the cooperation of Hangong staff to complete their work. As for the health bureau, fire protection, and environmental protection, people from these departments do not need to notify Hangong at all. After entering, they wander around and catch a violation or unreasonable Record it immediately.

 Explain the update, because of the author's work and rest problems, the latest updates are at night and early morning, so the chapters you see when you get up in the early morning or in the morning are all updated the day before. The chapters of the day will be updated at night, and I will adjust the biological clock as soon as possible. Okay, five updates today, the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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