Chapter 149 Up to Three Years

The chairman of Hangong was very anxious, sitting on the sofa in the living room for a while, walking around in the living room for a while, and standing still by the coffee table for a while.

He called the province, but there was no news.

a long time.


The phone on the coffee table vibrated.

The chairman of Han Palace sat on the sofa, and at this moment stood up with the spring installed under his buttocks, with a respectful face and slightly bent over, holding the mobile phone in his right ear with both hands.

A cold voice came from the receiver: "There are some people you can't afford to mess with, this matter is over, don't come to me again."

After finishing speaking, hang up the phone decisively.


Chairman Hangong froze as if struck by lightning, and the phone slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

After a while, the phone screen lit up and vibrated on the ground.

He thought there was a turning point in the matter, so he quickly picked it up to have a look, but it was a call from a subordinate.

After connecting, there was another series of bad news.

"Boss! Our head office was raided by a joint raid! There is a tax that is not up to par, and the company will suffer a lot!"

"Chairman, the project that Gangwan was about to start was stopped by the higher-ups, saying that some colleagues reported that we were not qualified enough and cheated."

"Chairman, we run a chemical factory along the coast. The environmental protection department found that the sewage pipes leading to the sea were buried underground. The entire factory area was sealed off, and a 100 million fine was issued to suspend our business for rectification."


One hair will affect the whole body, the Han Palace incident has affected other industries he started.

One piece of bad news after another caused Chairman Hangong's blood pressure to soar, his brain was dizzy, his vision went dark, and he fell limply to the ground.

Maybe this is fate, there are too many patients in the Municipal People's Hospital, and there is no single room. After he was hospitalized, the person lying in the next bed was Qi Tianyu, and Huayewu stayed by his side every step of the way.

At this moment, the chairman of the Han Palace burst into anger, pulled out the oxygen mask with a trembling right hand, and cursed out of breath, "You, you little bastard! It's all because of you! I'm going to be killed!" You, killed, killed!"

"Uncle, I'm sorry." Qi Tianyu's face was full of apology, and his voice was weak: "I didn't expect such a big trouble."

The chairman of Hangong roared: "Do you know! My net worth, this time, will be folded in more than half!"

Qi Tianyu sighed, his own troubles caused such misery to his uncle, so of course his parents would not be spared lightly.

However, the parents have always been law-abiding, that is to say, they were inspected and finally nothing happened.

He received some news about the Han Palace and his uncle's property.

Qi Tianyu couldn't help but said, "Uncle, even though this incident happened because of me, I still want to say that your idea of ​​making money is flawed, just like that chemical factory that pollutes the sea in private and destroys the ecological environment. What about it? Besides, your construction company is always cutting corners, but fortunately there have been no accidents, otherwise it will be too late."

Chairman Han Gong struggled angrily and sat up, pointing at Qi Tianyu with a trembling right index finger: "You! You bastard! How dare you, dare, dare to teach me? I, I, I... hiccup!"

Unable to get up in one breath, he rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Qi Tianyu was startled, and quickly called doctors and nurses to give first aid to Chairman Han Gong.

Huayewu sat proudly on the edge of Qi Tianyu's hospital bed, this is the man she was looking for!


Young and rich!


Dragon among men!

Seeing Chairman Han Gong come to his senses, Qi Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Huayewu and said gently: "Xiao Wu, don't worry, I will take good care of you in the future and won't let you suffer, let this matter pass, just As you said, we will have a new life in the future, which has nothing to do with Li Shu."

Huayewu smiled charmingly: "Okay~"

Just as the two finished speaking, the door of the ward was suddenly kicked open roughly!

"Qi Tianyu!"

With a roar, a tall and mighty middle-aged man walked in, gritted his teeth and looked at Qi Tianyu, his face extremely gloomy.

A trace of fear flashed across Qi Tianyu's eyes, and he called out with trembling voice: "Dad?"

Huayewu got up quickly, bowed her waist and saluted: "Hello, Uncle."

The tall and mighty middle-aged man didn't look at her at all, he strode straight to Qi Tianyu's side, swung his round arm and slapped her hard!

With a loud and crisp sound, Qi Tianyu lay on the bed, his head swung suddenly along with the opponent's force, bright red palm prints appeared on his right cheek, and it swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tall and mighty middle-aged man blushed and growled roughly, "How do I usually teach you? Huh?"

Another backhand slap!


He continued to roar: "Did I usually teach you to bully the weak and drive people out? Ah???!!"

Qi Tianyu was obviously very afraid of this father, shrank his head into the quilt, and cried: "Dad, I was wrong, I'm sorry."

At this time, a middle-aged lady rushed in from outside the door, grabbed the tall and mighty middle-aged man and dragged her back desperately, shouting angrily with red eyes: "Qi Tianxing! Are you a human being! What is your son like? Have the heart to beat him!"

Qi Tianyu cried out as if seeing a savior: "Mom!"

The middle-aged lady saw Qi Tianyu's frail appearance, her face swollen into a pig's head, and a bright red palm print on each side of her cheeks, she burst into tears and rushed over: "Son, you are usually a kind person, what are you doing today? You're so stupid, let's see what you've done to your uncle."

The chairman of Han Palace burst into tears: "Sister, brother-in-law, this time the loss is too heavy!"

Qi Tianxing got angry and strode forward, ready to slap him twice.

The middle-aged lady hurriedly stopped him and yelled at him: "What else do you want? Beat your son to death!"

She raised her left arm and pointed at Huayewu, angrily said: "Everything is caused by this woman, why don't you hit her!"

Qi Tianyu said anxiously: "Mom! What are you talking about!"

The middle-aged lady hated iron for being weak, and turned her head to stare at Qi Tianyu: "Son, haven't you seen it clearly? This woman is not what you think at all. She is with you just for money! If you didn't buy her tens of thousands A big bag, take her to travel abroad, take her shopping in the mall, she will be with you? If you become poor, she will kick you immediately, turn around and fall into the arms of others. I have already inquired, and today this incident is all her fault , This kind of woman is a green tea whore, she pretends to be weak and pitiful, she has one thing on the outside and another on the other side, and you can't believe a word she says."

Qi Tianyu was stunned: "How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible?" The middle-aged lady sneered: "Your father was too outstanding when he was young, and I was by his side. I drove away not a hundred green tea whores like her, but eighty."

"Tuk Tuk~"

There was a knock on the door of the ward, and two policemen in uniform stood at the door, their eyes fell on Huayewu at the same time.

The policeman on the left asked: "Excuse me, is this Ms. Huayewu?"

Huayewu's heart tightened, and she had a bad feeling: "What's the matter?"

"You have been sued for defaming Mr. Li Shu, please come with us."

"What?" Huayewu was in disbelief: "Li Shu sued me?"

"That's right." The policeman said lightly, "You can find a lawyer to defend, but I don't think it's necessary, because Mr. Li Shu has an excellent team of lawyers behind him, and Mr. Li Shu has provided all the chat records since the WeChat account was registered. What do you say? Everything is self-defeating, and the evidence of defamation is still there, waiting for the court to decide."

Huayewu panicked and said anxiously, "I want to call Li Shu."

The policeman nodded: "Yes."

When the phone was dialed, Huayewu burst into tears immediately, and said pitifully, "Li Shu, why are you so cruel, you sued me just because I uttered nonsense, don't you miss old love at all?"

"Old love?" An indifferent voice came from the receiver: "You called the police before, and you wanted the police to arrest me and sentence me to ten or eight years. Why don't you miss your old love?"

Huayewu said aggrievedly: "I was impulsive at the moment, don't try to make it better, we used to..."

Li Shu interrupted her, and said calmly: "We were fine before, you don't have to be afraid, slander is at most three years in prison, you still can't reach the maximum sentence, go in and have a long memory, so as not to bite people in the future."

Huayewu begged softly: "I want to see you, can we have a face-to-face meeting?"

"No time to."

"Beep, beep."

The phone is hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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