Chapter 150 Snake Venom
Huayewu was taken away by the police, and Qi Tianyu lay on the bed in a daze, muttering to himself: "How could this be, how could this be..."

He thought that Huayewu was a good girl, gentle and kind, caring for the family, not dissatisfied with the poor and loving the rich, not arrogant and extravagant, with a lot of advantages, but he didn't expect that they were all pretending.

The middle-aged lady said distressedly: "Son, remember it long. They say you can't trust men, but women can also talk sweetly and deceive people. Our family has been hurt by this woman."


Han Palace.

A group of diners who were eating were notified that the Chinese restaurant had a major fire hazard, among a host of other problems, and were ordered to close down immediately for rectification.

So a group of people stood at the gate, watching helplessly as the gate was pasted with an X-shaped white seal.

A dozen or so of Li Shu's classmates looked at each other and looked at each other.

"What's the origin of this guy? He's so capable!"

"It's a bit of an exaggeration! The Han Palace has such a strong background, it took too much time to close the door directly."

"Get in touch? Do business?"

"I think it's reliable."



Not long after Li Shu hung up on Huayewu, a beautiful college classmate sent a text message, inviting him to dinner.

Li Shu simply replied: "The circle is different, so there is no need to force it."

When he was in school, he wouldn't deliberately get close to someone just because he was rich or powerful.

Even after graduation, this is still the case.

But in the real world, there are very few people like him. When most people see powerful and wealthy people, they will try their best to get close, wondering if they can get some benefits.

No matter how bad it is, it can also expand your network.

"Oni-chan~I want to eat this~"

Li Yinyin's soft and waxy voice interrupted Li Shu's thoughts and made him stare: "Be normal!"

Li Yinyin smiled mischievously, hugged his right arm, shook his small body and elongated like a baby: "Brother~~~~"

Li Shu had no choice but to continue feeding vegetables.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The meal is almost done, everyone has a cup of tea in front of them, and occasionally sips to help digestion.

A group of people were chatting and joking, only Secretary Zheng, Mayor Wu, and Mr. Sun were talking about investment from beginning to end.

This investment is not made by Mr. Sun alone or by a company, but a business alliance, and he is only a business representative.

Li Shu was trying to make his younger sister happy when suddenly his ears moved, and he caught the three of them talking about snake venom and some incomprehensible technical terms.

Just as he was about to pay attention, he felt that someone behind him went around and changed places with the person next to Secretary Zheng.

A closer look revealed that it was a wretched man.

Li Shu was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he immediately felt relieved.

Secretary Zheng turned his head and smiled at the wretched man: "The young man is interested in this?"

In front of several bosses, the wretched man restrained his nature and became full of honesty. He didn't know that he thought he was an honest person.

He nodded: "I'm a biology major, and I'm currently working as a scientific researcher in a pharmaceutical company. The project is related to snake venom. I heard a few people talk about the development trend of snake venom, so I couldn't help but come here to learn from it."

"Oh?" Mr. Sun was a little surprised. He didn't expect the wretched man to be a talent. He asked curiously, "A project related to snake venom? What is it?"

"A new type of analgesic!" The wretched man immediately regained his energy and sat up straight: "Nowadays, there are all kinds of antibiotics in the pharmaceutical market. When the human body accepts more antibiotics, the body's resistance will increase, and the effect of traditional analgesics will become more and more effective." The smaller it is, although it is not obvious now, but after ten or 20 years, this disadvantage will be fully revealed, so the replacement of analgesics is imminent.

The traditional analgesic is morphine, but this kind of thing is harmful to the body and addictive.

The analgesic effect of snake venom is different. Its analgesic effect is stronger than that of morphine, but it is not addictive. Now there are snake venom analgesics instead of morphine in clinical treatment of pain in patients with advanced cancer.

The market for snake venom analgesics is huge, but there are few related drugs. Our company has invested heavily and plans to spend five years researching new analgesics! "

Mr. Sun smiled and said, "How is it going?"

The wretched man sighed: "Slow as a snail."

"No matter how slow it is, progress is a good thing." Mr. Sun sighed endlessly: "There is a pharmaceutical company in our business alliance, which uses snake venom as the core to develop anti-cancer drugs. One of the giants in the industry, now the company is almost being dragged down."

"Anti-cancer drug?" The wretched man pondered for a moment: "Isn't it because of the strong snake venom and the engulfment of cancer cells?"

Mr. Sun seemed rather surprised: "You can guess this?"

The wretched man smiled wryly: "I went to a pharmaceutical company for an interview before. They also used snake venom as the core to research anti-cancer drugs. They were stuck at the last step and couldn't make it through. They had no choice but to give up and seal up the data. Otherwise, the company's capital chain would be broken." Broken, financial collapse, the consequences are disastrous."

"That's fine." Mr. Sun said with a smile: "A strong man cuts off his wrist, and he can't do it without a bit of courage."

After a pause, he continued: "However, the nature of these two companies is different. The pharmaceutical company of our business alliance is riding a tiger and owes a large loan to the bank. There are only two ways in front of the company's board of directors. Either develop new drugs successfully, Earn a lot of money, or declare bankruptcy, and the board of directors collectively sleep on the road with naked buttocks. I heard that your medical university has a medical research institute on Snake Island, Dalian, which uses the venom of vipers on Snake Island to research anti-cancer drugs. It has achieved initial success, and I don’t know if the two can cooperate once.”

Secretary Zheng shook his head: "For this top-secret project, unless the two parties have the same level of scientific research data and are willing to share it, otherwise there is no possibility of cooperation."

Mayor Wu echoed, "That's right."

They are high-level government officials who know this kind of thing like the back of their hands.

Mr. Sun shrugged: "Then there is no way."

The room was quiet for a while, and Li Shu suddenly asked, "What's the matter with the snake's venom and the cancer cells' engulfment, let's talk about it carefully."

The wretched man turned his head to look at him: "Simply put, it's the fight between the special substance contained in the snake venom and the cancer cells."

He picked up a palm-high glass bottle on the table, filled it with water, threw in a few peanuts, threw in a few red beans, and put the lid on.

"Comparing this glass to a human body, peanuts are special substances in snake venom, and red beans are cancer cells.

Now, the peanuts want to destroy the red beans, but the peanuts are not powerful enough to destroy them.

You must want to say, wouldn’t it be enough to put a few more peanuts?

Actually, no!

This container is already fully loaded, and there is no room for a little bit of peanuts and red beans. Forcibly adding them will only cause damage to the container.

In other words, the special substance in the snake venom wants to destroy cancer cells, but the strength of the special substance is not strong enough to eliminate it, but the total amount of this special substance has reached the limit of the human body. If there is more, the human body will collapse.

Therefore, when the total amount of special substances in snake venom remains unchanged, the higher its quality, the better, so that it can swallow cancer cells. "

Li Shu suddenly realized: "Can it be said that the stronger the snake venom, the higher the quality of the special substance?"

(End of this chapter)

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