Chapter 157 Fatal ID
Li Shu raised his right arm and hooked his index finger to Li Yuanyuan.

Li Yuanyuan approached curiously, thinking that Li Shu would reveal some secret, but unexpectedly, Li Shu's lips were close to her right ear, and the scorching breath made her ear feel hot and itchy, but she only uttered two words.


Li Yuanyuan raised her right foot angrily, stepped on Li Shu's feet sideways, and said angrily, "Guess your size!"

Li Shu stepped back and easily dodged.

The actions of the two were flirting in the eyes of the Oceanic Administration staff, and the two men in uniform were full of envy.

After eating high-grade vegetables for a long time, and eating a spiritual fruit, Li Yuanyuan's voice is no longer rough, but gradually changed to crisp.

Her appearance is exquisite, her skin is delicate, her height is 1.7 meters [-], she is extremely tall, coupled with her devil figure obtained from long-term exercise, even if she wears thick clothes in winter, she can still see her beautiful lines.

This kind of secretary is simply the stunner that men dream of.

If the scene is changed to a warm room, change her into a uniform and black silk high heels...

The two couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the words "I have something to do with the secretary" from the other's left eye, and the words "I have nothing to do with the secretary" in the right eye.

After the general direction is finalized, all that remains is to discuss the details and go to the Oceanic Administration to sign the contract.

Of course, Li Yuanyuan did all of this.

Li Shu continued to hunt monsters and prepare materials, busy day and night.

What surprised him was that Li Yinyin often used his mobile phone to take pictures and record videos of him these days, and every time Li Shu wanted to go over to see what she was doing, Li Yinyin immediately locked the screen and ran away with a charming smile.

Time passed by, and it was New Year's Eve.

That night, Li Shu was dragged by Li Yinyin and Li Yuanyuan for the New Year's Eve. The younger sister held the left arm, and the older sister held the right arm. The three of them stood on the black roof of the second floor of their new home to watch the fireworks feast with their faces up.




Fireworks rose into the sky one after another, illuminating the faces of the three people from time to time.

Twelve midnight.


A huge firework bloomed high in the sky, and green light spots scattered down the sky.

This sound announces the arrival of the new year.

Li Shu pulled out his hand and said with a smile, "I'll give you the same gift."

After finishing speaking, the left and right hands clenched their fists and stretched out in front of the two of them. Spreading out their palms, a radiant ring appeared on each side, which was soul-stirring in the darkness.


Li Yinyin exclaimed, covering her small mouth with both hands: "It's so beautiful!"

Li Yuanyuan lowered her head and stared at the ring intently, and also admired: "It's really beautiful."

Li Yinyin raised her right hand and said impatiently: "Brother~ help me take it~"

What was given to Li Yinyin was a pink ring. The raw material was a fourth-order magic beast crystal nucleus. After being refined by Li Shu, it became a trigger magic weapon. Once attacked, an energy shield will appear, which can block dozens of attacks from anti-equipment sniper rifles. , and can also block the three-time impact of a supercar that has a speed of [-] yards.

As long as the shield is not broken, nothing will happen to the people inside.

In urban society, as long as you don't offend monks or martial arts masters, this level of protective magic weapon is enough.

Of course, this is also the most advanced magic weapon that Li Shu can refine for ordinary people.

Li Shu gently put the pink ring on the slender middle finger of Li Yinyin's right hand. Li Yinyin raised her face and said sweetly: "Thank you brother~"

Just finished speaking, a little shyness appeared on the small face: "Brother, does this ring have any special meaning?"

In the international common sense, wearing a ring on the middle finger means being in love.

Brother brings the ring to the middle finger...

At the thought of a certain possibility, Li Yinyin felt blushing, nervous and excited.

Li Shu flicked his sister's forehead with his right middle finger, and said helplessly, "It's just a gift, don't think about it."

"what the hell."

Li Yinyin pouted, a little disappointed.

What Li Shu gave to Li Yuanyuan was a green ring made of a fourth-order magic beast crystal core.

He helped Li Yuanyuan put it on the middle finger of his right hand, and he did not let go after this movement, but held Li Yuanyuan's cold and soft hand with both hands.

Li Shu saw a pair of bright eyes in the darkness, containing thousands of words and various emotions.

The two just looked at each other and smiled at the same time, everything was kept silent.

At this moment, there was a shout from downstairs.

"Little plum!"

Before the sound fell, a series of roars appeared.

"Where did you die these days!"

"On New Year's Eve, no matter how busy you are, you have to take a break!"

"Let's go! The Internet cafe opens up two black masturbations!"


Li Shu smiled, and knew it was the group of friends just by the sound.

He squeezed his right hand lightly on the back of Li Yuanyuan's cold and slippery hand, and let go.

Although Li Yuanyuan was a little bit reluctant, she still said softly: "Go, they are right, you can't be busy all day, you have to combine work and rest."

After finishing speaking, she put her hands on Li Shu's chest, like a wife helping her husband straighten his collar when he is about to go out, with gentle movements, delicate thoughts and focused eyes.

In such a scene, Li Shu felt that there should be a kiss.

But it's not suitable for my sister to be by my side.

The three of them went downstairs, and the four cars lined up in a vertical row and drove to the Internet cafe in town.

Li Shu and a group of friends played League of Legends, commonly known as Lu ah Lu, Li Yuanyuan and Li Yinyin watched the video.

League of Legends is a MOBA (multiplayer online tactical arena) game, five players on one side, and start fighting after entering the game.

After selecting the hero, the game enters the loading interface.

"Damn!" The little monkey said in shock: "Just look at the ID on the opposite side and you'll know, it must be the same as our five-seater Internet cafe!"

Li Shu glanced at it.


One couldn't hold back and laughed outright.

The names on both sides are weird enough, Li Shu's one is more wretched than the other, and the other ID is a hero, but one is cheaper than the other.

On the road, you must be tough when you have the ball (Berserker) VS Guo Jingming, the swift scout.

In the middle, Tiantian Shigeng (Yasuo) VS card master Liu Qian.

Down the road, Jiu Yin contends for the stem (VN), foaming at the mouth (Thresh) VS explorer Bear Grylls, and great inventor Edison.

Playing wild, Black Grass (Leopard Girl) VS Widowmaker Edison Chen.

"Welcome to League of Legends!"

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield!"

As soon as he went online, Li Shu controlled the hero Yasuo to walk towards the middle.

Yasuo is a master card player, as long as he is of the same level, he can completely hang it, not to mention the weakness and flash of Li Shu's belt, and the teleportation and flash of the card belt, it is just meeting.

In 5 minutes, the card master was single-killed four times by him.

In 7 minutes, the jungler came to catch him and sent him a double kill.

In 10 minutes, the top laner and the jungler came together to catch, plus the mid laner, a series of tricks to get three kills.

Twelve minutes later, the top laner and the jungler added two bottom laners, plus the mid laner, the five of them gritted their teeth and jumped over the tower to kill him, but they were counter-killed by the bottom of the tower, 1V5, five kills!

In a high-end Internet cafe in Linhai, a sweet-looking girl angrily took off her earphones and threw them on the table, yelling, "Damn! What a fart!"

Her computer screen is gray. ID card master Liu Qian has a record of 0-8-0, meaning killing 0 deaths, 8 assists and 0 assists, so bad that she is super ghost.

A girl with two ponytails next to her said depressedly: "Yasuo is too powerful. Fortunately, this is a match. If it is a ranking, I will definitely report him as a power leveling or cheating."

A short-haired girl next to the girl with ponytails cursed and took off her earphones: "Paralyzed! I don't want to play anymore, I don't have any gaming experience!"


Another girl with an icy temperament was more rude and directly smashed the keyboard.

1V5 was all counter-killed by others, it was a shame to throw it home.

On her right is a boy, Edison Chen, ID widow maker. The boy turned his head and looked around, and found that most of the people in the Internet cafe were playing 'Eat Chicken', which is a very popular shooting game recently.

He chuckled, and looked at the four girls with different styles in wretched eyes: "I also think League of Legends is boring, change it to something interesting, let's eat chicken zero."

 Four changes are complete!
(End of this chapter)

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