My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 158 I became angry and scolded myself!

Chapter 158 I became angry and scolded myself!

Li Yuanyuan let go of her arms around Li Shu's neck, punched Li Shu's chest hard with her right fist, and said angrily, "Do you think I practiced Taekwondo for nothing? If you want to die, you can try it!"

Li Shu pouted: "I can defeat you with one finger."

Hearing this, Li Yuanyuan's face turned cold: "You mean to do something to me?"

Li Shu was speechless.

What about being reasonable?
He rolled his eyes, didn't get entangled in this topic, but immediately changed the subject, and said with a chuckle: "It's not what I mean, it's what your family means. I'm just following orders."

Li Yuanyuan's pretty face flushed, and she was ashamed and angry: "What kind of arch! It's so ugly!"

"The arched character is ugly? Then..." Li Shu lowered his head, and slowly moved his lips to Li Yuanyuan's right ear: "I'll change the word..."

I don't know what Li Shu said, but Li Yuanyuan's rosy face flushed immediately, and a pair of pink fists rained down on his chest, and said in grief and indignation: "What nonsense are you talking about! This word is even worse! It's more vulgar! I'll kill you !"

Li Shu dodged backwards, Li Yuanyuan ran after him, and the two were fighting at the door.

He knew very well that Li Yuanyuan's appearance of being unrestrained and carefree was a bit uncomfortable in reality.

He is 24 this year and Li Yuanyuan is 25.

Just like that, she was repeatedly urged to get married by her parents before, and even specially arranged a blind date.

There is a saying that men have 31 flowers and women have [-] tofu dregs. Although this statement is nonsense, it contains a little bit of truth.

The main reason is that most men in their 20s achieve nothing. As they grow older, they gradually become mature and stable. At the age of 30, their careers have stabilized and are reaching their peak.

In terms of choosing a mate, it is definitely impossible to do whatever you want, but for women who have left school and experienced social reality, this age group is more popular than men who have just left school and are still working hard.

After all, one has a stable career and the other has an uncertain future. It is obvious which one to choose.

In theory, the same is true for women.

When looking for a spouse, if you find a 22-year-old at the age of 12, countless people will scold you as a beast, and the little loli will not let it go, and will be chased and beaten.

Looking for a 32-year-old at the age of 22 makes people feel that the age gap is a bit big, but it is acceptable.

Looking for a 42-year-old at the age of 32 will make people feel that they are about the same age and very suitable.

Therefore, when looking for a spouse, men like to look for younger ones, especially those around 30 years old, with a stable career and a decent economy. They will not look at their peers at all, only those in their early twenties.

This also creates an embarrassing situation. Women around the age of 30 want to get married, but they look down on ordinary men of the same age. It is too different from life experience, falling in love with these people is like being a mother, a man finds a younger girl who is willing to be a father, and a woman likes to be the one who is pampered when falling in love, not being a mother.

Furthermore, boys generally have strong self-esteem and are unwilling to depend on women, especially in terms of money.

Finally, women over the age of 30 are at risk of pregnancy, especially childbirth. The risk is very high, which is not as high as that of young girls in their 20s.

Those who are really outstanding, even if they are forty, they are not afraid, and there are still countless pursuers, like crucian carp crossing the river, driving them inexhaustibly.

However, the vast majority of women in this age group are ordinary, and the common problem of men and women is that they think they are excellent. In fact, they have nothing to do with these two words. Fighting with young girls?

So after looking around, either I don't like it, or others don't like me. The more you delay, the later you will either marry someone hastily, and the marriage partner is far from the one you pursued when you were young, or you will become a resentful woman.

Therefore, at the age of 30, with the same job and the same income, the age of a man may become an advantage, and the age of a woman is a disadvantage most of the time.

What's more, in the statistical data, there are many more high-income men than high-income women, and the proportion is seriously unbalanced.

Li Yuanyuan is 25, her birthday is a few months away, and she will be 26 then.

Li Shu was urged by her parents at the age of 24. Li Yuanyuan was older than her, and the concept of "girls should get married early" was deeply rooted. Her parents wanted to have grandchildren, so it is understandable that she was under pressure.

Today, Li Yuanyuan's mother suddenly saw the two hugging each other, she was really happy!In an instant, I even thought about where my grandson would go to school!
Li Shu ran and stopped suddenly, and when she turned around, Li Yuanyuan couldn't hold back her feet for a while, and slammed into her arms with a cry of surprise.

Li Shu smiled and said, "Don't go to bed yet? Are you not sleepy?"

"Sleepy! Why not sleepy!" Li Yuanyuan gritted her teeth: "I can't sleep because of your words!"

In the night, Li Shu stretched out his hands to hug Li Yuanyuan's small waist, lowered his head slightly, and Li Yuanyuan raised his head slightly.

The four eyes met, and the air instantly became quiet.

He kissed Li Yuanyuan's forehead lightly. The latter noticed his movement and did not resist, but closed his eyes.

Li Shu stayed in this position for two seconds before leaving.

Li Yuanyuan opened her eyes, her ruddy face was a little shy, but she said in her mouth: "Don't, don't think that I will forgive you if you do this, you are still angry."

Li Shu kissed Li Yuanyuan's nose like a dragonfly, and seeing what she was about to say, he kissed her right cheek with one side, and then the left cheek, ready to fall on her lips, but was pushed away by Li Yuanyuan in a panic, blushing as she stepped back and said : "Xiaoshu, where did you learn such a thing? It's getting more and more unscrupulous!"

"Are you still angry?"

"Ignore you, I want to sleep!"

After speaking, he ran away.

Li Shu laughed secretly, where did these methods come from?Of course it is my younger sister Li Yinyin.

The little girl likes to browse Weibo, and often reposts such as "how to coax a girlfriend when she is angry", "a complete collection of letting a girlfriend calm down", "how powerful is a kiss and hug to a girlfriend", and then share it with Li Shu.

Li Shu didn't take it seriously before, but now it seems that certain methods are quite useful, and one trick is effective.


lease sea area.

Li Shu dived into the trench and waved his hand: "Hundreds of millions of years of ice heart stone!"

A container-sized stone appeared, and the mud faded away, revealing its original appearance.

The ice cubes, which look like bipolar glaciers, are snow-white all over, with a smooth and round surface, and the cold air is pressing.

Even though Li Shu's cultivation was in the late stage of Dao Dao, his jade body was about to achieve great supernatural powers, and he absorbed a large amount of ice mist to quench his body, he was still so cold that he wanted to shiver.

After hundreds of millions of years of Bingxin Stone appeared, an invisible wave spread, and the surrounding waters were purified at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming extremely clear.

Of course, under the extreme cold, some fish, shrimp and crabs were frozen to death.

For about half an hour, Li Shu put away the billion-year-old ice heart stone.

This thing is too terrifying. It doesn't want to make the marine life in a radius of tens of kilometers extinct, the water temperature become extremely low, no strangers should enter, or give birth to powerful water monsters.

Before the formation is completed, it is released every night to purify the waters, and it will be placed for a long time after the formation is completed.

It's just that this formation is too strong, and it takes several months to set up.

The next morning, Li Shu's new home.

His cultivation base has not yet reached the bigu state, although it is fine to go without food for ten and a half months, but problems will arise after a long time.

What's more, this is at home, and parents must be worried if they don't eat all day long.

Not only that, the weather was suddenly cold a month ago, and his mother Li Shuyun felt it was too cold, but Li Shu didn't feel it, but he still changed into a down jacket under the scolding of his mother.

While eating, Li Shuyun suddenly asked: "Xiao Shu, are you busy today? If you have nothing to do, let's go on a blind date with Mingliang."

Li Shu was a little surprised: "Li Mingliang is going on a blind date?"

Li Mingliang is one of his little friends. After thinking about it, there are not many things to do during the day, and the blind date is relatively short, so it's okay to go there.

He nodded: "OK."

After eating, he went out and walked towards Li Mingliang's residence.

Before it arrived, I saw a mother and son standing at the door from a distance.

When I walked in, I found one begging bitterly and the other full of anger.

Li Mingliang frowned: "Mom, I have a girlfriend, don't let me go on a blind date."

"Nonsense!" Li Mingliang's mother said angrily, "What can your two-dimensional girlfriend do? You can see it but you can't touch it. It's embarrassing to say it!"

Li Mingliang quickly said: "This time it's a real person, we just talked about it a while ago."



Hearing this, Li Mingliang's mother immediately smiled: "Son, why didn't you say it earlier? How old is the girl?"

Li Mingliang said honestly, "Three years older."

Li Mingliang's mother was stunned for a moment, but when she came back to her senses, she still put on a smiling face: "Three years older than you, that is, 27, 30 years old is an advanced maternal age. It is dangerous to have a child, but it doesn't matter. Hurry up and get married while you are young. It's not a big problem to have a baby at the end of the year after two months of pregnancy, and you're lucky if you're a third-year girl holding a gold brick."

"Mom, I'm three years older than you."

"Fuck you!"

 First two changes today, at least three changes tomorrow, and four changes will be restored soon, and then make up changes

(End of this chapter)

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