My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 161 The young woman about to collapse

Chapter 161 The young woman about to collapse
"Then you should know that when we were young, when we were digging crabs, if the crab hole could be entered with a 'poof', and the inside was slippery, some grandson must have just dug out the hole."

At first Li Shu didn't understand the meaning of the words of the wretched man, but after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized.

The wretched man was 'picked up' before hinting at his girlfriend's return home.

He and Li Mingliang looked at each other.

"Be careful, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come."

"Yeah, being green is better than impotence and premature ejaculation, right?"

As soon as Li Mingliang opened his mouth, a group of people glared at him in unison.

He coughed twice and sneered: "I mean, the most important thing is good health."

After smoking a cigarette, Guapi spewed out two streams of smoke from his nostrils. After a while, he squatted on the ground and said: "Actually, think about it carefully, my girlfriend is with me just to have fun, and I don't plan to get married at all. She came to my house, it may have stimulated her, that's why she came out like this."

The buffalo urn said in a low voice: "Let her roam freely, don't learn from her, girls still like honest people."

Hearing this, a group of people were speechless.

What age is this, and you are honest.

Don't talk about men, even girls, who like it?
The wretched man immediately retorted: "Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, it should be bad or bad."

Buffalo is not convinced, he is an honest man, his wife is beautiful and family-friendly, and although his life is tight due to mortgage repayment, other aspects are harmonious and happy.

Ever since, a group of people began to argue about whether men should be bad or honest, chirping and chirping together, making the entrance of the village a little noisy.

At this moment, Li Shu suddenly spoke.

"Which one of you has money?"

With a single sentence, the scene instantly quieted down.

After a while, the little monkey was full of doubts: "What? Need money?"

The wretched man looked melancholy: "I don't have much here. If you need it urgently, I will bear with it and not go to the health care department. I will lend it to you first."

The buffalo said carelessly: "I still have the [-] dowry gift to my wife when I got married. I plan to have a child going to kindergarten and elementary school in the future. I can lend it to you if you use it, but you have to pay me back before my child goes to school."

Everyone thought that there was a problem in Li Shu's business and he needed money to turn around. You told me that if you have more money on hand, borrow more, and if you have less money on hand, borrow less.

Li Shu sighed unceasingly, he was still a reliable little friend, and when he mentioned money with his classmates, the other party either immediately kept silent, or said that he needed to leave for something, for fear that he would ask to borrow money.

He shook his head: "I'm not short of money now."

The buffalo stared: "Then why are you asking this?"

This sentence speaks out the hearts of the people.

"Seeing that you are living in poverty, I will lead you to make a fortune." Li Shu is full of confidence: "I want to develop this ocean and the golden beach below to build a world-class tourist resort!"

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"You don't have a fever, do you?"

"Yeah! The chemical factories and fertilizer factories around us have polluted the ocean so badly that they are still developing?"

"You have money and no place to throw it away, why don't you invite us to the clubhouse to play with young models."


A group of people persuaded Li Shu earnestly.

They have played since they were young, and they know what the ocean has become at their doorstep.

Because of this, Li Shu was not allowed to mess around.

Li Shu's eyes turned cold: "I will make them pay for those chemical plants and fertilizer plants."

The waters range from clear to dirty, and they 'have contributed'.

After organizing his words, he said slowly: "As for marine pollution, I have a way to deal with it, of course, the method is kept secret.

I signed a contract yesterday, renting 600 mu of sea area at an annual price of 60 million yuan, which is 25 square kilometers, and the time limit is [-] years.

Although the sea is used for recreational purposes, this sea area is seriously polluted. The country has relevant policies. As long as the heavily polluted sea area can be treated well, it can be used freely during the lease period. It is not limited to recreational use of the sea, and it can also breed economic fish and industrial use. , building docks and more. "

Everyone secretly clicked their tongues when they heard that Li Shu spent 600 million yuan a year, with a total price of 5000 million yuan to lease the sea area.

One by one wanted to say something, Li Shu said again: "These two days are in the process of registering the company to enclose land, but because of the Chinese New Year, the relevant departments are on holiday, there are too few people on duty, and the progress is slow.

There is only our village around this ocean, and there are barren hills all around. It is estimated that the enclosure will be completed in three months, and the entire coastal area will be bought! "

"I'll go!" The wretched man was shocked, and stared at Li Shu with wide eyes: "Xiao Lizi, are you going to enter the real estate industry?"

Li Shu said with a smile: "There are a lot of enclosures, but they will not be used to build houses. All the land will be used to develop tourism and create a super theme park with the ocean at its core."

The buffalo was at a loss: "It sounds amazing, but what does it have to do with whether we have spare money?"

"Idiot!" The little monkey gave him a disdainful look: "Little Lizi means that this place has a bright future, let's invest in land in advance."

"Just kidding!" The buffalo couldn't believe it: "The land is so expensive, how much land can we enclose?"

"Not to mention, there is a way." Li Mingliang said flatteredly: "The sea area here is seriously polluted, and the barren hills next to it belong to the area where birds don't shit. Let you sign a contract, if you rent a thousand acres, it will be 100 yuan per year, and the forest land can be leased for up to 70 years, which is 700 million yuan. If you do this calculation, you really have no money, stupid!"

The more he talked, the darker his face became, and at the end he couldn't help but curse.

100 yuan per mu per year sounds cheap, but it cannot support the large quantity and long life.

Li Shu was helpless: "One thousand acres is too much, so let's rent a hundred acres. You will jointly pay 70 yuan. If you are not married, you can take out the money for buying a house and a car. If you are married, you can take out the money from your private house. It will be fine." , as long as you get a good piece of land and wait for the tourism industry to come together, whether you resell it or develop it yourself, it will be a huge profit.”

Hearing what he said, everyone was quite moved.

After all, the sea area is leased for 600 million yuan every year, and the total price is 5000 million yuan.

As the saying goes, if you hold your thighs, Li Shu is now your thighs, so it's definitely true to eat and drink after him.

What's more, a group of people have been playing games since they were young, two words, reliable!

A group of people were thinking about how much money they could afford. Li Shu reminded them: "Actually, I suggest that you quit your jobs and use some of the money to raise fish. I rent such a large sea area, and it will be empty as the water quality increases. Improvement, recovery of marine ecology, marine ranching has a lot of potential, you can make up for knowledge about fish farming, and then breed economic fish."

After a pause, Li Shu said with a smile, "Don't start out with a large scale of farming. If it's an acre or two, you'll be exempted from the cost of dozens of yuan per acre every year."

As soon as the words fell, Li Mingliang gritted his teeth: "Okay! I'll do it with you! I didn't want to be a civil servant for a long time. This department is exhausted, and I'm being trained by the leader every now and then. Although the benefits are okay, but Alexander, I feel almost depressed. Syndrome, long ago wanted to quit!"

As soon as he spoke, everyone was moved, and the buffalo said carelessly: "Xiao Lizi, take a look at the sea lease contract. If you don't fool us, I will do it with you. Go back and discuss with your wife and sell the wedding house. I bought this house early, more than 7000 yuan per square meter, and now it has risen to 100 yuan. After selling the house, there should be more than [-] million yuan left after paying off the mortgage. At that time, I will live with my parents first and use this money to invest. When I think of becoming a boss, Hehe, I'm still a little excited."

The little monkey nodded: "If the marine ecology improves, the economical fish farming will indeed be profitable. Although we don't understand, we may lose money at the beginning, but in the long run, it will definitely be more profitable than the current job."

Everyone dispersed and went home to find someone to discuss.

The bold ones, such as buffaloes, dare to sell their houses.

Those with small orders, such as little monkeys, only dare to ask their daughter-in-law for private money.

As for selling the house?

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knelt in the living room all night.

Li Shu went home unhurriedly. When he turned a corner at the intersection, he was hit on the leg by a seven or eight-year-old girl holding a test paper.

Li Shu bent down and pressed his knee with his left hand, and squeezed the tender face of little Lolita with his right hand, jokingly: "Be careful, little girl, what if you fall down?"

After finishing speaking, a young woman around 30 years old came out, wearing a red down jacket, which set off her fair skin charmingly.

"Xiao Shu." The young woman greeted, and then gently waved to her daughter: "Baby, come here, don't run around."

Little Lolita was full of dissatisfaction, she turned her head, and said in a childish voice, "Mom knows how to lie, so I don't want to talk to you."

The young woman couldn't laugh or cry: "What did I lie to you?"

Little Loli flicked the test paper with her left hand, pointed at the last question and said loudly: "You deliberately told me the wrong answer to this question, you definitely don't want me to get full marks!"

"What's wrong?" The beautiful young woman walked over with doubts on her face, took the test paper from her daughter, glanced at the question, and said helplessly: "I'm right, if you don't believe me, you can ask Brother Li Shu."

Little Lolita was too short, so she grabbed Li Shu's trouser legs at both knees with both hands, and looked up at him eagerly.

Li Shu took the test paper from the young woman's hand and smiled slightly: "Let me take a look."

Multiple choice questions:
Which of the following reasons would add members to the family (C)

A sister exam
Brother B is sick and hospitalized
C mom is pregnant

D's father is on a business trip
Li Shu looked at it horizontally and vertically, there was nothing wrong with it, he just chose c!

This kind of popular science questions for children is very simple, and adults can know the answer at a glance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her mouth, the little loli blushed and said angrily: "Brother Li Shu and mother are in the same group! They are lying to me! My cousin told me yesterday that my sister failed the exam and will be kept by a male teacher for education. My elder brother is hospitalized with nurses, and my father is accompanied by a female secretary or female colleague when he is on a business trip. This is actually a multiple-choice question, and ABCD is the correct answer!"

 Three shifts are over!
(End of this chapter)

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