My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 162 What Are You Two Doing?

Chapter 162 What Are You Two Doing?
Hearing this, the young woman was stunned.

This situation lasted for two or three seconds, she seemed to think of something, a blush appeared on her fair face, and she turned into a rage: "Which cousin of yours said that?!!"

The little loli raised her face, blinked her big innocent black and white eyes: "Cousin Sunny~ Cousin Sunny told me yesterday, she explained clearly~"

"Bastard!" The young woman's delicate body trembled, and she gritted her teeth: "You don't study well at such a young age, you're still in high school, and you watch all kinds of messy things all day long! You even teach bad kids, let's see how I deal with her!"

After speaking, he took his daughter and left in a hurry.

Li Shu's forehead was covered with black lines, and he was doing a popular science question for children. After being told in this way, he just became an analysis of relevant knowledge about movies in the adult island country.

There is a saying that goes well, female drivers are the deadliest drivers!
Back in the old house, Li Shu saw his younger sister strolling around with her mobile phone in both hands, taking pictures and recording videos.

Seeing his shadow, Li Yinyin smiled and raised her phone to take a picture of him.

Li Shu was a little curious. His younger sister had been taking pictures of this and that all this time. He wanted to see what his younger sister had taken.

As soon as she walked over, Li Yinyin blushed and put her mobile phone into the breast pocket of the down jacket, bowed her head and trot away.

Li Shu muttered, "Weird."

Li Yinyin ran back to her new bedroom and threw herself on the big soft bed.

The room was pink and full of girlishness. She lay on the bed and tapped her phone, then opened WeChat and sent a file to one of her contacts.

Li Yinyin looked forward to typing: "Sister Xiaotao, is this okay?"

Bai Xiaotao was chatting and joking with her best friend at home, when she heard her phone ring, she picked it up to see if there was a message, and replied in seconds, "Let me see."

After about 10 minutes, she smiled and replied, "okok, it's totally ok."

Li Yinyin was looking forward to it but at the same time worried: "Will this make my brother unhappy?"

"Don't worry, it won't." Bai Xiaotao said with a wicked face, "Your brother has a good temper and spoils you. Even if you take a photo of him, he won't be willing to get angry with you, let alone this."

Li Yinyin seemed to think of something, her small face instantly turned into a red apple, and she hurriedly said, "Sister Xiaotao, what nonsense are you talking about! Who would take pictures of that!"

Bai Xiaotao smiled strangely: "Just talking, why are you nervous? Is it possible that you really have this idea?"

"I don't have it!" Li Yinyin was a little confused: "But brother..."

"Don't you want to see another side of him?"

"I want to, but... hey! Let's just leave it at that, and wait for your good news!"

"Leave it to this girl!"



Li Shu sat on the stone bench under the 8000-year-old jade bamboo, concentrating on carving the monster crystal nucleus and making sealing formation materials.

At this time, he heard a sound of chaotic footsteps.

It just so happened that the carving of the Warcraft crystal nucleus was completed, and he put it into the Soul Requiem Monument. He looked up and saw a group of people coming together at the end of his line of sight.

As everyone approached, Li Shu couldn't help frowning: "Buffalo, what's wrong with your eyes?"

The buffalo originally had his arms around his chest, but when he heard the words, he swung his right hand and said nonchalantly, "My wife was a little excited when she heard that I was going to sell the house, so she punched me, haha, mother-in-law, she is ignorant, and she makes people laugh."

A group of people couldn't help laughing and ridiculed one after another.

Li Shu smiled: "Making money is very important, and family harmony is equally important. Don't cause family conflicts."

"Don't worry, it's a small scene." The buffalo grinned: "My wife is a sensible person. I told her the facts and reasoned, and in the end it made sense. Although farming is a bit risky, she is also a little excited when she thinks of becoming a proprietress." ,Ha ha."

A group of people made up their minds and all quit their jobs.

After all, they are working class, their work is so-so, their income is so-so, and they have nothing to miss.

At this moment, the opportunity is in front of you, as long as you grasp it, the future is bright.

At this time, as long as you have a little brain, you will know how to choose.

A group of people bid farewell and went home to supplement their knowledge of marine farming.

In the middle of the night, Li Shu dived into the trench again, and took out the Bingxin Stone, which is a treasure of heaven and earth, to purify the water quality.

During the process, Li Shu swam in the sea.

Since using the sea blue luminous pearl, the affinity for sea water has become stronger and stronger, and it has almost reached the state of integration.

After absorbing this luminous pearl, even if one's cultivation is ruined, one can move freely in the sea like a sea fish.

After wandering around the leased sea area, Li Shu discovered something.

Although the water quality has improved after the seawater has been purified, the marine ecology is still the same. Due to overfishing and heavy pollution, there are very few fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, and the seabed is flat and gray. Nothing but mud, dead silence.

Li Shu sighed: "I hope that after the water quality recovers, the marine ecology can recover or become better."

Although ice core stones for hundreds of millions of years can restore water quality, they can't do anything to restore marine ecology in a short period of time.

But fundamentally speaking, marine ecology is closely related to water quality. When water quality improves, marine ecology will gradually recover, optimize, and eventually become better than before, but it will take a long process.

Time passed slowly, and the seawater was continuously purified under the magical power of the Bingxin Stone for hundreds of millions of years.

Because of the special nature of this treasure of heaven, material and earth, even if the water temperature for several kilometers around the Bingxin Stone is extremely low for hundreds of millions of years, it has reached tens of degrees below zero, but it still has not frozen.

And within hundreds of meters of the Bingxin Stone for hundreds of millions of years, the temperature is unimaginably low, completely beyond scientific understanding, and it has broken through the so-called lowest temperature in the universe—273.15 degrees.

At this temperature, the molecules will stop moving due to the extremely low temperature, which can be seen with the naked eye. For hundreds of millions of years, the ice core stone within a hundred meters is terrifyingly quiet, lifeless, and absolutely dead.

Here, only mythical creatures or monks can survive!
As for the billion-year-old ice heart stone, the temperature of this kind of genius treasure has already exceeded the understanding of ordinary monks, and it is unparalleled in horror.

When half an hour was up, Li Shu put away the billion-year-old Bingxin Stone, and traveled to the Douqi Continent to hunt down ice-attribute monsters.

Time flies by.

In the evening of the next day, Li's old house.

Li Shu sat cross-legged at the end of the bed practicing, while Li Yinyin was lying on the bed, playing with his mobile phone with his lap under his pillow, occasionally giggling.


Li Shu exhaled foul air and ended his practice.

Because his sister is here, no matter what he does, he can't let go of his hands and feet, which makes him very helpless.

"Ding dong~"

At this moment, Li Yinyin's cell phone rang and received a WeChat message.

"In the middle of the night, who sent a message to my sister?"

With this thought in mind, Li Shu turned his head and glanced subconsciously.

Contact Bai Xiaotao, content: Yinyin little loli, I finished the things you filmed during this period, let's take a look at the results, I will never let you down, haha!

Li Shu was at a loss. During this time, Li Yinyin had been taking pictures and recording videos of him. When she asked her why she took the pictures, she didn't say anything. The truth was about to be revealed at this moment.

Li Shu asked suspiciously, "Yinyin, what the hell are you and Xiaotao doing?"

"Ah?" Li Yinyin exclaimed and sat up straight, her fair face blushed, she quickly locked the screen, folded her hands and covered her phone with her chest, her head was shaking like a rattle drum, and her ponytails were shaking back and forth: "It's nothing, nothing, Don't think about it, brother."

Li Shu rolled his eyes: "It's strange to believe you."

Gently pinch the middle and middle fingers of the right hand, like picking something out of a bag, and pinch out Li Yinyin's cell phone, which was tightly covered.

"Give it to me, give it to me!"

Li Yinyin became anxious immediately, and grabbed with both hands, but the difference in height between the two was too large. Li Shu hugged his sister Liu waist with his left hand, and stretched his mobile phone to the right with his right hand. No matter how Li Yinyin struggled, he was like a chicken I can't move like a boy, and there is still a long distance from the phone.

Li Shu smiled and said, "I'm so mysterious all day long, I want to see what you two are doing."

(End of this chapter)

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