My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 163 Global Press Conference

Chapter 163 Global Press Conference

Li Yinyin pouted, a little angry.

The number one ID in hot reviews: a lost little fairy, her profile picture is a back photo of a girl with double ponytails in a sailor suit.

She clicked on the other person's profile picture, and entered the main page of the 'Lost Little Fairy' to view the dynamics.

Sure enough, she is a very cute girl.

Li Yinyin said angrily: "It's too shameless!"

At the end of the video, there is a freeze frame of Li Shu making a face, opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue.

This picture was pulled out by Bai Xiaotao's painstaking efforts, and she even edited it.

Ever since, the video ended, the phone screen stayed on Li Shu's ghostly face, while riding on the phone...

Thinking of that shameful position, Li Yinyin became furious!

The number one hot comment is very eye-catching, and a series of replies below.

"Is there such an operation?"

"666, when will I be as good as you?"

“Spirituality is not enough.”

"You are such a slut, does your family know?"

"Video man's inner monologue: The posture is already set, welcome cute girls to ride on the face, remember to wear skirts~"


Looking around, apart from those who shouted 666 and made fun of them, there were also some foul language.

Li Yinyin originally wanted to say something shameless, but after thinking about it, the typed words were deleted again, so as not to quarrel and scold at any time.

As a girl, she often browses Weibo, and she is very aware of the combat effectiveness of girls on Weibo.

Compared with many girls who opened their mouths and said, "The crematorium called to ask your mother if you want to sprinkle chili noodles", she is simply a scumbag.

Li Yinyin read the comments carefully. In just two hours, there were more than 1000 comments and more than 3000 likes. It can be seen that Bai Xiaotao's [-] fans are hardcore fans, and they are very active.

Of course, the video quality is also high.

At the end, sleepiness struck, and I fell asleep in a daze.


"In my arms, in your eyes..."

In the afternoon of the second day, Li Shu sat cross-legged at the end of the bed and lowered his head to carve the monster crystal nucleus, and a soft singing sounded from his mobile phone.

Turning to look, the caller is Secretary Zheng.

The phone was connected, and Secretary Zheng's excited voice rang through the receiver: "It's done! Brother Li is done!"

"Really?" Li Shu was full of surprise. The other party's words meant that the anticancer drug data was successfully matched. He heaved a sigh of relief: "This is the best."

Secretary Zheng took deep breaths to calm down. As soon as he got the news, he rushed to the scene. After detailed understanding, he was sure that it was 100% accurate and called Li Shu to tell him the good news.

Until now, he was still a little excited.

As a person in power, or a high-level person, I know what this means.

If it is said that Li Shu was respected in the past, it was because of his strength, but now it is different, and it is more because of the core ingredient of the anticancer drug - the mutated snake venom.

For the country, although the existence of Tianshi is terrifying, there are some existences that can compete with it, and even surpass it. Compared with the suppliers of the core ingredients of anticancer drugs, Tianshi is not worth mentioning at all.

However, the combination of the two identities of master and provider...


"Brother Li, this is just a data comparison. You should be clear that the data is somewhat different from the reality. Now we urgently need live experiments. It is best to get more snake venom."

Secretary Zheng tried his best to make his voice sound calm, but the joy and anxiety contained in the words could not be concealed.

Li Shu said in a deep voice: "No problem, leave it to me, and I will reply you as soon as possible."

Hang up the phone, inform your family that you have something to go out, the powerful spiritual sense is activated, and you can perceive a radius of [-] meters.

No trace of people!

With a flash of white light, the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

Battle Qi Continent, Warcraft Forest.

The Black-bellied Spirit Snake is a Tier [-] monster, and its range of activities is generally within the inner and central areas of the Monster Mountain Range, and rarely appears in the outer and core circles.

"Black-bellied spirit snakes mostly live in highly poisonous swamps."

Fortunately, snake venom is also one of the ingredients for refining medicine, and there are related records in the alchemist's inheritance.

He restrained his breath all the way, looking for a swamp in the Warcraft Mountains.

For three days in a row, there was no gain.


Li Shu sighed. Finding a place in the huge monster mountain range was not easy, although it could not be called finding a needle in a haystack.

More importantly, because of the Nine-Star Demon Saint inheritance incident, all the rulers of the Warcraft Mountain Range knew him and Galoran, and sent younger brothers one by one to find him and Galoran to plunder the Demon Saint inheritance.

Therefore, one must be careful when searching in the Warcraft Mountains. Even if they are discovered by ordinary Warcraft, there is a certain danger.

For this reason, Li Shu deliberately wore a large black mask, which covered most of his face. In addition, his forehead was covered by long hair, and only his eyes were exposed on his face.

In this way, it is much safer.

Thinking of Galoran, Li Shu disappeared out of thin air again with a thought.

Inside the Soul Requiem Monument, a transparent bubble with a diameter of two meters is suspended in mid-air.

Inside the huge bubble, Galoran lay naked and lying in it, and electric arcs drilled out of her body from time to time, blasting the girl's delicate skin to pieces.

However, the strange thing is that no trace of blood flowed out no matter how big the wound was.

"Zi la, crack, crack..."

The sound of electric current flowing and explosions continued, and occasionally the sound of bone shattering could be heard.

Li Shu saw that her scalp was numb. Although the inheritance of the Nine-Star Demon Saint Fenglei Master was obtained by Galolan, Galolan's physique was not good and she didn't have any cultivation talent. Fenglei Master forced her to transform her physique.

This process must be long and painful.

and!There are many crises!
After watching for a while, Li Shu sighed and withdrew.

He couldn't help anything, he could only see Galoran's state, and knew whether the girl was alive or dead.

Return to the Warcraft Mountains and continue to search for the black-bellied spirit snake.

This time there was no one to lead the way, so it was all luck.

If you are lucky, you will find it early. If you are unlucky, you can only find it after wandering around the interior and central area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains.

Li Shu has been busy in Dou Qi Continent, and the real world is also in turmoil.

Some time ago, China and the United States started a trade war, and Huaxia faced the attack of the world's largest capital empire, and some powerful countries were eyeing it.

In the 90s of the last century, the global powers encircled and suppressed China, imposed economic sanctions on China, restricted trade, blocked technology, and restricted its development.

Although it was difficult, but finally survived.

After all, the sea and the sky are expanding rapidly, and Western capital empires are worried that their dominance will be threatened, and they have started a new round of economic sanctions.

Once at a disadvantage in a trade war, certain onlookers will pounce on them like a cat smelling fish.

In the 90s of the last century, the country was so backward that it could not do anything to the big powers, and it could only compromise and negotiate with the economic sanctions.

At that time, it was really backward. Not long after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was no hole card.

But it's not what it used to be!
After decades of painstaking efforts and development, today, in the face of a new round of trade war, that is, economic sanctions, we can say coldly, 'If you want to fight, then you will fight to the end'!
Now, the country has the confidence to say this.

It was so backward in the 90s of the last century, and it was able to survive the siege of the great powers. Now that China is the second largest economy in the world, it has countless cards, so it is natural to speak with confidence.

But having said that, even if the country is not afraid, the trade war has already started. If it lasts for a long time, both sides will suffer, and Huaxia will be more affected.

At this critical moment, the data matching of anticancer drugs was successful!
This is a shot in the arm, injecting great vitality into the country!

 Three shifts are over!
(End of this chapter)

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