My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 164 It's All Routines!

Chapter 164 It's All Routines!

On this day, the world's top journalists gathered in the Great Hall of the People.

Looking around, these reporters, men and women, have different hair and skin colors, representing each country.

The scene was overcrowded, and behind the seats, cameras were piled up, all aimed at the rostrum above, and live broadcasting simultaneously around the world.

In the center of the rostrum, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health talked eloquently: "... as we all know, the horror of cancer cells lies in their unlimited and endless proliferation, which consumes a lot of nutrients in the patient's body. At the same time, cancer cells release a variety of toxins. , causing the human body to produce a series of symptoms, and the cancer cells can also transfer to the whole body and multiply. Once the cancer cells break out in the whole body, it means that the patient has reached the terminal stage of cancer.

At present, there is no specific drug in the world that can quickly and effectively inhibit the spread of cancer cells, let alone kill cancer cells. "

Speaking of this, his expression became excited, and his voice was involuntarily high: "Today! I announce! After years of research in our country, cancer cells have finally been conquered, and a breakthrough has been made in anticancer drugs!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Two or three seconds later, the audience was in an uproar!

Seriousness is the eternal theme of this world-class press conference.

Now, the scene has become unserious, restless, rioting, a group of people whispering, and the chaos is like a noisy vegetable market for a short time.

Before the launch of this press conference, the Ministry of Health only disclosed a little relevant information, and no one would have guessed that cancer cells were conquered!
What does this mean?
Anticancer drug successfully developed!
The scene was full of national-level journalists, who were very sensitive to politics, and they knew exactly what anticancer drugs represented.

Today, there are hundreds of millions of cancer patients in the world, and the number is rising rapidly every year. Anticancer drugs are the light of life and the hope of survival for cancer patients.

Hundreds of millions of audiences doesn't sound too scary. It's not as good as Microsoft's billions of global users, and it's not as good as Android's more than 20 billion global users, or even Apple's more than one billion global users.


The gold content of hundreds of millions of cancer patients is far beyond what these super enterprise users can compare.

Because one represents hope and new life. It doesn’t matter if you like anti-cancer drugs or not. Anyway, anti-cancer drugs know that you have cancer.

For those other products, no matter how loyal fans are, they can find alternative products at any time as long as they want.

In short, one is irreplaceable, one is full of substitutes, and the importance is not at the same level at all.

What's more, cancer patients are facing the threat of death. A cancer patient affects the quality of life of at least one or two families, and through these two families, it will affect other families. By analogy, hundreds of millions of cancer patients form a huge and complicated network of relationships , blending with each other, enough to affect billions of people around the world.

As for Microsoft Android and Apple users, a user is a simple user, at most it is comfortable to use, and you can recommend it to relatives and friends around you.

Therefore, to put it bluntly, whichever major country produces anticancer drugs will quickly become the number one country in the world!
As for why it is said that a big country can become number one in the world only when it develops an anti-cancer drug, because every man is innocent, but a small country cannot keep such a thing.

Without strength, I can only make wedding dresses for others!

The scene was extremely chaotic, but the people on the rostrum were not surprised by the reaction of the crowd.

A group of bigwigs on the rostrum gave the global reporters enough time to shock. After about 2 minutes, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health pressed his hands falsely to signal the scene to be quiet.

Seeing his movements, the rioting Great Hall of the People quickly quieted down. Reporters from all over the world held their breaths and stared at him with wide eyes.

"After data matching, the cancer cells have been perfectly conquered. Next, biological experiments will be carried out. I believe that it will not be long before the world's first special anticancer drug will be successfully developed."

Hearing this sentence, a group of reporters were stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized.

It turns out that the anticancer drug has not been developed yet, but the simulation data is successful.

However, as long as the data is correct, anticancer drugs are a certainty, and in vivo experiments are only to test drug properties, side effects, and other things.

Then it was time for reporters to ask questions.

A blond female reporter stood up, her face was cold, and her tone was aggressive: "Excuse me, why is the anti-cancer drug not yet successfully developed, so it is announced to the world in such a high-profile manner? Moreover, the data is virtual after all, and there is a certain discrepancy with the reality. Even if the data match It is successful, but when it comes to biological experiments, there are many difficulties, and even the development fails. This is not uncommon in the pharmaceutical industry. Today, Huaxia is making great efforts to mobilize teachers and invite reporters from all over the world to come here. If the development fails at that time, are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

Why Huaxia made a high-profile announcement at this time to conquer cancer cells was well understood by everyone present.

With the outbreak of the Sino-US trade war, this kind of great news for the country must of course be widely publicized.

But knowing it is one thing, being told in public is another. The female reporter obviously made things difficult on purpose.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health laughed: "This reporter's words are very sharp. I can tell you clearly that the data is in our hands, and we are fully confident that the development will be successful. As for why you want to announce it to the world, your Chinese is good. I borrowed "Mencius "In a sentence, which one is more happy alone than with others? Not as happy as being with others, having fun with few people, and enjoying happiness with everyone? Not as much as being with others."

As soon as she finished speaking, the blond female reporter was a little confused.

Her Chinese is good, but she is limited to normal communication in Chinese, and she can learn a few idioms.

This is a good thing, as soon as she uttered the idiom, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health directly used classical Chinese. These words are very simple, and you can recognize them individually.

Knowing that the female reporter was criticizing, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health continued to smile, and he said that it is better to be alone than to be happy with everyone, and he said it in a high-end manner, and a few words left the female reporter speechless.

Reporter No.2 stood up and said loudly: "It is reasonable to say that if the data matching is successful, the in vivo experiment will be carried out as soon as possible. The biological experiment was not carried out. Is it because of the lack of some key materials? Or some core technology is not mature enough?"

"You guessed it." The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health smiled and said, "The core component of the anticancer drug is a replicable mutated snake venom. Artificial Propagation."

Each reporter asked a question, and the reporter wanted to follow up, but the qualifications for asking questions were exhausted, so he had no choice but to sit down.

The third person hurriedly stood up, and asked the last question: "In other words, anticancer drugs are very scarce and cannot be mass-produced?"

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health is not surprised, always smiling, and it always makes people feel that there is something hidden.

He nodded: "Currently, mass production is not possible."

The fourth person couldn't wait to ask: "The implication is, can it be mass-produced on a small scale? This small scale, what is the specific scale? How many cancer patients can it benefit?"

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health smiled even more: "It is inconvenient to disclose the specific figures, but after the successful development of anti-cancer drugs, the output is not much and cannot be exported, there is no doubt about it."

Reporter No.5: "..."

He stood up, a little speechless.

Before the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health said that "it cannot be exported", he also believed that the core material of anticancer drugs is very precious and the output is scarce.

As soon as this sentence came out, he immediately grasped the hidden meaning - if you want to cure cancer, come to our country!

It's all tricks!

The so-called "scarce production, unable to export" is just a polite phrase. Just like developed countries blockade China's technology and high-end electronic equipment, China wants to block the world's anti-cancer drugs and only sell them domestically.

As a top reporter, he is very sensitive to politics, so he instantly realized how much benefit this move could bring to Huaxia.

Thinking about it carefully, the blond European reporter's scalp was numb, and a layer of cold sweat subconsciously broke out on his back.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health smiled and said: "This reporter, time is precious, don't be in a daze, please ask questions."


Fighting Qi Continent, the central area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains.

Standing on the top of a mountain, Li Shu looked at the green poisonous mist-filled swamp below, and heaved a sigh of relief.

After half a month of searching, we finally found the gathering place of the black-bellied spirit snake.


A gust of wind blew past the top of the mountain, and Li Shu was like a fallen leaf rising and falling with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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