My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 165 Tier 2 Warcraft?

Chapter 165 Tier [-] Warcraft?
Toxic, swampy, both very dangerous.

Two in one, more deadly.

Li Shu landed at the entrance of the Toxic Swamp, a basin surrounded by mountains.

Looking around, the light green poisonous fog floating in the air ahead is visible to the naked eye, affecting sight just like the heavy fog in winter, and can be seen up to 30 meters.

There is dry land under the feet, and walking in, one muddy puddle and another muddy puddle, large and small puddles are connected by gray mud.

Li Shuyi is a brave man, and has 8000 years of accompanying Yuzhu to protect him, so he is not afraid of all kinds of poisons.

Stepping into the poisonous swamp, taking a breath in the poisonous fog while walking.

The green poisonous mist with a strong peculiar smell entered the nasal cavity, a little hot, and went all the way down the respiratory tract, straight into the lungs.

Standing in place silently felt the changes in the body, and had some understanding of the toxicity of the green poisonous mist.

Li Shu shook his head: "It doesn't work for me at all, even the jade body supernatural powers can't be stimulated."

After walking for a while, out of the corner of his eye, a black tail flickered to the right, disappeared into a small puddle and disappeared.

As it gradually deepened, a black-bellied spirit snake appeared in sight.

The further he went in, the more black-bellied spirit snakes there were, and some even followed him far away, crawling silently in the mud and puddles.

Li Shu's strong aura is fully activated, and his strength in the later stage of knocking Tao is equivalent to a fourth-order high-level monster. These black-bellied spirit snakes dare not act rashly.

Of course, this is also because although the black-bellied spirit snake is a fourth-order monster, it takes a long time from birth to grow into a fourth-order monster. Belly snakes are not too many.

Li Shu walked all the way, like strolling in a garden.

Finally, the first fourth-order black-bellied spirit snake appeared.

It is more than four meters long, with thick arms, and compact black scales. There seems to be a layer of gelatin on the surface, which looks oily and shiny.

The first-order black-bellied spirit snake is one meter long, the second-order two meters, and so on. Every time the strength increases, the size will increase by one meter.

After it appeared, it instantly became the head of all the snakes. Behind it stood a third of its front body, staring coldly at Li Shu's back.

The second four-tier, the third four-tier, the fourth...

Until the tenth fourth-order black-bellied spirit snake appeared, the snake group immediately rioted!



Many black-bellied spirit snakes sputtered and shot letters, and uttered a series of sharp screams, like a rain of snakes, rushing towards him overwhelmingly.


Li Shu's eyes turned, and the golden sky fire formed a huge two-story ball around him, wrapping him inside.

The sky fire inside the golden ball was extremely rich, even a little viscous, and a person-high, slightly illusory raging flame rose from the surface of the ball, burning wantonly.

When the black-bellied spirit snakes came into contact with the golden sky fire, they were all burnt to the point of 'hissing', screaming in unbearable pain, clinging to the mud and rolling wildly, sometimes bouncing up.

"come over!"

Li Shu yelled, stretched out his hand to grab forward, and pulled back, a fourth-order black-bellied spirit snake flew towards him more than ten meters away.

The latter was full of panic, and his pair of long and narrow snake eyes were full of fear. He wanted to struggle, but his body felt stiff, as if he had been immobilized, and he could not move in an S-shaped position.

Among the fourth-order magical beasts, the black-bellied spirit snake is the scariest one, and it is also the weakest one.

The scary thing is that its snake venom can kill fifth-level monsters and severely damage sixth-level monsters. The weak chicken is that its attack power is too weak, and many times it can't even bite the skin of monsters of the same level.

Facing Li Shu's attack, the black-bellied spirit snake had no power to fight back.

Li Shu grabbed the neck of the black-bellied spirit snake with his right hand, took out a palm-high glass bottle with his left hand, and made the fourth-order black-bellied spirit snake open its mouth. A pair of upper jaw hook teeth polished like sheep fat jade bit the bottle mouth, and the voice was cold: "Spit out the venom, or you will be crushed to death!"

The fourth-order monsters have very high intelligence, not inferior to humans. Although they cannot communicate with Li Shu, they can understand his words.

At the fifth level, monsters can speak human words.

The black-bellied spirit snake was terrified by Li Shu, and hurriedly injected venom into the bottle.

One minute later, Li Shu looked at the light layer of black venom in the glass bottle, and couldn't help frowning: "That's all? Don't want to live?"

The glass bottle is palm-high, and its shape and size are a bit like Wahaha AD calcium milk. At this time, the snake venom is only two-tenths full.

For the earth snakes, it is shocking to be able to secrete so much snake venom at one time.

But this black-bellied spirit snake is a fourth-order magical beast, and it cannot be judged by common sense. Li Shu thought it could fill a glass bottle, or even more.

I never expected it to be so small.

Scared by him, the Black-bellied Spirit Snake injected a little more, but the quantity was limited, adding up to three-tenths of the glass bottle.

This black-bellied spirit snake is angry and sad at the moment, and it is a fourth-order monster after all. It lives smoothly in the monster mountain range. As long as it does not leave this highly poisonous swamp, even a fifth-order monster will not dare to provoke them easily.

Today, he was killed by a human being, pinching his neck to detoxify...

Am I being embarrassed?
It's like throwing a snake at home!
As soon as Li Shu threw it away, he left the fourth-order black-bellied spirit snake in the mud not far away like throwing garbage. The latter turned over, like a loach, plunged into the mud, and disappeared.

Li Shu concocted it according to the law, and captured several other fourth-order black-bellied spirit snakes to collect the venom.

Not only that, he also collected second and third-order black-bellied spirit snake venom.

In this way, Li Shu kept walking in, wanting to see how big the black-bellied spirit snake was in this basin.

The highly toxic swamp has nine bends and eighteen bends, and the largest puddle is like a small lake with an astonishing area.

Not long after, there were more and more fourth-order black-bellied spirit snakes behind him, roughly counting, at least several hundred.

Li Shu stopped, turned his head and glanced lightly.

All the black-bellied spirit snakes looked like they saw a malevolent star, their long and narrow eyes were full of fear, they were crawling forward, but now they all crawled backwards.

Li Shu continued to move forward. For him, these black-bellied spirit snakes were no threat. Firstly, their attacks were weak, and secondly, their poison was useless to him.

Two words, perfect!

The sun was setting in the west, and the sky was dark.

After walking for a long time, Li Shu finally came to the deepest part of the poisonous swamp.

Along the way, the poisonous mist changed from light green to green, dark green, and emerald green. At this point, it strangely transformed into lavender.

This purple poisonous mist has a strange fragrance, like an old wine opened, the mellow aroma makes people want to take a deep breath.

Li Shu was a little surprised, took a deep breath, and felt the intensity of the lavender poisonous mist.

After a while, the heart is like a mirror.

He couldn't help muttering: "It's a bit powerful. If I hadn't eaten 8000-year-old half-grown Polygonatum in advance, this kind of poisonous fog would have threatened me to a certain extent."

As a precaution, hold your breath for now.

Suddenly, a cold and sharp voice sounded in Li Shu's ear: "This is the first time this king has seen a human come here, so what can I do?"


Controlled by a mysterious force, the poisonous fog naturally separated to the two sides, revealing a road wide enough to accommodate a bus.

Here the ground is dry and grassy, ​​dotted with knee-high majestic purple flowers.

Li Shu raised his eyes, and at the end of his line of sight was a towering tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. Under the tree, a giant purple python with a length of about 20 meters and a thick waist of an adult man formed a snake formation.

When Li Shu took a look, he was almost scared to pee by the length of this giant python!
According to the growth habit of the black-bellied spirit snake, the 1.1-meter step and 20 meters are the twentieth step.

After the fright, it was ridiculous.

The highest level in the Douqi Continent is the tenth-order monster, which is equivalent to a human emperor fighting. Looking at the history of the Douqi Continent, there are only a handful of monsters of this level.

Twenty steps...

Pull j, b light!
Li Shu was curious: "What kind of monster is this? It can speak human words, at least level [-], and it's coiled here. Could it be the big boss of the poisonous swamp, the ruler of the black-bellied snake?"

 The two changes are over, there should be more tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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