My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 172 Yihai Chemical Industry

Chapter 172 Yihai Chemical Industry
Li Shu found that after the buffalo said something, there was a flame burning in everyone's eyes, and their fighting spirit was high.

"You can give it a try."

"Try it, it should be fine if you are careful."

"Ok, deal!"


Everyone said something to each other, and they quickly made a decision.

"Creating stonefish is indeed a novel idea." Li Shu nodded approvingly. Having grown up by the sea, of course he knew that stonefish are terrifying and precious, so he comforted him, "Modern medicine is so advanced that it is enough to always have antidote. If you are poisoned, take the antidote and seek medical treatment in time, nothing will happen at all."

As for the 8000-year companion Polygonatum odoratum, which has the magical effect of detoxification, he has not disclosed it for the time being.

Although the stone fish is poisonous, it is not an instant toxin. As long as there is an antidote, this kind of toxin will at most cause people to suffer a little bit, and it will not hurt.

Led by the buffalo, a group of people made up their minds to try to raise stonefish.

Li Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. If someone is poisoned and the situation is urgent, you can come to me."

At this time, the little monkey interjected: "Listen to me, raising stonefish is no problem, but no one has raised this kind of fish before, and there is no experience for reference. This means that the risk is very high, and the results will not be seen for a while.

If we want to breed stonefish, we need to take a long-term view and formulate a development plan.

In short, you can't invest too much in it in the early stage.

My wife and I have discussed that in the early stage of breeding, we should focus on stability. After making a profit, we will expand the scale or invest in fish with high risk and high profit.

We grew up in one village and know the basics. With the little money in our hands, to be honest, we really can't stand it a few times. "

The buffalo said carelessly: "It's okay, I sold the wedding house, and now I have more than 100 million deposits in my hand, not short of money."

"Grass! It's so fast!"

"Too cruel!"

"Is it really for sale? Your wife won't make trouble with you?"

A group of people were shocked and asked questions in a hurry.

"What's the fuss?" The buffalo curled his lips: "A great opportunity is in front of me, my wife is not a single-minded person, she is just suffering a little bit now, and the future is bright, if I don't seize this opportunity, she will make trouble with me. "

"Awesome." The little monkey raised his thumbs up at him, full of admiration: "I can't, the economic power is in the hands of my wife. Although she agrees with me to do marine farming, the initial investment is very small, so I have to take it slowly. Increase investment and dare not put money in at once.”

The buffalo asked curiously, "What are you going to raise?"

The little monkey laughed straight: "My wife and I have planned in detail, because we don't have much money, we will raise some cheap marine products, tentatively lobster and clams.

Lobsters are omnivorous animals that eat everything, including plankton in the sea, small fish, shrimps, and crabs, and even eat dead bodies of the same kind and animals.

As for clams, their meat is extremely delicious, known as the freshest in the world, the crown of all flavors, high economic value, cheap ten yuan a catty, expensive hundreds of yuan a catty, and it is not easy to die.

Xiao Lizi said that the water quality of this piece of sea water is very good, but the temperature is extremely low.

So, I suggest that you raise some marine products with strong survivability.

My goal is not to make money in the early stage, or to lose less money, and then gradually increase the investment after the cultured things adapt to the temperature of the sea water and gain experience in breeding. "

After a pause, the little monkey added: "Take your time, if you take a long step, you will easily catch your eggs."

Li Shu looked at a group of friends discussing in full swing, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, showing a smile.

This situation proves that they have been working hard during this period of time, and they have devoted themselves to research.

As the saying goes, those who help themselves will be helped by God.

The starting point is low, the environment is poor, and only with an upward heart can there be a chance to climb up.

Whether the sky will help them, Li Shu doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

What he knew was that he would definitely help these friends!

ten days later.

During this period of time, Li Shu has been preparing for matters related to the ocean ranch, and one task after another is on the right track.

"It's time to clean you up."

He picked up his mobile phone and called Secretary Zheng, the leader of Linhai.

"Secretary Zheng, I want to report Yihai Chemical, Mianfeng Dyestuff, Tianri Paint, Dongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. with my real name..."

Li Shu mentioned the names of more than a dozen companies in one breath, and continued: "These companies discharge sewage unqualified, and secretly discharge sewage into the ocean, causing serious pollution to the marine environment."

Secretary Zheng was processing documents in the office, and when he received a report call from Li Shu, he sat up straight and said solemnly, "I'll arrange a comprehensive inspection immediately!"

After hanging up the communication, he shouted towards the door: "Xiao Zhang, come in."

The male secretary in his thirties pushed open the door, hurriedly walked to the desk and stood still, nodded slightly: "Secretary Zheng."

Secretary Zheng's tone was cold: "You hold a meeting on my behalf and notify the environmental protection department, fire department, and sanitation bureau, and ask them to organize a surprise inspection of coastal factories. Remember, don't make too much thunder and rain, but be serious!"

"Understood." The secretary smiled: "Is there any key investigation unit?"

"Yes." Secretary Zheng replied succinctly: "Yihai Chemical, Mianfeng Dyestuff, Tianri Paint... These dozen or so factories have major safety and health risks, and they are suspected of secretly discharging sewage into the sea. You tell Director Liu of the Environmental Protection Bureau that the matter is of great importance." , don’t be careless.”

"it is good!"

After the secretary agreed, he turned and left.

Secretary Zheng continued to process the documents with his head bowed.

On the same day, the multi-department joint assault on coastal manufacturing enterprises has indeed yielded some gains.

As a celestial master, Li Shuguang's right to speak is astonishing. Coupled with the supplier of snake venom, his personal importance has surpassed the sky!
He made a report call, and the whole Linhai was mobilized.

Some manufacturing companies operate in a law-abiding manner without fear, but some unscrupulous companies, after in-depth investigations, were issued a huge fine on the spot, affixed a seal, and closed down for rectification.

As for the companies mentioned by Li Shu, nearly half of them have not found any waste discharge, including the largest Yihai Chemical Industry.

At night, when Li Shu hung up Secretary Zheng's phone, he was suddenly suspicious.

"These are the biggest problems. After they moved in, the originally clear sea water quickly became dirty, black, and smelly, just like a sewer. How could there be no problem!"

Thinking about it, I always feel that something is wrong.

With his identity here, and his level of existence, a simple sentence would be regarded as an imperial decree by many people, not to mention the phone calls to the top leaders to report, and the investigation efforts of various departments can definitely be called digging three feet.

As for the collusion between the government and businessmen to falsely report the results, there may be cases in normal times, but this kind of thing cannot happen today.

Li Shu, who witnessed the ocean changes with his own eyes, knows that there must be problems with these factories. In other words, they are the source of pollution, and it is impossible to be innocent.

As for why it can't be checked out...

Li Shu sneered: "It's hidden too deep? I'll go and see for myself!"


At nine o'clock in the evening, Yihai Chemical.

The factory operates 24 hours a day, day and night.

Normally, the lights are brightly lit at night, and walking in the factory area is full of the sound of mechanical collisions and steam chirping. Today, the employees are notified to have a day off. The factory area is pitch black, and the quietness is scary.

 Today is the third update, the first update

(End of this chapter)

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