Chapter 173 20%
The chairman's office of Yihai Chemical, the main body is in black tone, embellished with dark gold stripes, which looks dignified and majestic.

In the reception area, five men in suits and leather shoes were sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Behind each of them was an OL uniform with black silk high-heeled sexy girls. Each of them was tall and well-proportioned. A pair of bare hands rested on their shoulders and gently massaged them. , It's more like a SPA than a massage.

The difference between SPA and massage is that the action of SPA is very light, close to touch.

A middle-aged man in his 40s with a big belly leaned on the sofa, glanced at the young man in his 20s sitting behind the desk with a relaxed smile on his face, and said with emotion: "Young is good, you can play, you can enjoy, and you can raise such a child." A group of goblins can take it physically."

The young man twirled the golden pen with his right hand, paused when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, you like to give you one, it's all trained."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he pressed his plump right hand on the slender and tender hand on his left shoulder, and rubbed it lightly like licking oil, which aroused the coquettishness of the sexy girl, and a trace of obsequiousness flashed across his face.

After a while, he shook his head and let go of his hand, sighing: "Hey, it's not good to be old, it's incomparable to you young people, as the saying goes, young people don't know what is expensive, and when they are old, they cry. You'd better keep these goblins to yourself and enjoy."

The young man put down the golden pen, walked to the single sofa in the reception area and sat down, crossing his legs.

The beauty with white rabbit ears behind the chairman's chair followed him. As soon as he sat down, the bunny girl naturally knelt down on the carpet in front of the sofa and beat his legs lightly.

The young man said mysteriously, "Mr. Xu, I recommend you something good."

The middle-aged man was full of curiosity: "What good thing?"

"Qiyangcao." The young man said enthusiastically, "This is a high-grade vegetable that nourishes the kidneys and aids digestion. It works very well, and it's been super popular recently."

The middle-aged man responded casually: "I've heard of this thing."

Another person interjected: "I've tried this stuff, and it does have some effect, but it needs to be snapped up, it's a little hard to buy, and it's usually bought at a high price for other people's places. I've estimated that the owner who grows vegetables only relies on sungrass as a vegetable. At least tens of millions of profits, when he expands the planting scale, it is estimated that he will become one of the overlords in the supply of high-end vegetables."

"Oh? So powerful?" Mr. Xu's eyes lit up: "According to what you said, this is a way to make money! Now I can still have a hand!"

"Medipate?" The young man shook his head: "I have contacted the vegetable sellers, they do not accept any form of investment and financing, [-]% of the equity is in their own hands, and..."

After a pause, he frowned: "I originally wanted to use some means, but the identity of the vegetable seller is unusual. I guess he is a princeling with a background in the sky, so I didn't dare to do it."

"People in the yamen?" Mr. Xu is eager to try: "In this way, we need to find an opportunity to get to know each other. Today's joint inspection by the three departments of sanitation, fire protection, and environmental protection scared me. I thought I offended someone. I didn't expect it to be a surprise inspection. .”

Speaking of this, he looked around: "What does this mean?"

Everyone was silent, waiting for the next article.

He put his arms around his chest and sneered: "It means that we don't have enough connections. No one reminded us of such a big matter. If the identity of this vegetable seller is not simple, let's find a chance to have a meal and chat together, and send one of the goblins you trained, sure." I can put him to sleep overnight and let him be my own."

A middle-aged and elderly person in his 50s echoed: "I think it is reliable. There are people in the officialdom who are good at handling things. The power of princelings should not be underestimated."

The other was terrified: "Hurry up and find someone to connect the bridge. Today's joint inspection almost gave me a heart attack. If it weren't for the secret of the sewage pipe laying, we would all have to go in!"

"Don't worry, everyone." The young man said calmly, "This sewage pipeline has been built for more than 15 years. One end is underground, and the entrance is hidden. The other end is in the ocean two kilometers away from the coastline. The foreign designer I hired to design the route was from other provinces. My father personally supervised the construction team, and during the construction, these people did not know their exact location at all, in other words, God knows this sewage pipe, except for a few of us, no one else knows."

A middle-aged man in his 30s sips tea, enjoys the sexy girl's jade hands SPA, and said with a leisurely expression: "This statement is true, it is the so-called wealth and insurance, there are six of us, six factories.

Chemicals, paints, dyes, metallurgy, building materials, and fermentation belong to six industries, but without exception, they are all heavily polluting industries. According to the law, the garbage generated by enterprises should be disposed of by themselves. In our heavily polluting industries, we spend every year on the treatment of industrial waste. The money on garbage is about 20% of the annual net profit.

Take Tianri Paint as an example. Last year’s net profit was 20 million, and 6000% was [-] million.

What is wrong with this money?Even if you go to the capital to buy a suite, you can wait for it to appreciate.

If it is used to treat industrial waste, what good will it do us? "

"That's right, Mr. Chen is right." The young man smiled all over his face: "Our Yihai Chemical Industry's profit in 2004 exceeded 24 million, and last year's net profit was as high as 20 billion. How much is 4.8%? [-] million.

With this sewage pipeline, on the surface, we claim to have high technology, which can greatly reduce sewage discharge and industrial waste production, and secretly send waste water to the deep sea, saving money and trouble, it is really cool! "

He teased the bunny girl kneeling in front of the sofa with his right index finger, just like teasing a kitten or dog, and smiled at her: "Use this money to deal with garbage, why not buy a sports car for my little one, little one, dont you agree?"

The bunny girl raised her head and looked up at the former, winking like silk: "Master is right~"

A group of people laughed, very proud.

While they were showing off, for some reason, the air suddenly became oppressive and heavy, making it difficult to breathe with chest tightness.

A group of people involuntarily quieted down, loosening their ties with both hands.

It's a simple movement, and after doing it, you're sweating profusely, and your hands and feet are as heavy as sandbags.


The ceiling lamp began to flicker, flickering, accompanied by the sound of electric current.

Everyone looked up at the same time, and with the sound of 'Zi', the ceiling lights were completely extinguished.

The sudden change made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, and they could see the horror and fear in each other's eyes.

At the same time, a strange atmosphere spread, and the room became deadly silent.

At night, the bright moon hangs high.

The moonlight shines into the room through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the chairman's office, making the room appear gray and white, and the visibility is acceptable.


The closed door suddenly opened automatically.

Everyone hurriedly looked in panic, and found that there was a tall figure at the door at some point.

Although there is a certain degree of visibility in the room, this man is tall, the moonlight only shines on his waist, his upper body is in darkness, and his appearance cannot be seen clearly, except for a pair of eyes that are particularly bright, with two golden flames burning and beating in the pupils, Swaying.

(End of this chapter)

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