Chapter 174 Deterrence


"How did you get in?"


Everyone stood up emotionally and asked questions like a cannonball.

This is the chairman's office. The anti-theft door is the world's top brand, and the German security system is installed. It is unimaginable that it was cracked silently!
The tall man at the door stepped forward slowly, and as he walked, the moonlight continued to move upwards, sweeping across the waist, abdomen, chest, and neck, and finally a slightly blurred handsome face appeared in everyone's sight.

His face was cold, with angry flames dancing in his eyes: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that your good business days are over!"

When they found out that it was a young man, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In that scene just now, they thought they had encountered a ghost.

The potbellied Mr. Xu pointed his right index finger at the tall man, and said angrily, "Where did you come from? You're talking nonsense here! Do you want to die?"

The chairman of Yihai Chemical, that is, the young man in his 20s, sneered: "Tell me, why is our good life coming to an end? You, a brat, can bring down some of our behemoths?"

He didn't take the other party seriously at all, as for eavesdropping on the conversation?
He personally supervised the completion of this office. Because he likes to train goblins in the office, he specially enhanced the sound insulation. There is a layer of sound-absorbing sponge inside the wall, so you don't even want to hear a little bit of sound outside the office.


As if thinking of some possibility, his face changed wildly: "Did you install a bug in the room?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone turned pale with astonishment.

"Speak! Who sent you? For what purpose?"

"Little brother, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. You'd better think about it clearly."



A group of people were emotional, and a hint of ferocity flashed in their eyes.

If what they said just now is recorded and sent to the government, the money saved by stealing sewage over the years, and because the sewage is so little, it is not only a fine to claim improper management, meager profits, and fraudulent accounting to evade taxes. As simple as that, you're bound to go to jail.

The oldest one here is in his 50s, usually a young model in luxury cars and mansion clubs, who is happy and happy, but when he thinks of spending the rest of his life in prison, his expression instantly turns ferocious, full of murderous intent.

As their mentality changed, the ceiling lights flickered again, flickering from time to time, and finally brightened with a 'Zi' sound.

The appearance of the tall man was unobstructed by everyone, with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, and a rich spirit like jade. Who else could it be besides Li Shu?

"Bug?" Li Shu said lightly, "I don't need that kind of thing."

He didn't want to waste time, so he went straight to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the chairman's office, kicked the entire floor-to-ceiling window into pieces, and watched it fall to the ground like it was raining.


A crisp sound.

The windows were shattered, and the cold wind poured in, making a group of people shiver with horror.

This is special tempered glass, its strength is about the same as that of a wall, and breaking it with one foot is no different from breaking a wall with one foot.

Li Shu stood at the window, turned his head to look at several owners in suits and leather shoes, and raised his right index finger: "I only ask once, where is the entrance of the underground pipeline?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the middle-aged man with a beer belly on the far left, Mr. Xu who everyone said: "You answer."

Mr. Xu, with a beer belly, had his legs trembling, and he stammered, "I, I, I, I don't know what kind of underground management."

Li Shu didn't talk nonsense with the other party, stretched his right arm forward, stretched his right palm and bent his fingers slightly, and sucked. The other party let out an exclamation and flew towards him uncontrollably.

At the same time, a mountain bead flew out without a sound.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


The screams went all the way down, and with a muffled sound, all the sounds stopped abruptly.

Li Shu raised his right index finger again, and said in a flat tone, "Everyone has only one chance, if you don't want to be left behind, just cooperate honestly."

As he spoke, he pointed at the boss in his 50s: "This time you answer."

The latter's brain was in chaos, and he was so panicked that he simply kept silent.

Li Shu waved his hand again, and the second person threw it out, screaming all the way down, and after a bang, everyone in the room trembled, and the whole world fell silent.

Li Shu just pointed at the third person, but before he could speak, the third person said in a panic, "I said it, I said it, I said it all! The underground pipeline is in the underground secret room of this chemical plant, and only the chairman has the key."

As he stepped back, he pointed at the young man in his 20s: "He, he, he is the new chairman of Yihai Chemical!"

The young man was furious: "You betrayed me!"

"What can I do?" The third person blushed, his neck was thick, his forehead and neck were bruised, and he yelled: "If you betray you, you will go to jail at most, if you don't betray you, you will be thrown to death now! Tell me which one to choose?!"

Li Shu raised his right hand, and the roar stopped abruptly.

Outside the window, the two shivered and flew up holding a large silver metal basketball ball.

Of course, Li Shu would not kill people so simply and brutally, he just blocked the ability of the two of them to speak, and threw them down to scare others and frighten others.

Immediately, he used some tricks, gave the chairman of Yihai Chemical two swords, and beat him up again. He obediently took out the key to the underground secret room.

Li Shu knocked out a group of people, and went to the underground secret room alone to check.

The former chairman of Yihai Chemical was very business-minded. He knew that the country was developing at a high speed. At the end of the [-]th century, economic development was the main focus. Even if it damaged the environment, it would not hesitate to destroy the environment. But after the economy improved, it would vigorously protect the environment and clean up heavily polluting industries.

Therefore, when the country paid little attention to the environment more than ten years ago, an underground sewage pipeline was built to discharge industrial waste and industrial wastewater directly into the sea.

As the country pays more and more attention to the environment and has higher and higher requirements for heavy polluting enterprises, the move of the former chairman of Yihai Chemical seems to be more 'wise'.

Adding up these years, the sewage pipeline has saved Yihai Chemical at least one billion in environmental treatment costs.

A nest of snakes and rats in several factories around, clanging with it.

Li Shu saw the huge underground pressure pump and a complete set of advanced sewage facilities and couldn't help cursing: "A businessman, earning so much money doesn't want to wipe his own butt, so he has to sneak around."

Back at the office of the chairman of Yihai Chemical, he called Secretary Zheng, the leader of Linhai again, and asked him to send someone over.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the young girl lying on the ground, and Li Shu had a bold idea in his heart.

These beauties are tall and tall, at least 1.7 meters tall without makeup. After makeup, they can score eight or nine points. They are very beautiful and have a hot figure.

Most of the female stars and female anchors who rely on their faces to make a living are at this level, or even slightly inferior.

Li Shu remembered very clearly that the chairman of Yihai Chemical said that these beauties had already been trained, and Mr. Xu with a beer belly even boasted that they could sleep and serve one person in one night.

It would be a pity not to take advantage of this superb resource.

(End of this chapter)

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