Chapter 184

The No. [-] glasses assistant took the order, and the notification was in place soon.

After get off work at 05:30, the large conference room of Wushuang Company.

Because the conference room is too large, more than 20 people are seated and more than half of the seats are empty.

The employees were relaxed, chatting and laughing very lively.

"Da da da……"

The sound of high heels hitting the ground came from the door, and the noise in the room quickly quieted down, and a group of people turned their heads to look at the door at the same time.


The two doors of the conference room were pushed open from the outside, one from the left and the other from the right. It was the beautiful assistant in glasses and the beautiful assistant in Bingshan. Then Li Yuanyuan walked in with a strong and confident eyebrow.

As soon as she left, two assistants followed behind, and the three of them formed a zigzag shape.

It's not far from the door to the main seat in the conference room, but it's just such a short distance, the three of them attracted the attention of the whole company, and even because the room was too quiet, someone could even hear someone gulp.

For ordinary people, Li Yuanyuan is definitely a goddess in terms of body and appearance, with firm skin and bright eyes, she is even more beautiful than those female anchors who have a tenth level of beauty.

From the appearance alone, I can't pick out a single flaw.

Coupled with the addition of two rare beauties as a foil, the lethality of the three-person group increased exponentially. In private, the men in the company took a very vulgar title - Three Golden Flowers.

Li Yuanyuan stood at the main seat, and two assistants sat next to the main seat, one on the left and one on the right.

She said lightly: "Wu Shuang is positioned as a comprehensive company. Everyone has been working for a while, and I believe you know something about it. Next, let me introduce to you the core person of this company, who is also the real boss."

As soon as the voice fell, the quiet conference room became commotion instantly, and a group of people whispered to each other.

These people thought that Li Yuanyuan was the boss during the interview, but after coming to the company, Li Yuanyuan was the general manager. They didn't expect that the real boss was someone else.

Li Yuanyuan turned her head and glanced at the door of the conference room.

The door was closed tightly.

She was a little speechless, and slandered: "What is this brat doing! Why didn't you come in!"

As soon as the idea fell, the door of the meeting room was pushed open by Li Shu while making a phone call, accompanied by the communication words of "OK, OK, I see, I have a meeting, I will call you later".

Li Shu hung up the phone and found that more than 20 people in the conference room were paying attention to him, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I took a short call and delayed everyone's time."

Hearing this, everyone had guesses in their hearts, probably this is the real boss, how dare they blame him, they all shook their heads and said it was okay.

Li Shu sat at the main seat, and Li Yuanyuan stood behind him, putting both hands on his shoulders and introducing: "This is Li Shu, the real boss of Wushuang Company, who owns 90% of the shares, and I own 10% of the shares. , project development, I am responsible for overall planning and implementation.”

Speaking of this, the words paused.

He seems to think of something, and has some resentment: "He is just a hands-off shopkeeper. I often don't see him, and you don't usually see him. Just know that there is such a person."

As soon as this remark came out, all the employees were a little surprised, and the beautiful assistant in glasses and the beautiful assistant Bingshan were also a little surprised, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Li Shu.

Li Yuanyuan ordered some more things, and waved her right hand: "The meeting is over."

Everyone got up and left one after another.

Relying on his strong hearing, Li Shu heard these people whispering about him as they walked outside.

"Wow! The boss is so young! He may not be as old as me!"

"Have you noticed? The complexion and skin quality of the two bosses are so good, it's almost as if they have been photoshopped. They must pay special attention to maintenance and eat high-end food. I am really envious and jealous."

"Is that the point? The point is that he is so handsome! The first time I saw him, I felt my heart pounding, as if I was in love."

"I think it's spring, spring is here, and it's mating season..."



Because they often have to deal with government departments, except for the technical department of Wushuang APP, which is dominated by men with science and engineering majors, the rest are basically women, ranging in age from 23 to 40 years old.

Some young girls who have just entered the workplace find that their boss is a young and handsome president, and imagine whether there will be a show where the domineering president falls in love with me. , staged an exciting romance in the office, in the office...

Is it from it or from it or take off the stockings on my own initiative...

Li Shu smiled freely and realized that they were all harmless jokes.

After get off work, the company is empty.

He and Li Yuanyuan found a Chinese restaurant for dinner. When the first dish came, she put down her chopsticks after taking a bite, complaining, "It's not delicious."


Li Shu frowned slightly, picked up the chopsticks to taste.

The reason I came to this restaurant was because of the high ratings.

Li Yuanyuan tasted it and said it was not good. Could it be that the rating was based on it?

This is a sliced ​​pork with orange juice. The sliced ​​meat has been pre-fried, and the color is slightly yellow. When you eat it, it is fresh and smooth. When you bite it, it is tender and transparent. There is a little orange juice overflowing from the sliced ​​meat, which makes the sliced ​​meat more delicious. The two complement each other , can be described as an exquisite work.

At least, it is worthy of the price of more than 700 yuan a plate.

Li Shu asked suspiciously: "It's okay, how can you say it's not delicious?"

Li Yuanyuan shrugged: "It's not as delicious as what you get out of the jar."

Hearing this, Li Shu couldn't help but laugh.

The food made by the legendary kitchen utensils has reached the limit that can be achieved by manpower, or surpassed the limit, and it is not comparable to ordinary food.

Seemingly thinking of something, Li Shu chuckled and said persuasively, "You should know that using the legendary kitchen utensils is very noisy and must be used in secret."

Li Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Let's go to the hotel now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her pretty face flushed, her shyness and timidity were extremely attractive.

Thinking of what will happen after eating, my heart beats a little fast and violently.

Since the first intimate contact, she has been slightly resistant to this kind of thing at the beginning, and then she wants to refuse and welcome, and now she knows the taste.

When I think of that kind of ecstasy, I don't know why, but there is a trace of anticipation in my fear.

Li Shu deliberately said: "Go to the hotel? Why are you going to the hotel?"

This Chinese restaurant is cleverly designed, with a screen between the two seats, and each seat has a strong privacy.

Li Shu waved his right hand to Li Yuanyuan, lowering his upper body, almost parallel to the dining table.

Li Yuanyuan's face was full of bewilderment, but she imitated the example, lowered her upper body, and put her two heads together in the middle of the dining table. Li Shu's mouth was pressed against Li Yuanyuan's right ear.

He breathed lightly, and Li Yuanyuan felt itchy in her ears, shrinking her neck a bit shyly, and her face was even more rosy.

Under such circumstances, Li Shu said: "There are many secret places to go, why do you have to go to a hotel? In that kind of place, do you want to eat something out of a jar or out of your pants?" Take it out?"

(End of this chapter)

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