My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 185 Hey, I Didn't Expect It!

Chapter 185 Hey, I Didn't Expect It!
Seeing Li Shu's mysterious appearance, Li Yuanyuan thought he was going to say something important, so she listened intently, but she didn't expect it to be a hooligan.

When she thought of that huge thing, she felt frightened, her throat was itchy, accompanied by a faint sense of suffocation.

"You!" Li Yuanyuan blushed, pulled Li Shu's ear out with her right hand, turned it 180 degrees, and said angrily, "You're so big! What are you thinking about?"

Li Shu's eyes lit up, and he quickly agreed: "Okay, okay, eat your head, eat your head, only eat your head."

Hearing this, Li Yuanyuan was a little puzzled, this sentence sounded weird.

After thinking about it carefully, the head Li Shu probably refers to is not the head above the neck, but another 'head'.

After thinking it through, the ruddy and pretty face immediately turned bright red, and a hint of charm appeared inadvertently in the eyes, and the right hand that was holding Li Shu's ear was pulled hard again, almost rotating 360 degrees.

That is to say, as a monk, Li Shu's body is extremely flexible, and he doesn't care if he is twisted 36 degrees. An ordinary person would have to kneel down and beg for mercy on the spot at this moment.

"Xiaoshu!" Li Yuanyuan was ashamed and angry: "Is my sister too spoiled you recently? You have become more and more rascal recently!"

Li Shu laughed 'puchi': "I'm just kidding you."

Li Yuanyuan glared at him: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will, I will..."

She couldn't find any strong threats, so she could only moan in the end: "I want you to look good!"

Li Shu gently removed her twisting right hand, and scratched her upturned nose: "Got it, let's go."

He raised his left arm slightly and snapped his fingers. A young waitress hurried over, stood beside him and bowed slightly respectfully, "Sir, what's your order?"

Li Shu pointed to a table of intact dishes, and said helplessly, "Pack these dishes and take them away."

The waiter said politely: "Okay, please wait a moment."

Soon, a well-organized exquisite handbag was placed on the dining table.

Li Shu used Alipay to scan the code to pay, and Li Yuanyuan happily left with his right arm in his arms and headed to the hotel he had booked.

When she thought of the food made by the legendary kitchen utensils, she felt the rapid secretion of saliva. After a while, her mouth seemed to be full of body fluid after drinking a sip of water.



Along the way, Li Yuanyuan swallowed several times.

After tasting this extreme delicacy, it always feels dull to eat anything else.

An upscale love hotel.

"Hey, I didn't expect that. When I said it was to tease you, I meant to eat it to tease you. In fact, what I really meant was to eat everything."

"You, woo, why don't you go, woo, die, die..."


The longest road in this world is the routine.

In the past, Li Yuanyuan scoffed at this sentence, but after Li Shu's more and more routines, she took it seriously.

After everyone was happy and exhausted, she fell asleep with a few bruises on her chest and buttocks.

The next morning.

The golden dawn pierces through the clouds and coats everything with a layer of gold.

Looking down from a high altitude, the bus station in this city is full of people, the streets are full of vehicles, and the horns sound one after another. The city that has been quiet all night is revived and becomes noisy again.

Li Shu woke up slowly, no, to be precise, he should exit the state of cultivating jade body supernatural powers and open his eyes.

Li Yuanyuan was lying in his arms, a girl who was usually very strong, but now she was as cute and cute as a kitten, her face was full of happiness and contentment, she was breathing evenly, and she was sleeping very deeply.

Li Shu gently kissed the forehead of the beauty in his arms, and withdrew his body without leaving a trace.

The two played around in the middle of the night, and Li Yuanyuan fell asleep for a short time, and couldn't wake up until noon, but in the morning they had to interview the yacht pilot, and one of them had to be present.

Li Shu doesn't like to wait for others, nor does he like to make others wait for him.

Turn Li Yuanyuan's cell phone to silent and let her rest more.

Get out of bed and get dressed neatly, the innocent body doesn't need to be washed at all, take out the legendary kitchen utensils to make some delicacies, seal them on the table, leave a note, and go out quietly.

Minghai Building, Peerless Company.

"Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li."

"Hello, Mr. Li."


When Li Shu came out of the elevator, the eyes of the two beautiful receptionists lit up, and they nodded and greeted with smiles on their faces. The employees they met on the road nodded politely one by one.

Although Li Shu has been working as a shopkeeper and rarely comes to the company, Li Yuanyuan still arranges a luxurious office for him, which is next door to her office.

Li Shu sat down and turned on the computer, seeing the League of Legends icon on the desktop, he couldn't help laughing.

The existence of my sister is really considerate.

Because the interview started at ten o'clock, Li Shu played the game while practicing "Ping Luan Jue", and deliberately turned the game volume up, so that even if someone heard the movement from the practice, they would think he was playing a game, at most they would think that he was playing a game. If the boss is not doing his job properly, he won't think too much about it.

"Tuk Tuk~"

One game ended and the second game just started when there was a knock on the door.

Li Shu turned his head to take a look and immediately retracted his gaze, staring at the computer screen again.

He paused his practice, turned down the volume of the game, and said while playing, "Please come in."

"Mr. Li."

Li Yuanyuan's bespectacled beauty assistant came in. This woman was 28 and nine years old. She was extremely tall, with long hair parted in the middle, wearing stiletto heels and a beige OL uniform.

After she nodded and said hello, she stood at the door and said in doubt: "Mr. Li, many people from our company have come and piled up at the front desk, saying that they are applying for a yacht pilot."

Li Shu didn't answer the question: "Didn't Li Yuanyuan tell you about this?"

The eye beauty assistant shook her head: "No."

"That's it." Li Shu said casually, "Let them line up, and the interview will start at ten o'clock."

"Understood." The bespectacled beauty assistant asked in a low voice, "Any other explanations?"


The bespectacled assistant exited lightly.

Standing outside the door, she couldn't help but slander: she even played games during working hours, and she was so young, she probably started this company just for fun.

Thinking of the company's investment and scale, she couldn't help but click her tongue secretly.

If you can spend so much money just for fun, how rich is the boss himself, or the family?

Thinking of this, she walked towards the front desk with the documents in both hands, and couldn't help but look back at the vermilion wooden door of the CEO's office.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in front of her: "You don't look at the road when you walk, what are you looking at? Are you afraid of hitting the wall or falling?"


The beautiful assistant in glasses was startled by the sudden voice, and when she looked back, it was the assistant Bingshan, who couldn't help but blushed and bowed her head, "It's nothing."

After speaking, speed up and leave.

The iceberg beauty stood on the spot with a strong aura. Some male staff secretly scanned her body up and down, focusing on the pair of towering fairy peaks and small waist wrapped in tight suits, but they only dared to look at her from a distance. near.

She looked at the vermilion wooden door of the president's office with a puzzled face, then turned her head to look at the back of the beautiful assistant with glasses, remembering the latter's absent-minded appearance just now, and her rosy face, she couldn't help being vigilant: "She and the president won't have any shameful things." Does it matter?"

Shopping malls are like battlefields, full of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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