Chapter 191
"Hang Chi, Hang Chi..."

After Mr. Shi Geng finished speaking, a group of people around them kept their mouths tight, holding back their laughter until their faces turned red and their shoulders trembled. Sometimes they couldn't help it, and they made loud noises from time to time.

He suddenly stood up and faced the crowd, pointed his right index finger at them and said angrily, "I've become like this, are you still laughing?"

The buffalo said honestly: "I don't want to laugh, but I can't help it, hahaha, ahhahahahaha..."

When the words fell to the ground, seven or eight people laughed together, and some burst into tears.

Li Shu smiled, and couldn't help asking: "Then what are you going to do? The marriage is so dirty?"

"What can I do?" Mr. Shi Geng glared at everyone, quite annoyed: "Don't talk about our marriage, even my father-in-law and mother-in-law may get divorced. Anyway, the situation is messed up, and I can't do anything."

Li Shu thought about it, and it was true.

Once some misunderstandings are formed, without evidence, it is difficult to solve them in a lifetime.

There is definitely no evidence for Mr. Shi Geng's misunderstanding. At this time, you can only rely on your character, but this kind of crazy misunderstanding happened to yourself, and it is difficult for anyone to keep calm. Scum, worthless.

Li Shu said with emotion: "Let both sides calm down first, and then you work hard to fight for it. If it really doesn't work, let's go with the condolences."

Mr. Shi Geng continued to squat on the beach and smoke.

After a while, he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, he turned his head to look at a fat man and said hastily, "Guapi, I heard that your girlfriend cheated on you a while ago, is it some kind of crabbing effect? ​​Finally reconciled Alright, how does it work? Tell me, I can learn a little bit of experience."

Guapi rolled his eyes: "Brother, we are different in nature. My girlfriend and I are just in a relationship. I want to get married, but she doesn't want to get married. Then she ran out to play with other men and wanted to break up with me. Then I thought Anyway, if you don't get married, I will play with you, and I will not suffer, and then we are together again."

After a pause, he added: "Actually, it can't be considered a reconciliation. How do we describe our two states? It's a bit special. You say couples are not couples, and sex is not sex. Anyway, it's quite complicated, so you should have a relationship foundation." A man and a woman who eat and drink, each takes what he needs."

"Damn!" Mr. Shi Geng's eyes widened: "You see it so openly?"

"What else? I knelt down and begged her because she won't marry me? Or am I depressed every day?" Guapi pouted: "This is the reality. I can focus on my girlfriend when I'm in love, and focus on my family when I get married. But I'm equivalent to being single now, shouldn't I be cool?"

Mr. Shi Geng was stunned for a moment: "What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless."

After recovering, he shook his head again and again: "We have different views, so we can't communicate."

He asked a group of people to come up with ideas, and talked for a long time, without a clue.

"Hey!" Mr. Shi Geng looked disillusioned, and his words were full of vicissitudes: "Actually, I have seen through this matter. In the final analysis, it is money. If I have money, I can afford the bride price, buy a house, and don't have to be a pawn." Door-to-door son-in-law, if you don’t become a door-to-door son-in-law, you won’t live in your father-in-law’s house, and if you don’t live in their house, this shitty thing won’t happen.”

"So! I've decided!" Mr. Shi Geng took a deep breath, put his hands to his mouth and raised his face and shouted: "I want to be a rich man!!!!"

Li Shu smiled and said: "Young man, I heard your cry, and decided to fulfill your wish, raise fish with me."

"Ha ha……"

The crowd laughed again.

Tourism development takes a long time and requires huge investment, which is not suitable for this group of people.

Relatively speaking, fish farming is much more reliable. In addition, in the early stage of development, they can also set up a stall on the beach, selling mineral water, drinks and snacks to earn extra money. It is only a matter of time before they make money.

After the scale is expanded and the tourism industry takes shape, the small vendor model will be canceled and transformed into a formal store or supermarket, which requires a large investment of money.

In any case, the initiative is in the hands of Li Shu, and he is sure to lead a group of friends to make a fortune.


Time flies by.

45 days later, the Great Hall of the People.

The spokesperson of the Central Ministry of Health on the rostrum was giving a speech, his tone was cadenced, and he became impassioned at the end. In order to mobilize the emotions of the scene, his face flushed instantly: "... After Chinese researchers have worked day and night to tackle key problems, I announce! The experiment was a one-time success!"

"Crack clap clap..."

This is a global simultaneous live broadcast. Behind the audience, there are three floors inside and three floors outside. The flashing lights have never been off.

After the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health finished speaking, the scene suddenly became commotion.

There are many extremely precious resources in this world, such as oil, natural gas, and various minerals. They are one of the important components of modern society. A country with a large amount of precious resources means that the country’s economy will develop rapidly, ranking among the best in the world, and even Become the world overlord.

Of course, the premise is that this country is strong enough, otherwise it is possible to face the aggression of Western powers.

But no matter how precious these things are, they look bleak in front of strategic drugs such as anticancer drugs.

Because once you suffer from cancer, no matter what your status or status is, you will face the torment that you would rather die than live. Day after day, you can’t see hopeful treatment, which makes a person gradually fall into the abyss.

In this case, in order to survive, no matter how rich or powerful they are, they will bow their heads and pay all the price.

Because anticancer drugs represent life, hope, freedom from pain and hell, and new life!
Many reporters at the scene couldn't understand the significance of a country's development of anticancer drugs.

"The progress of anti-cancer drugs is beyond imagination, and the effect is fast. It can be said to be immediate, and no adverse reactions have been found. We will conduct a large number of clinical trials, as well as follow-up investigations on the physical condition of patients after recovery. It is estimated that the anti-cancer drug will last for half a year at most. The medicine will be officially mass-produced."


After the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health finished speaking, countless reporters hurriedly stood up, and the questions were like a tsunami, drowning them in an instant.


At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

Li Shu was observing the centrifuge on the yacht deck when the phone rang.

He took it out from his right trouser pocket and saw that the caller was Secretary Zheng.

When the phone was connected, Secretary Zheng's excited voice rang through the receiver: "Brother, a heavyweight appointed by the State Council is here! I want to talk to you about snake venom in detail!"

"Oh?" Li Shu was a little surprised: "Are you in Linhai?"

Secretary Zheng shook his head: "No, but he is on the plane and will arrive in an hour or two. You can wait at home for a while."


Li Yuanyuan drove a black Mercedes-Benz car to the gate of the fenced yard and lowered the window of the driving seat. Li Shu looked up and said with a smile, "No need, I'm going to the city to do something, so let's talk in the city."

(End of this chapter)

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