My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 192 Members of the General Staff

Chapter 192 Members of the General Staff
The beautiful woman was taken aback, as if she didn't expect him to say such a thing.

When she came back to her senses, she narrowed her long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, and a sharp blade-like light flashed in her eyes, which made Li Shu's heart skip a beat, as if his skin had been sliced ​​by a knife, and it hurt for a while.

At the same time, Li Shu felt that the light was dimming, the wind was surging, and the air was extremely oppressive, making it difficult for him to breathe.

In a daze, the figure of the stunningly beautiful woman in front of her kept rising, her eyes filled with bloodthirsty red light, but she kept shrinking. For a moment, one of them was like a majestic mountain, and the other was like an ant at the foot of the mountain. She could only look up at the former.

It seemed that Li Shu's body would be smashed to pieces in an instant when the stunning beauty got angry!


Two drops of cold sweat fell from Li Shu's forehead, and he swallowed saliva.

"Fuck! When did high-ranking monks become so worthless? This woman is at least a monk in the realm of Heavenly Master or Martial Mask, and she is also a very terrifying one in the Heavenly Master's Martial Screen. She is much more powerful than me!"

Li Shu groaned secretly in his heart. He never dreamed that he would meet such a terrifying high-ranking strongman in such a place and in such a situation.

The stunningly beautiful woman stepped forward and said coldly: "I didn't hear what you just said!"

Li Shu coughed twice, and stepped back without leaving a trace.

This woman looks delicate and tender, with long black hair tied behind her head, and wearing a light green cheongsam with slits to the base of her thighs. The buttocks are tightly wrapped, which is very tempting, but Li Shu can feel the explosive power in the opponent's body, which is slowly running and flowing, and may explode at any time.

All indications indicated that this woman might be a physical practitioner.

In case of a conflict, at such a close distance, even if Li Shu's physical strength is extremely strong, he still has no confidence in defeating the opponent.

He was standing in the driving seat of the Mercedes-Benz car, and the beautiful woman was standing on the front of the red supercar. He cleared his throat and laughed: "I mean, it's a collision. After all, it's an accident. We can take insurance."

"Oh? Really?" The glamorous woman said lightly, "That's not what you said just now."

Li Shu stood upright without changing his face: "I am a fish with only seven seconds of memory, what did I just say?"

The glamorous woman was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of her lips curled up involuntarily, showing a hint of a smile.

In an instant, it was like a sea of ​​flowers blooming together, the hummingbirds sang together, the gentle sun shone on the head, and the whole world became brighter.

When she regained her senses, she quickly put away her alluring smile, put on a cold look, and thought to herself: Why is this guy such a person, with a playful smile and cynical face, which is different from what is recorded in the data.

She took a deep look at Li Shu, ignored the cars that collided with each other, snorted, and walked into the hotel with catwalks.

Looking at the back of the stunningly beautiful woman, Li Shu heaved a sigh of relief.

The woman's aura was too terrifying, she seemed like a god, and she was on a completely different level with him. If there was a fight, even if all the cards were played, it would be hard to say who would win.

Li Shu withdrew his mind, squinted at the charming back of the beautiful woman, and secretly guessed: "When you come to a hotel to open a room in broad daylight, it is usually for 'fighting', but this woman is still in the palace, so she should be perfect. Could it be the same as Li Yuanyuan? Just missing the last step and not being captured?"

Li Shu guessed as he walked. Although this beautiful woman is a monk and knows how to take care of herself, she looks 27 or 35 years old, but her real age should be over [-], or even [-]. Her gestures are full of the charm of a mature woman, and she is in a high position. , there is a kind of alienation between the eyebrows that rejects people thousands of miles away, and there is a strength that surpasses ten thousand people. It is often as cold as ice. If you conquer her, let her kneel down, blush and serve with all her heart. Normal men can't control it. Instantly Impulsive.

"I don't know which man is so lucky."

Li Shu shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts.

As you pass the red supercar, glance at the license plate number.

The license plate number is normal, neither a series of 6s nor a series of 8s. Compared with this Ferrari flagship model 'Lafa' worth tens of millions, the license plate number is not worth mentioning.


The entrance of one of the small reception rooms in the hotel.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes looked down at his watch, turned his head anxiously and shouted at his subordinates, "Has Miss Xu arrived yet?"

The assistant beside him nodded slightly: "It's already here."

"It's here?" The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and doubts appeared on his face immediately: "Why don't you come here? She is the core person for such an important meeting!"

"This one……"

The assistant looked embarrassed, hesitant to speak.

The middle-aged man shouted angrily: "What time is it! If you are still a mother-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

The assistant gritted her teeth and said bravely, "Miss Xu said that she doesn't want to see that Zhi..."

Before he could finish his sentence, out of the corner of his eye he saw a tall figure at the end of the corridor, his heart skipped a beat, his back was covered in cold sweat, and he quickly changed his words: "Wisdom and courage, Ms. Mr. Shu, she will listen next door."

"what's the situation?"

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes thought he had heard wrong, and was a little confused.

The assistant smiled wryly: "We don't dare to ask more about Ms. Xu, we don't know too much."

Then he lowered his voice to remind: "Mr. Li Shu is here."

The middle-aged man froze in his heart, and turned his head quickly to see a handsome young man striding over with a smile on his face. He immediately trotted up to shake hands with a smile on his face: "Mr. I look forward to it for a long time."

"General Staff?"

Li Shu was stunned.

The General Staff is known as the national think tank and has a detached status.

To put it bluntly, this team gathers the best and brightest people in the country. From the macro plan of the country's century-old development to the daily life of the people of the country, these people are the ones who make suggestions.

Li Shu thought that the country would let people from the general staff come and attach great importance to anticancer drugs.

But he didn't expect that Zong Yu was only in charge of negotiating, and the real core was someone else, but that person didn't want to see him for the time being, and Zong Yu bit the bullet to represent that person.

Li Shu walked to the meeting place, exchanged simple greetings, and both of them sat down.

He smiled and said, "I'll go out later, let's talk about business."

Zong Yu straightened his face and said seriously: "In that case, I won't go around the bush."

Li Shu nodded, and Zong Yu said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, you should know that the country is now facing a very serious situation. On the one hand, there are Western powers besieging, intercepting, threatening and persecuting, and on the other hand, there are people like Ah San next door hindering development.

The emergence of anticancer drugs is great news at the national macro level.

I have read the detailed information of anticancer drugs, the first clinical trial, the cancer patients in the middle stage, the disease was controlled in three days, the disease was greatly relieved in a week, and the recovery was cured in ten days, it is simply a miracle!
If the country is allowed to operate anti-cancer drugs, I am fully confident that Western countries will not be able to sit still, and even mess up their own positions! "

(End of this chapter)

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