rural little Shennong

Chapter 203 Calcined Bone Pill

Chapter 203 Calcined Bone Pill

"What are you all doing here?"

Xu Dong appeared at the door of the dormitory, holding a medicine bottle in his hand.

Seeing Xu Dong, Qiu Zifeng immediately said excitedly: "Instructor, we are visiting your hospital."

Xu Dong looked out of the window and said with a smile: "It's not a hospital, it's just a nursing home, and it's not mine, it's donated to our village by some entrepreneurs. Well, let's all go downstairs, your vacation is limited, we have to Hurry up and train, don't waste time."

A group of people followed Xu Dong downstairs and came to a warehouse.

Because Dongjiang Pharmaceutical has just started production, most of the warehouse is still empty, which is just right for Zhu Xinyu and the others to conduct closed training here.

"One for each person, take the medicine inside first." Xu Dong handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Zhu Xinyu.

Zhu Xinyu opened the bottle cap, took a look, smelled it, and asked in confusion, "What kind of medicine is this? Will there be any side effects after taking it?"

Xu Dong saw her worries and guesses, and explained: "Don't worry, this is not a stimulant, and it will not cause any harm to your body, but it is very beneficial to you, and you will know it after eating it. "

The pills in the medicine bottle are the pills Xu Dong prepared by staying up late last night. They were originally called Calcined Bone Pills, but Xu Dong is currently unable to refine the real pills, and he has not yet refined the real Calcined Bone Pills. Therefore, the pills in the medicine bottle can only be called calcined bone pills, and the medicinal effect is only about [-]% of the real calcined bone pills.

But even so, the benefits of Calcined Bone Pill to Zhu Xinyu and the others are very great, it will improve their physical fitness in all aspects, and let them go up one or more steps in a short period of time, because the real Calcined Bone Pill is used by Qi training monks The elixir, the effect is amazing, far beyond imagination.

Zhu Xinyu poured out a calcined bone pill, pondered for a moment, and then resolutely threw it into his mouth.

This scene surprised Xu Dong. He thought Zhu Xinyu would ask again and again, and he even prepared a speech to persuade Zhu Xinyu to take the Calcined Bone Pill.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xinyu took the bone calcining pills so simply and neatly, but the rhetoric he had prepared was useless.

But this is also good, it just saves a lot of effort.

With Zhu Xinyu taking the lead, the others also took the Calcined Bone Pill.

After a while, all of them showed strange expressions, because after taking the calcined bone pills, their stomachs felt as if they drank a bowl of hot mutton soup on a cold day. Continuously spread from the stomach to every corner of the body.

Xu Dong looked at them and asked, "How do you arrange your usual training?"

Zhu Xinyu said: "If there is no task, get up on time at six o'clock in the morning, do a ten-kilometer weight-bearing run first, then have breakfast, then do skill training, rest for two hours at noon, continue strength training in the afternoon, and have classes in the evening to learn some relevant knowledge , Turn off the lights and go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening."

Xu Dong nodded, "Your training plan will be adjusted in the past few days. For example, the morning run will no longer be ten kilometers, but fifty kilometers, and each person will carry fifty kilograms. Can you do it?"

Including Zhu Xinyu, everyone was taken aback.

Although they used to run with weights, even Lu Zhong, who is the best, can only carry about [-] kilograms, and most of the others are around [-] kilograms.

Suddenly increased to [-] kg, and ran [-] kilometers with a load. Even Zhu Xinyu was not sure if he could persist at this intensity.

But after pondering for a while, Zhu Xinyu gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, "Try first, if possible, follow this plan."

The others were fine, but Qiu Zifeng's face turned pale immediately after hearing the words, with bitterness on his face.

Xu Dong glanced at him sharply, and said in a deep voice: "Let's say it first, if you have any objections, it's too late to quit now. If you don't have any objections, then don't blame me for being rude to anyone who dares to be lazy during training." ! Now, tell me loudly, do you have any opinions?"

Qiu Zifeng trembled in fright, quickly stood up straight, and shouted loudly with the others: "No objection!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Xu Dong went downstairs first, followed by others.But what surprised Qiu Zifeng and others was that Xu Dong actually got into his Land Rover.

What is this operation?
The corner of Zhu Xinyu's mouth couldn't help twitching twice,
However, no one raised any objection. In the end, it would be great if Xu Dong could take them to train, and it was too much to let him run with them.

Immediately afterwards, each of Zhu Xinyu and the others carried a huge backpack, which contained a full [-] kilograms of sand. Xu Dong waited for them to finish their preparations, and drove out of the factory first.

Zhu Xinyu followed quickly, and the whole team officially started training.

Before they knew it, ten kilometers had passed, which was equivalent to their usual morning running training.

However, with Zhu Xinyu's physical strength, it began to feel strenuous at this time.

After all, carrying a weight of [-] kilograms on his back is equivalent to running with a person on his back.

This kind of training volume far exceeds their usual training volume.

But looking at the Land Rover in front of him, Zhu Xinyu gritted his teeth and persisted.

Before she knew it, [-] kilometers had passed, and Zhu Xinyu's clothes were not only completely soaked, but every time she lifted her feet, she felt that her legs were filled with lead, which was extremely heavy.Moreover, the muscles in both legs were sore and swelled unbearably. If he hadn't persisted with super willpower, he might have fallen to the ground.

Looking at the others, almost all of them are like him, Qiu Zifeng has even fallen far behind, he is no longer running, but walking with difficulty.

Zhu Xinyu slowed down, and when Qiu Zifeng came to her side, she said, "Hold on, don't let people underestimate us!"

Qiu Zifeng braced his knees and gasped for breath. After a while, he said bitterly: "Captain, I really can't take it anymore. This is not training, this is torturing us. I have never heard of anyone training like this!"

At this time, Xu Dong also drove over in a Land Rover.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?" Xu Dong asked in a deep voice.

"He can't hold on anymore, let him rest, and the rest of us continue to run." Zhu Xinyu said.

Xu Dong got out of the car with a dark face, and came to Qiu Zifeng, "You want to give up?"

"Instructor, I really can't do it anymore, I can't run anymore!" Qiu Zifeng smiled wryly.

Xu Dong said lightly: "Okay, since you want to give up, I'll help you. But when you go back, find a piece of paper with the four characters 'I'm a coward' written on it, hold your hands up, and stand at the entrance of the company cafeteria. If you can persist until the evening, you don’t need to participate in the daily long-distance running training in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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