rural little Shennong

Chapter 204 He is a villain

Chapter 204 He is a villain
Qiu Zifeng was dumbfounded.

A picture immediately appeared in his mind. He was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria holding up the four characters "I am a coward". There were workers preparing to go to the cafeteria to eat in front of him. Among them were many young female workers who were covering their mouths. Smirking, like watching a monkey in a circus.

Thinking of this scene, the blood rushed straight to the top of Qiu Zifeng's head.

If it really happens like this, it will make him more uncomfortable than killing him!
"No!" Qiu Zifeng immediately refused.

Just kidding, how could it be possible for him, who has always boasted of being handsome and unrestrained, to embarrass himself in public!

There is a saying that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, he will never do such a thing!

"No?" Xu Dong frowned slightly, "Do you want to continue running?"

Qiu Zifeng gritted his teeth, and said loudly, "Yes, I'll keep running!"

"Then why are you still standing there, why don't you run away? Look at the others, they have surpassed you by so much, do you think you deserve to be teammates with them?" Xu Dong suddenly roared.

Qiu Zifeng trembled with fright, and quickly ran forward with his legs open.Even though his legs were as heavy as lead, and even though his chest hurt like a needle every time he took a breath, he gritted his teeth and followed slowly.

Looking at Qiu Zifeng's faltering figure, Zhu Xinyu frowned and said, "Are you going to force him to death?"

"If you are not satisfied with my training method, you can terminate it at any time, and I don't owe you anything."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he got into the car without looking back, and then continued to drive forward.

Zhu Xinyu was so angry that she almost gnawed her silver teeth, but after a while, she still opened her legs and followed, but this time she was always by Qiu Zifeng's side, encouraging him while keeping an eye on his condition. Prevent Qiu Zifeng's health from going wrong.

After running for more than ten minutes, even Zhu Xinyu felt that it was hard to continue.

Her physical fitness has always been very good, but such high-intensity training even she feels that she can't persist.

The heavy legs and the increasingly difficult breathing seemed to be like mountains pressing down on her body.

Her steps became more and more heavy, as if she would fall at any time.

Even the scene in front of him began to become blurred, which was a sign of fainting after excessive exertion and physical exhaustion.

But at this moment, a warm air suddenly rushed from her stomach to her limbs.In just a split second, Zhu Xinyu was surprised to find that her originally heavy legs regained strength again, and her breathing, which was extremely difficult just now, became smoother, and the scene in front of her eyes became clear again.

How is this going?

She immediately thought of the pill that Xu Dong asked them to take before training.

Could it be the pill that was doing the trick?

Regardless of whether it was like this or not, Zhu Xinyu, who had regained her physical strength, was overjoyed, and immediately ran forward at a faster pace.

But at this time, she was surprised to find that she was at the back, even Qiu Zifeng was hundreds of meters ahead of her, and Shang Jun, who was running at the front, had even become a A small black dot.

Zhu Xinyu, who was always unwilling to admit defeat, gritted her teeth hard, then quickened her pace, and rushed forward with all her strength.

I don't know how long it took, she surpassed Qiu Zifeng, Hong Fu, Lu Zhong and Jiao Jian again, and even Chen Yu, who was ranked second, was successfully surpassed by her, and she was getting closer and closer to Shang Jun.

But just when she caught up with Shang Jun, Shang Jun stopped suddenly, and the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical Company was within easy reach.

Fifty kilometers of weight training is over.

Zhu Xinyu staggered forward a few steps, her legs had completely lost feeling, her mind was in chaos, and she didn't even know how she entered the company's gate and came back to the temporary training ground.

When she regained consciousness, she found that she was lying on the plastic mat, and several other people were like her, all lying on the ground sprawled.

In the entire training field, only Xu Dong was still standing, and he was squatting beside Qiu Zifeng to help him massage.

Zhu Xinyu froze for a moment, then suddenly recalled that just now, someone seemed to be helping her massage.

Could it be that that person is also Xu Dong?

After being silent for a while, she suddenly woke up, and all of them persisted.

They all persisted in the [-]-kilometer long-distance training with a weight of [-] kilograms.

It was like a dream!
At this time, Xu Dong finished the massage, stood up and said loudly: "Okay, get up. Don't think you are awesome. To tell you the truth, I asked you to run with a heavy load just to let you digest the medicine. If I didn't give you Medicine, it is impossible for all of you to complete the training just now. Now, you immediately start practicing the boxing techniques I taught you, and strive to transform the power of the medicine into internal strength. Anyone who dares to be lazy and slippery, get out of here!"

Including Zhu Xinyu, all members of the team got up straight from the ground, no one dared to neglect.

What surprised Zhu Xinyu even more was that she didn't feel any muscle soreness.

According to common sense, after such an overloaded long-distance raid, it is very normal to have muscle soreness. If it is serious, it may even take a day or two to recover completely.

Could it be that this was the reason why Xu Dong immediately helped them massage?
The rest of the team apparently also discovered this situation, and everyone was surprised and excited at the same time.

As a member of Guoan, they knew how powerful Xu Dong was.No kidding, if Xu Dong is willing to go to the NBA to be a health doctor, it is estimated that all teams will pay a sky-high price to hire him.

Of course, it is impossible for Xu Dong to go to the NBA, and they now have Xu Dong escorting them. The special training in the past few days may really be very likely to develop some tricks.

For a moment, everyone was very excited and full of expectations for the training in the past few days. Even Qiu Zifeng started boxing practice without hesitation.

But in the afternoon, everyone's thoughts changed again. In their eyes, Xu Dong became a demon again, even a villain.

Because Xu Dong has been abusing them all afternoon, talking about teaching them some actual combat skills, but every time they fight each other, the fists and legs are all hit on them, and it is hard to survive until the rest , everyone almost seemed to be falling apart, the bruises and bruises all over the body seemed to be ravaged by hundreds of big men for a long time, when Xu Dong called out the word rest, everyone immediately He fell to the ground, and wished he could lie on the ground and never get up again.

When Xu Dong left the warehouse, Qiu Zifeng whispered to Jiao Jian: "Old Jiao, do you think the instructor is in a bad mood because of a broken relationship, and that's why he took it out on us? Logically speaking, it's impossible. The instructor is handsome and has Money, finding a girlfriend is not easy."

Before Jiao Jian could speak, Zhu Xinyu suddenly reprimanded him, "You still want to gossip, haven't you practiced enough?"

Jiao Jian shrank his head in fright, and dared not say a word, and Qiu Zifeng was not much better.

Zhu Xinyu forced herself to stand up, limped out of the warehouse, and was going back to the dormitory to take a hot bath and take a good rest.

But as soon as she walked out of the warehouse, she saw Xu Dong standing next to a Mercedes-Benz big G, and a beautiful girl was hanging on Xu Dong's body.

(End of this chapter)

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