rural little Shennong

Chapter 220 1 Bed

Chapter 220 A Bed
Zhang Xinyue fell heavily to the ground and let out a scream.


Xu Dong hurriedly sat up from the sofa, and casually turned on the lamp on the coffee table next to him, "What's going on, what happened?"

Taking a closer look, Xu Dong was immediately stunned.I saw Zhang Xinyue laying on the ground in a very embarrassing situation. I don't know where the pain came from the fall, and the pain made tears well up in her eyes.

In fact, it's nothing, it's just a wrestling, anyone may encounter it, the problem is, this woman is naked, without any clothes on.

Good guy, what should be seen and what should not be seen, Xu Dong glanced over and had a panoramic view.

Zhang Xinyue probably didn't realize that she was completely gone, so she said with an aggrieved face: "There was movement outside the window, I was afraid, and in the end... I accidentally fell down."

"Get up first!" The corners of Xu Dong's mouth twitched twice, he got up and entered the room, first opened the curtains and looked out the window, seeing nothing unusual, he found Zhang Xinyue's bathrobe from the chair and went back to the living room.

"Put this on first."

Seeing the bathrobe in Xu Dong's hand, Zhang Xinyue looked down and realized that she ran out naked.

"It's over, he has seen everything!"

In an instant, Zhang Xinyue's face turned red, and after taking the bathrobe from Xu Dong's hand, she immediately wrapped herself tightly.

"I've already checked. There's nothing outside the window except tree branches. The sound you heard just now is probably the sound of tree branches being shaken by the wind. It's getting late, so go to bed early."

In order to avoid Zhang Xinyue's embarrassment, Xu Dong went into the bathroom, but when he came out, he found that the woman was still sitting on the floor, and the bathrobe was already put on.

"Why are you still sitting on the ground?"

"It hurts!" Zhang Xinyue raised her head to look at Xu Dong, said with her mouth pursed, tears still in her eyes.

"Let me see!"

Xu Dong squatted beside Zhang Xinyue, and found that her calf was bruised, and the impact was really hard. It should have hit the coffee table just now.

"It's okay, I'll massage it for you."

Xu Dong rubbed his hands to warm up, and slowly massaged Zhang Xinyue's legs from light to heavy. After more than ten minutes, the bruises on Zhang Xinyue's legs were relieved a lot, and the pain was not as painful as before.

"Your medical skills are really good. No wonder so many people come to the village to see you!" Zhang Xinyue praised sincerely. Although she has been transferred to the county hospital recently, those rumors about Xu Dong have also spread to the county hospital. In Chuan County's medical system, Xu Dong's name is well-known.

To be honest, Zhang Xinyue admired Xu Dong a lot. As an authentic farmer, he not only learned Chinese medicine, but also convinced senior experts like Professor Liu Qingyang, and attracted countless patients from all directions to the small mountain village to see him. amazing.

These days, as long as Zhang Xinyue is free, Xu Dong's figure will suddenly appear in Zhang Xinyue's heart. Usually when her colleagues talk about him, she can't help but prick up her ears and listen carefully. When someone praises Xu Dong, she will also feel To be extraordinarily proud is to be honored.

Xu Dong smiled and said: "What is this? If you want to learn, I can teach you too. Come, I will help you up."

With Xu Dong's support, Zhang Xinyue finally stood up. Although there was still a little pain in her leg, it didn't have much effect.In Xu Dong's words, as long as you get a good night's sleep, you'll be fine tomorrow.

After returning to the bed, Zhang Xinyue immediately got into the quilt and wrapped herself tightly.

Seeing that Xu Dong was about to leave, she couldn't help shouting: "You...can you not go out?"

Xu Dong looked at her in astonishment, "What did you say?"

"I...I'm scared by myself, you...can you not go out!" Zhang Xinyue hesitated under the quilt.

Xu Dong looked around and found that apart from a bed, there was only a single sofa left in the bedroom.

Well, finally there is an armchair.

Xu Dong couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"Okay, go to sleep, I won't go out!"

Xu Dong sat down on the single sofa, ready to start practicing when Zhang Xinyue fell asleep.

As the room became pitch black again, Zhang Xinyue peeked at Xu Dong's direction, hesitated for a while, and said, "Why don't you come to bed too, how can you sleep while sitting?"

Xu Dong couldn't help laughing: "You want to be my real girlfriend? I don't care. Are you sure you've considered it?"

Zhang Xinyue blushed again, and spat: "Don't talk nonsense, what I mean is, the bed is so big, it's fine for us to sleep alone on one side. As long as... as long as you don't mess around!"

"Forget it. I can't control my hands and feet when I'm asleep. If I meet you, you will go and sue me for molesting me tomorrow. I won't even have the chance to complain."

"No, as long as you don't mess around on purpose, I promise not to sue you."

Hearing Zhang Xinyue's solemn statement, Xu Dong secretly smiled, a little embarrassed to continue teasing.

With Zhang Xinyue's single-minded character, if he didn't go to bed tonight, she might sit with him all night, Xu Dong had no choice but to lie down on the bed, "Okay, listen to you, you can sleep now ?”

In the darkness, Zhang Xinyue's face was a little hot. She was a good and well-behaved child since she was a child. She never messed around. She hasn't messed around, she hasn't even talked about love, and this is the first time she's been lying in the same bed with the opposite sex since she grew up.

If anyone who knew her knew about it, they would think she was crazy.

But Zhang Xinyue felt nothing in her heart, because she believed that Xu Dong would not mess around. Even though the two of them were lying on the same bed, as long as they didn't do that kind of thing and kept people from knowing, it was fine.

But with Xu Dong's arrival, she lost all sleepiness, turned sideways and looked at Xu Dong on the other side, her eyes sparkling in the darkness.

Looking at Xu Dong, Zhang Xinyue remembered what the little nurses in the county hospital had said about Xu Dong in private.Those little nurses were right. Xu Dong was really handsome except that his skin was a little darker. In fact, a little darker is also pretty good. At least he looks healthy. Besides, Xu Dong is not too dark.

If there is such a boyfriend, it should feel good, right?
He is so capable, good-looking, and has a good personality. Being with him will definitely be very happy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xinyue suddenly woke up and startled herself.

How can I think so, the love relationship between them is fake, it doesn't count, and Xu Dong should already have a girlfriend.

However, it doesn't matter if you think about it, he doesn't know anyway!

Staring blankly at Xu Dong, the corners of Zhang Xinyue's mouth slightly curled up into a smile. She didn't know how long it took before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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