rural little Shennong

Chapter 221 Sleepwalking

Chapter 221 Sleepwalking
When he woke up, the light had already entered the room through the gap in the curtains.

Although it was still six o'clock in the morning, Zhang Xinyue, who was awakened by the biological clock, opened her eyes on time.

But when she took a closer look, she suddenly froze.

Beside her, Xu Dong was sleeping soundly. The distance between the two of them was only about the size of a fist.

But last night the two of them were clearly far apart, and Xu Dong was still sleeping on the other side.

Did he sneak over in the middle of the night?
Zhang Xinyue's expression changed immediately, and she hurriedly lifted the quilt to look inside.It doesn't matter if you don't read it, after reading it, her heart immediately sank to the bottom.

She was naked again.

What was even more frightening was that one of her legs was pressing on Xu Dong's body, and one arm was also on his body, and Xu Dong's hand was also on her body.

That's right, the two really hugged each other!
Zhang Xinyue was stunned for three seconds, and suddenly sadness came from her heart.It's over, she lost her innocence for 22 years inexplicably.

Xu Dong!

I didn't expect him to be such a beast with a human face and a beast's heart. I trusted him so much, and he did such a thing. He was simply inhuman!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the sadder she became. Zhang Xinyue suddenly yelled, "Xu Dong, you bastard!"

Xu Dong opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Xinyue, then closed his eyes again, "There's something wrong with you, why don't you go to sleep and shout, go to bed quickly."

"Don't sleep!" Zhang Xinyue didn't expect Xu Dong to have such an attitude. She sat up immediately angrily, and said angrily, "Look at what you look like? I asked you to come to bed with good intentions, but you took the opportunity to molest me ,Are you still human?"

Xu Dong had no choice but to open his eyes, and said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say, if you take a closer look, which side do you sleep on?"

Zhang Xinyue was startled, looked ahead, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

She remembered that she obviously slept at the head of the bed last night, why did she come to the end of the bed?
"What... what's going on?" Zhang Xinyue was confused.

Xu Dong leaned sideways to admire the stalwart scenery on Zhang Xinyue's chest. Not to mention, this silly girl has enough money, and the shape of the two headlights is also very perfect.

"I really can't remember anything?" Xu Dong casually pointed to the ground, "Look at the ground again, can you remember?"

Zhang Xinyue looked at the floor next to the bed in bewilderment, only to see seven or eight beer cans thrown on the ground in a mess.

"Did you drink last night?" she asked in surprise.

"It's not me, it's you who drank it!" Xu Dong said, "Last night, you didn't know what kind of nerves you had, and suddenly ran over to wake me up and asked me to drink with you. As a result, you got drunk and started singing again, making a fuss all the time. I didn’t fall asleep until after three o’clock in the morning. I said, you really don’t remember?”

Seeing Zhang Xinyue's confused face, Xu Dong didn't seem to be faking it, and based on what he knew about Zhang Xinyue, she wasn't the kind of person who was good at lying.

So what's going on here?

Zhang Xinyue was completely dumbfounded, "I drank and sang last night? Is this true?"

"Of course it's true, I still have evidence!"

Xu Dong took out his mobile phone, found a recording from last night, clicked to play it, and it turned out that Zhang Xinyue was singing, and she was obviously drunk. Not only did she sing incompletely, but she also yelled loudly, she was simply insane.

In fact, Xu Dong also recorded the video, but considering that Zhang Xinyue took off her bathrobe after getting drunk last night, Xu Dong didn't dare to show it to her.

But even if it's just the sound, it's already exciting.

Zhang Xinyue was completely dumbfounded when she heard her drunken voice, and said with a dull expression, "I... I really drank and sang?!"

"Could you be sleepwalking?" Xu Dong asked, "Have you ever had this problem before?"

"Sleepwalking?" Zhang Xinyue woke up suddenly, and then said with an embarrassed face: "Maybe... Maybe it's really sleepwalking! I have this problem since I was a child, but I haven't had it for many years!"

"That's right, you must have been sleepwalking last night!" Xu Dong also heaved a sigh of relief. He thought Zhang Xinyue was a little strange last night, but he didn't expect this woman to have such a problem.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he met someone with this kind of problem, and he was quite interested.

"Tell me, what happened when you were a child?"

"I...I..." Zhang Xinyue suddenly felt a little cold. Looking down, she suddenly realized that she had been sitting naked for a long time. Wrap yourself into a big cocoon.

"It's over, it's over, it's all gone!"

Zhang Xinyue is almost ready to die now. She sleepwalked out of her way last night and let Xu Dong see everything now. How could she face him in the future!
Xu Dong couldn't help but patted the big silkworm cocoon, "Don't hide, you took off your bathrobe last night when you were drunk and refused to put it on again, I've seen it a long time ago !"

"Don't talk to me, I want to die!" Zhang Xinyue shouted in embarrassment.

"That's all right, you sleep for a while, I'll go out first."

Xu Dong was about to get out of bed, but Zhang Xinyue poked her head out of the quilt and looked at him with a blushing face, "What else did I do last night?"

Xu Dong smiled and asked, "Do you really want to hear it?"

Zhang Xinyue blushed and said, "Tell me, anyway, I have lost all my face in front of you, I just want to know how embarrassing I was last night!"

Xu Dong laughed out loud, seeing that Zhang Xinyue's face was getting redder and redder, and there were signs of getting into the quilt and turning into a cocoon, he smiled and said: "It's actually okay, you were really cute last night, really! But Since you have this problem, never live in the same room with a boy you don't know well in the future, others will not let you go as well as I do!"

This was the truth, if he hadn't noticed that something was wrong with Zhang Xinyue, Xu Dong would have eaten her up last night.Not to mention Zhang Xinyue's beauty, she has fair skin and a good figure, and even ran over naked to hook you up and ask for kisses and hugs. If she had changed her man, she might have done this long ago.

"Thank you!" Zhang Xinyue bit her lip, said shyly and embarrassedly, and finally added: "I have never lived in the same room with other boys, this is the first time!"

"Okay, it's really not a big deal. I'll go and clean it up first, and you can go to bed later."

Xu Dong smiled, got up and walked out of the room to the bathroom.Zhang Xinyue waited until the door was closed, and quickly put the quilt over her head and yelled a few times.

Half an hour later, Xu Dong knocked on the door of the room and put a set of clothes on the bed, "I had someone deliver them just now, the size should be correct, but I don't know if the color and style suit you, so let's just make do with it." Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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