Chapter 236
After half an hour.

The car finally stopped.

Xu Dong supported Ma Sisi, whose legs were weak and could hardly walk normally, got out of the car and entered a coffee shop by the side of the road.

After entering the coffee shop, Ma Sisi went straight to the bathroom and came out after a while.

Seeing Xu Dong looking at her with a smirk, Ma Sisi's face turned red again, she looked around, pinched Xu Dong's arm quietly, and whispered: "Pervert, stinky rascal, I didn't expect you to be so bad! "

"I think you enjoyed it just now!" Xu Dong said with a smirk.

"I won't tell you anymore!"

After all, Ma Sisi is still a big girl with yellow flowers. Where is the opponent of an old driver like Xu Dong? cheek.

Xu Dong sat down opposite her, beckoned the waiter to come over, and ordered some snacks and drinks at will.

When the waiter walked away, Ma Sisi put down her hands, looked around, and asked curiously: "Why did you bring me here? If you want to drink coffee, I can introduce you to a few places. The hand grinder there The coffee is very good, I drink it often.”

"I don't like drinking coffee very much. Didn't you ask me why I want to find your dad? You can find the answer here."

"You can see the answer here?" Ma Sisi looked around in confusion, and she suddenly noticed that the company across the road was Liu Zhendong's Beichen Pharmaceutical.

She immediately became excited, her eyes became bright, and she walked around to Xu Dong's side and suppressed her voice, "You want to attack Beichen Pharmaceutical?"

Xu Dong held Ma Sisi's petite body in his arms, and said with a smile, "Kiss me once, and I'll tell you!"

Ma Sisi made a face at Xu Dong, but still leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"It can be said now."

"You can only kiss here!" Xu Dong said, pointing to his mouth.

"Hmph, pervert!" Ma Sisi looked around, then leaned forward and kissed Xu Dong on the mouth again.

Unexpectedly, when she was about to leave, Xu Dong suddenly hugged her tightly.

Ma Sisi struggled for a while, and soon fell into Xu Dong's arms, subconsciously wrapping her arms around his neck.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that the two separated.

Ma Sisi pursed her lips, looked around with a blushing face, a little sweet in her heart, but also a little nervous and shy.

This was the first time for her to be intimate with Xu Dong in public. Although she was nervous, it was also very exciting.

"Big satyr, you are satisfied now, tell me quickly!" Ma Sisi said coquettishly after lightly pinching Xu Dong's arm.

Just after tasting the sweet mouth of the county magistrate Qianjin, Xu Dong felt even better, and said with a smile: "You were half right, it's not that I'm going to deal with Beichen Pharmaceutical, but that the higher ups are going to attack them! "

Xu Dong pointed his finger at the ceiling, and Ma Sisi said in surprise, "Is my dad really helping you deal with Liu Zhendong?"

Xu Dong quickly covered her mouth, "Keep down, there might be someone from Liu Zhendong here."

Ma Sisi was so frightened that she hurriedly looked back, seeing that no one was paying attention to their side, she asked in a low voice, "Did you really convince my dad to help you deal with Liu Zhendong?"

"Well, I guessed it right, [-] points!" In fact, Xu Dong had already lost his consciousness. If anyone in the coffee shop was staring at them, he would have noticed it a long time ago. It was just to tease Ma Sisi on purpose.

"Tell me quickly, how did you convince my dad? Did you get the handle on Liu Zhendong?" Ma Sisi became excited. She had disliked Liu Zhendong for a long time. The power is huge, even her father can't do anything about Liu Zhendong.

She really couldn't think of what method Xu Dong used to convince her father, and why her father agreed to Xu Dong to help him deal with Liu Zhendong.

Something very important must have happened here, for example, Xu Dong got a handle on Liu Zhendong's death.

I have to say that Ma Sisi is really clever, with a very good brain, and immediately guessed the truth, even Xu Dong was amazed.

He gave a thumbs up and said in a low voice: "You're really smart, and you got another [-] points. I did get the handle on Liu Zhendong. You may never have imagined that that guy actually made drugs and controlled many people with them!"

"Really?!" Ma Sisi was really stunned, which was beyond her wildest dreams.

Liu Zhendong has a rich net worth, at least one billion yuan in assets. I'm afraid no one would have thought that he would secretly manufacture drugs!
When Xu Dong told the whole story, Ma Sisi was overwhelmed with excitement, and finally pursed her lips and said in dissatisfaction: "Why didn't you take me with you? You didn't take me with you for such an exciting and fun thing." , It’s so uninteresting!”

"Then what's so interesting, the more exciting and fun things are in the back, here it is!" Xu Dongchao pointed to Beichen Pharmaceutical across the road.

Ma Sisi stared at Beichen Pharmaceutical with bright eyes, "I don't care, you have to take me with you wherever you go, otherwise I will tell my dad that you molested me and ask my dad to lock you up!"

"It seems that I have to collect some interest in advance, otherwise I will be locked up at that time, and I will be at a loss!"

Xu Dong hugged Ma Sisi into his arms with a smirk on his face, and after a few movements, Ma Sisi lay on his arms with a blushing face, begging for mercy, "Don't... let people see it!"

Of course Xu Dong would not really do anything to Ma Sisi here, otherwise he would be the one to suffer if people saw it.

The two were eating snacks and drinking drinks in the coffee shop, chatting with each other, occasionally kissing and booing, the time passed quickly, and soon it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Look, the show is about to begin!"

Hearing Xu Dong's reminder, Ma Sisi immediately cheered up and looked towards Beichen Pharmaceutical opposite.

At this time, two official vehicles from the fire department arrived at the entrance of Beichen Pharmaceutical. After negotiating with the security guard guarding the gate, the official vehicles drove into the Beichen Pharmaceutical factory area.

Ma Sisi hurriedly said: "What should we do now, they have already entered, we can't see anything."

"Don't panic, wait a little longer!" Xu Dong smiled calmly.

A moment later, in the chairman's office of the Zhendong Group headquarters building, the phone in front of Liu Zhendong suddenly rang.

The young female secretary who was standing behind the sofa and giving Liu Zhendong a head massage helped him pick up the phone, then went back behind Liu Zhendong and continued to massage his temples.

Liu Zhendong put the phone to his ear and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Dong Liu, the firefighters are here to check again!"

"What are you panicking about, just let them investigate!"

"This time it seems to be different from before. I have never seen anyone who came, and they called to check the laboratory building!"

(End of this chapter)

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