Chapter 237

"Stop them first, and don't let them enter the laboratory building without my permission."

After hanging up the conversation, Liu Zhendong waved his hand, and the female secretary immediately bowed to him, and then walked out of the office.

After the door was closed, Liu Zhendong dialed a number, but he waited for a long time, but no one answered. He repeated the dial several times, but the result was the same.

Liu Zhendong frowned, pondered for a moment, and dialed another number, this time the other party connected quickly.

"Section Chief Chen, I'm Liu Zhendong. Excuse me, is Director Ma in the bureau today... Oh, I went to the city for a meeting and haven't come back yet?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Zhendong continued to ask: "Chief Chen, did your bureau arrange a fire safety inspection today... Yes, the pharmaceutical factory... No? Oh, yes, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhendong's face became gloomy. After a while, he picked up the phone and started calling again.

More than ten minutes later, with a slap, Liu Zhendong slammed his phone on the desk, pressed a call button on the desk, and said, "Come here."

Not long after, the door was pushed open, and Ding quickly walked into the office.

Liu Zhendong stood up and said, "Come with me to the pharmaceutical factory."

"Did something happen?" Ding Xun asked.

"The fire department came to check, and called to check the laboratory building. Ma Weidong from the county fire department went to the city, but the phone was still disconnected. I asked someone to find out. The county fire department did not arrange a fire inspection at all today."

Ding Xun frowned, "Could it be that the city sent people here? Did they get any news?"

"I don't know, this matter is very strange, let's go and have a look immediately." As soon as he walked to the door, Liu Zhendong stared back at Ding Xun and asked, "Did you finish that matter yesterday?"

"It's done, I've seen it with my own eyes, half of the car body has been deflated, and the people inside can't possibly be alive!" Ding Xu thought for a while, "Boss, don't be too nervous, it may be a routine inspection arranged by the city. It should be fine, I'll go check it out."

Liu Zhendong shook his head, "I don't feel something is right, I don't feel relieved until I see it myself."

Afterwards, the two left the office together, and soon drove to Beichen Pharmaceutical.

At the same time, in the coffee shop, Ma Sisi who was sitting on Xu Dong's lap lit up, "Liu Zhendong's car, did Liu Zhendong come in person?"

Xu Dongdao: "It's possible!"

"Let's go, let's go see it too. Such a beautiful drama must be appreciated up close, especially Liu Zhendong's frantic look, you must not miss it."

Ma Sisi immediately became excited, jumped off Xu Dong's lap, and pulled Xu Dong to go over.

Xu Dong originally wanted Ma Sisi to stay in the coffee shop, but thinking of her fearless character, Ma Sisi probably wouldn't stay alone no matter what, so he had to throw a few hundred dollars on the table, and then held hands with Ma Sisi left the cafe.

Beichen Pharmaceutical is now in chaos. All the security guards are blocking the entrance of the laboratory building, blocking the staff of the fire station who came just now.

Xu Dong and Ma Sisi easily climbed over the fence at the entrance and entered the Beichen pharmaceutical factory area.

I saw Liu Zhendong's black Maybach parked at the entrance of the laboratory building, but it was not Liu Zhendong who got out of the car.

Ma Sisi was disappointed, "Liu Zhendong didn't come!"

"He's here, he's in the car, this old fox probably doesn't want to show up for now." Xu Dong let go of his consciousness quietly, and soon found Liu Zhendong sitting in the car.

Ma Sisi cheered and said: "Come on, let's go say hello to him and see how he looks now."

Xu Dong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to follow Ma Sisi to Liu Zhendong's car. Ma Sisi bent down and knocked on the window, and the car glass quickly fell down. came in?"

Ma Sisi smiled and said: "We came in by ourselves, Liu Zhendong, I heard that your place is very lively, and we came here specially to watch the excitement. By the way, you seem to be in a bad mood. Did someone catch you Did you report it?"

Liu Zhendong's eyes shrank suddenly, staring at Xu Dong and the others, "Is it your fault?"

"We did it, so what can you do with us?" Ma Sisi snorted arrogantly, "I tell you, if you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow slanting. If you have done nothing wrong, no one will touch you. But I reckon that you have not only done bad things, but also done a lot of unscrupulous things, this time I am afraid no one will be able to save you!"

At this time, Ding Xun went back and forth and came to the Maybach.He glanced at Xu Dong and Ma Sisi, and winked at Liu Zhendong.

Liu Zhendong gave Ma Sisi a hard look and raised the window, while Ding Xun said to Xu Dong and Ma Sisi: "Mr. Xu, Miss Ma, please leave immediately!"

"I won't leave, drive me out if you have the ability!" Ma Sisi snorted.

Ding Xun frowned slightly, ignored Ma Sisi, and got into the Maybach. After closing the car door, he turned to Liu Zhendong and said, "Boss, those people are all from the city, and the leader is a team leader surnamed Xiao." Or, you can contact Deputy Mayor Zhao and ask him to ask about the situation."

Liu Zhendong said with a gloomy face: "It's useless, Zhao Yi's phone is turned off, and even his secretary can't be reached."

"Did something really happen?" Ding Xun was startled.

Liu Zhendong glanced at Xu Dong and the others outside the car, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"It's very likely that the incident in the laboratory building has leaked out. You go upstairs immediately and destroy all the things inside. Go back and help me find some professional people and kill that kid outside!"

Ding Xun glanced at Xu Dong, nodded silently, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Passing through the crowded crowd at the entrance of the laboratory building, Ding Xun quietly entered the laboratory building.At the same time, Xu Dong felt that something was wrong, and said to Ma Sisi: "You wait for me here, I'll go up and have a look."

"I'm going too!" Ma Sisi shouted immediately.

"It might be dangerous up there, don't go." Xu Dong glanced at the Maybach, then leaned closer to Ma Sisi and whispered in Ma Sisi's ear.

Ma Sisi's eyes lit up immediately, and she cheered, "This is a good idea. Okay, you go up, be careful!"

After Xu Dong left, Ma Sisi immediately ran to the door of the laboratory building and shouted loudly: "Liu Zhendong is here, he's in that car."

The staff who were blocked at the entrance of the laboratory building immediately turned their heads and ran towards the Maybach. Seeing that something was wrong, Liu Zhendong in the car quickly got out of the car, got into the cab again, and quickly drove towards the gate.

While the security guards of Beichen Pharmaceutical and the people from the Municipal Fire Department were arguing and shoving, Xu Dong quietly entered the laboratory building and quickly moved towards the fifth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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