rural little Shennong

Chapter 255 Heavy Chapter Sequoia

Chapter 255 Returning to Sequoia
Three days later, a Land Rover parked at the gate of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals.

Shi Zhongming got out of the car with Xu Dong, and looked at the familiar gatehouse of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals. He was also very puzzled while feeling emotional.

"Mr. Xu, what are we doing here? Are you planning to cooperate with Sequoia Pharmaceuticals? I heard that after Liu Zhendong collapsed, Sequoia is in a mess now, and we can't even guarantee normal production."

Although Shi Zhongming has left Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, Sequoia is his painstaking effort, so he has always been very concerned about Sequoia Pharmaceuticals and knows the situation here very well.

Seeing that Sequoia Pharmaceuticals is getting weaker and weaker, he is more heartbroken than anyone else, but he has completely left Sequoia now, and he can't control it even if he wants to.

And if Xu Dong really intends to cooperate with Sequoia, Shi Zhongming will definitely try his best to dissuade him.

Because he is now the general manager of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, he must be responsible for Dongjiang. This is the minimum professional ethics for a professional manager!
Xu Dong didn't explain, and said with a smile: "You will know later!"

The two came to the gate of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, and an old man just came out of the door. When he saw Shi Zhongming, the old man walked over happily, held Shi Zhongming's hand tightly and said: "Mr. Shi, you are finally back, everyone We look forward to your return soon!"

"Uncle Liao, I just came back to take a look, Sequoia has nothing to do with me."

However, no matter what Shi Zhongming explained, the old man still clung to his hand tightly, begging him to come back early and take good care of the company.

"Mr. Shi, you don't know that Sequoia is really failing now. We haven't been paid for two months, and everyone is miserable. It's almost the Chinese New Year, and I don't know how to live this year! "

Shi Zhongming sighed, "Uncle Liao, don't worry, you will get better."

The old man shook his head and said: "There is no hope. After you left, they used the company as a cash machine. They don't know how much money they have embezzled. The big ones are big and the small ones are small. From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside , It’s all rotten. Two days ago, we heard that Liu Zhendong had collapsed. We thought it was a good thing, and hoped that the government would send someone to take care of the company. But yesterday we heard that Liu Ming and the others were going to sell the equipment. If the equipment is sold, The company has completely collapsed, what should we do with so many people in the future?"

At this time, Xu Dong and Shi Zhongming were surrounded by many people, all of whom were old employees of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, and some people rushed from the company towards the gate.

In just a few minutes, more than 20 people gathered around, telling about the serious difficulties that Sequoia has encountered recently, and all kinds of unfair treatment suffered by low-level employees.

"Boss Shi, Lao Liao is right, you should come back quickly, only you can make the company better."

"Mr. Shi, come back, everyone hopes you can come back!"


Everyone looked at Shi Zhongming expectantly, hoping that he could return to Sequoia and take the company and everyone out of the predicament.

Shi Zhongming showed pain on his face, and his heart was even heavier.Sequoia was built by him. He is very familiar with the old employees of Sequoia. To him, they are like his own family.

Seeing so many expectant eyes, Shi Zhongming felt very painful in his heart. He suddenly bent down and bowed deeply to everyone.

"I'm the one who's sorry for everyone, I've failed everyone's trust in me! If I hadn't been confused at the time, the company wouldn't have become like this."

"Boss Shi, it has nothing to do with you. They brought the company down. Come back quickly, everyone misses you very much!"

"Yeah, come back quickly, the company really needs you!"


The shouts of the crowd became louder and more and more people came. It didn't take long before the gate of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals was blocked.

But amidst the shouts of the crowd, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

"Who told you to block here, spread out quickly!"

A group of security guards rushed out of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, and pushed away the gathered employees very roughly, and even some old people fell to the ground.


Shi Zhongming was furious, rushed over to stand in front of the old man, and shouted: "Who allowed you to beat someone?"

"Hey, it's Mr. Shi. What's the matter, you thought you were the boss of Sequoia? It's a pity, Sequoia is no longer yours. You'd better stay alone, otherwise I will clean up with you!"

The speaker was a man in his thirties, with a shaved head, a sinister face, and tattoos on his arms.

This guy's name is Zhao Kai, a prisoner released from prison, and his father is an old employee of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals.After he was released from prison, Zhao Kai hit a wall everywhere and couldn't find a job. It was Shi Zhongming who gave him a chance and let him join Sequoia Pharmaceuticals.

As a result, this guy not only didn't know how to be grateful, he didn't say anything about leisure and work after joining the company, and even stole the company's medicines for sale. After being reported, Shi Zhongming thought that Zhao Kai was still young. up.So he didn't fire Zhao Kai, and he didn't call the police. He just reprimanded him and hoped that he could reform himself.

But Zhao Kai still went his own way, and even threatened that even Shi Zhongming was afraid of him and dared not do anything to him.

For a while, this Zhao Kai became the biggest cancer of Sequoia Pharmaceuticals. He led a group of people to run rampant in the company, and even blatantly molested and harassed the female employees, so that the female employees of the company did not dare to walk at night. No one dared to provoke him.

In the end, when the news reached Shi Zhongming's ears, Shi Zhongming was so angry that he slapped the table on the spot, and immediately expelled Zhao Kai and his gang of younger brothers from Sequoia Pharmaceuticals. He smashed the windows of Shi's house several times at night, and even splashed red paint on the gate of Shi Zhongming's house.

And after Shi Zhongming left Sequoia Pharmaceutical, Zhao Kai unexpectedly returned to Sequoia, and even became the captain of the security guard.

Shi Zhongming glared at Zhao Kai angrily, "Zhao Kai, although I have left Sequoia, don't forget that our country still has laws. If you really beat people up like that, you will definitely go to jail!"

Facing the furious Shi Zhongming, Zhao Kai's eyes obviously flashed with panic, and he pretended to be calm and said: "Which eye of yours saw me beating someone? It was you who blocked the company's gate and affected the normal operation of the company." Order, even if the police come, we will take care of it!"

Zhao Kai shouted to the crowd again: "I warn you, it's working time now, you'd better disperse immediately, those who should go to work, otherwise the news will reach Mr. Well, I will be fired!"

As a result, a shout came from the crowd immediately: "If you fire, you will fire, anyway, the company will go bankrupt sooner or later!"

"Yes, the company has been tormented by Liu Ming and the others to the point of collapse. If you are fired, you will be fired. Whoever is afraid of that!"

"If you dare to touch us again, I won't like you a long time ago!"


(End of this chapter)

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