rural little Shennong

Chapter 256 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 256 The Truth Comes Out
The shouts became louder, and everyone became more and more excited. Seeing that he seemed to have committed public anger, Zhao Kai was so frightened that he quickly retreated to the company's gate and ordered the security guard to close the gate quickly.

Soon someone rushed to the gate, pushed the retractable door hard, and someone picked up a stone and threw it at the security room.

Shi Zhongming quickly raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Everyone calm down, everyone calm down, listen to me first!"

It has to be said that Shi Zhongming is still very prestigious in the hearts of these veteran employees in Sequoia Pharmaceuticals.

Hearing Shi Zhongming's shout, the excited crowd gradually quieted down, and the raised stones were also lowered.

"Everyone calm down, impulsiveness can't solve any problems. I came here today to see everyone, but I made a temporary decision to communicate with the current management of Sequoia immediately. Please rest assured, I will do my best I will try my best to help everyone fight for their rights, please believe me!"

"Boss Shi, we listen to you!"

"Boss Shi, I hope you can come back, as long as you can come back!"


Under Shi Zhongming's persuasion, the turmoil quickly subsided.

Shi Zhongming said to Xu Dong with an apologetic face: "Mr. Xu, I may have to go in and have a look, so I can't accompany you!"

Xu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, we were going in."

Shi Zhongming was taken aback for a moment, "Are you really planning to cooperate with Sequoia? You can't do it. You have heard about Sequoia's situation just now. It is definitely not worth the loss if we cooperate with them now."

"Don't worry, let's talk when we go in." Xu Dong smiled.

Shi Zhongming walked to the retractable door and shouted to Zhao Kai who was hiding in the security room: "Open the door, we want to go in."

Seeing that the workers outside seemed to have calmed down and put down the rocks they were holding, Zhao Kai came out of the security room, "What are you doing in there?"

"I want to talk to the leaders of your company." Shi Zhongming said.

"I can't decide this, I have to report first!"

Zhao Kai went back to the security room and made a phone call before asking someone to open the retractable door, but he still hid in the security room and dared not come out.

No one paid any attention to him. All the employees gathered behind the company's gate just now surrounded Shi Zhongming and Xu Dong into the Sequoia Pharmaceutical factory area, and soon came to the front of the office building.

Seeing the Mercedes-Benz S350 parked at the entrance of the building, Shi Zhongming frowned tightly.

Because this car is the car of Liu Ming, the current general manager of Sequoia.

And just bought it not too long ago.

Liu Ming is also an old employee of Sequoia. Shi Zhongming used to value him very much and often entrusted him with important tasks. He is definitely Shi Zhongming's right-hand man.

As a result, Shi Zhongming didn't expect that at the critical moment, Liu Ming would hook up with outsiders, and together with Liu Zhendong, deceived Sequoia away from him.

If Liu Zhendong was Shi Zhongming's greatest enemy, then the person he hated the most was definitely Liu Ming.

Shi Zhongming looked up at the office building, stepped up the steps, and was about to go in, but he was stopped by two security guards outside the gate.

The corner of the security guard's mouth showed a strong sneer, "Mr. Liu told you that you can't go in if those people outside don't disperse. If you don't disperse for half an hour, all of them will be fired!"

Shi Zhongming frowned, "Liu Ming really said that?"

"Then it can be false. Mr. Liu said that the people who made trouble today have been recorded. If the trouble continues, no one can escape. Not only will they be fired, but their wages for these two months will also be reduced." will be deducted!"

Shi Zhongming snorted coldly, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Liu Ming, but no one answered.Obviously, Liu Ming deliberately did not answer his call.

"Let them disperse first, and all gathering here will not solve the problem. You tell them, the matter will be completely resolved soon." Xu Dong said.

Shi Zhongming looked at Xu Dong with some puzzlement. He really didn't understand what Xu Dong wanted to do, but out of [-]% trust in Xu Dong, he turned around and walked in front of those employees. People persuaded him to leave.

At this time, the security guards at the entrance of the office building let Xu Dong and Shi Zhongming enter the building.

After arriving at the general manager's office on the top floor, Shi Zhongming finally met Liu Ming.

"Mr. Shi, what brought you here?" Liu Ming is not yet 40 years old, very young, wearing a doctor's very elegant imported suit, with a cigar in his hand, the office is filled with smoke, and everyone is choking Human smoke.

Leaning on the large boss chair, Liu Ming looked at Shi Zhongming with a smile, "I just heard that Mr. Shi, you brought a group of Sequoia employees to make trouble. Is it true?"

Shi Zhongming walked up to Liu Ming and said with a straight face: "Liu Ming, why do you pay everyone wages?"

"There is no money in the company's account, what should I pay?" Liu Ming spread his hands and said with a smile.

"The company has no money? Then where did you get the money to buy the car? I heard that you spent more than 100 million on that Mercedes-Benz, isn't that true?"

However, in the face of Shi Zhongming's questioning, Liu Ming just smiled lightly, "Mr. Shi, I heard that you have done a good job in Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, so don't worry about Sequoia's affairs. Besides, you can't control it. Sequoia has nothing to do with you now." Dime relationship!"

Liu Ming came out from behind the mahogany desk and said with a smile: "But you are the founder of Sequoia after all, and Sequoia welcomes you to come back and have a look. By the way, you should be familiar with this office, but unfortunately, you will also I can only look at it, hahaha..."

Liu Ming laughed very wildly, very unscrupulously.Shi Zhongming looked at him and said, "You have changed, I don't know you anymore!"

"It's not that I've changed, it's that you are too pedantic. You should enjoy your life while you're alive, why be so tired!"

Shi Zhongming was silent for a moment, and asked: "So, the rumor that you lost millions when you went abroad to gamble, is it true?"

Liu Ming smiled and said: "That's right, if I hadn't seen the prosperity of foreign countries, I might still follow you hard and simple. I didn't know until I went abroad that the world is so wonderful. Thinking about the days I lived before, it's like a pig. Not as good as a dog!"

"That's why you colluded with Liu Zhendong and took Sequoia from me?" Shi Zhongming asked in a deep voice.

"That's right!" Liu Ming said with a smile, "President Liu is more generous than you. It's a pity that good people don't live long, and he's about to be shot."

Shi Zhongming's face was livid with anger, but he took a deep breath and said: "I don't want to pursue the past, but you must settle the wages owed to the workers. I don't care how you enjoy life, but if they don't have the money , life is almost impossible, have you thought about it?"

Liu Ming smiled faintly, "It's not that you don't want to pursue the matter, but you have no way to pursue it. As for the arrears of wages to the workers, you don't have to worry about it. Sequoia is no longer your Sequoia, and it's not your turn to take care of things here!"

"Liu Ming, don't go too far!" Shi Zhongming said angrily.

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Ming's mouth, "I'm going too far, what can you do with me? Shi Zhongming, you should understand that you are no longer the general manager of Sequoia!"

"Who said he wasn't!"

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, Xu Dong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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